Super Finding App

Chapter 2053: Get lost (2)

Yang Juan's smile disappeared instantly, and she lowered her head and remained silent.

Cheng Yiping rubbed his temples awkwardly, and he didn't want to say such a heavy word to Yang Juaner, but he was even more clear that it was necessary to suffer constantly.

What's more, he's not a handsome guy at all, OK, now that he is 30 years old, he may be called an uncle in some places.

Yang Juaner is only 20 years old right now. Although the difference of ten years old is not too important to many people, Cheng Yiping already has Zhang Xiaona.

Cheng Yiping is very clear that Zhang Xiaona is willing to associate with herself when she has almost nothing. This is the most important thing for Cheng Yiping. Maybe at that time, although I had a super-hunting app, it wasn't all around.

Under such circumstances, Zhang Xiaona did not abandon herself, but how could Cheng Yiping now give up Zhang Xiaona for other women?

Maybe there are many women in this world who are younger, more beautiful, gentler, more virtuous, and even more bird-like than Zhang Xiaona, but in the heart of Cheng Yiping, Zhang Xiaona is still unique

A woman who is willing to accompany you during your hardest time is the woman who cherishes forever

"Ah, uncle, what are you talking about? Of course I know. I certainly know that you have a girlfriend. I have always regarded you as my uncle."

Just as Yiping was a little overwhelmed, Yang Juan'er suddenly raised his head and showed a bright smile, a pair of beautiful eyes flickered constantly, and a green smile appeared on his face.

Cheng Yiping breathed a long sigh of relief

"That's good, that's good"

Turning his head while talking, he frowned, looking at Lin Hai around, he had some concerns

Professor Lu Renzhang has been here for a long time, can he really be lost?

If it were true, it would be quite troublesome,

"Professor Lu Renzhang, what is going on with Professor Lu Renzhang? We have been here for a long time. Why haven't we found Ghana City yet? Is there really a problem with this map?"

Zhang Dao from the TV station in Jiangzhen City frowned and came over.

He knew very well that although he had flickered the staff of the Jiangzhen TV station setting team, if he really encountered the danger and was lost in the jungle, he would bear the brunt of it. This is definitely not a joke.

"I'm not clear. I've searched carefully, but I found that there are some gaps between this map and the current situation. It seems that after hundreds of years, some changes have occurred in the topography. Now I have some differences as to whether I should go left or right. If I go wrong, I will get farther and farther from Ghana. The consequences are absolutely unimaginable. "

Professor Lu Renzhang said with a frown, and looked up and down the map in his hand, and then exhaled a long breath.

He really has some doubts. Lin Hai looks exactly the same.

"Professor Lu Renzhang, Professor Lu Renzhang, you are a professor of archeology, please don't make fun of me"

Zhang Dao of Jiangzhen TV station wiped the sweat from his forehead and swallowed his saliva

Now the environment they are in is in the depths of the forest. If Professor Lu Renzhang, who works with the TV station in Jiangzhen City, is really lost, maybe everyone will die here. This is absolutely creepy. Thing

"Don't urge, don't urge, haven't you seen the professor looking at it? It does have this map, but this map was copied from six murals. It's completely correct. We don't know at all. In addition, after hundreds of years, the terrain and landforms have changed. It is even more difficult to find them correctly. We can only find the correct path through continuous exploration, and we must proceed carefully and blindly. Is the most important "

"It's true. Think about it. If some accidents that really happen because we are too blind are getting farther and farther from Ghana, or even an accident occurs, what can we do? Things, so we need to be careful "

"Nothing is wrong. All we have to do now is to be careful, to be careful, to be cautious, and to be cautious, even if it is a little delay here, the most important thing is to ensure that we can only be safe. Otherwise, if we go the wrong way , The consequences are absolutely unimaginable "

Professor Lu Renzhang's three trainees talked with each other. Obviously, their faces became quite nervous.

"Don't, don't, of course I know, of course I know, but now everyone has been walking in the forest for almost three days. If I go on like this, I'm afraid you will not be able to bear it. Where is this Ghana city? "

Zhang Dao of Jiangzhen Shishi TV said a little bitterly

He found that he was too underestimated to find Ghana in the forest, although he had a map made up of six murals of Ghana's historic sites.

But really trying to find Ghana is not easy

"I understand, I understand, give me a little bit more time and give me a little bit more time, although now that Lin Hai has changed, the map in my hand is not necessarily 100% correct, but as long as If you reflect each other, you should be able to find the change, you should be able to find the right path and give me a little time. "

Professor Lu Renzhang nodded and said solemnly that he was more worried and nervous than anyone else

"Trouble, trouble, it seems that our trouble is here. Professor Lu Renzhang is really lost. This is really beyond my expectations. I thought he could easily find this city with this map. , It does n’t seem that simple now ”

Li An, who is behind everyone, can be dripping with somber expression

Two or three steps came in front of Cheng Yiping and said word by word

"Mr. Li An is indeed very strange, but it is also expected. After all, there is no one who can guarantee that the map made up of 6 murals is 100% correct, plus hundreds of years have passed, The topography and landforms within Linhai have also undergone subtle changes. It can be said that everything is completely different from before and may not be found 100%. It should be expected. "

Cheng Yiping thought with his head down and said for a moment.

"But I believe that if you give Professor Lu Renzhang a little time, he should be able to figure out the correct way to Ghana."

"That's what it says, but I'm afraid he hasn't found the road to Ghana. We are all lost in the forest now. When Mr. Cheng Yihei now needs your shot, can your Super Hidden App find The road to Ghana! "

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