Super Finding App

Chapter 2054: Finding things (1)

"Can Super Find App find the right place for Ghana?"

Listening to Li An's right to speak, he frowned slightly, he also felt some trouble.

"Mr. Chen, you should be very clear. Now that passerby Zhang has been staying here for three days, we are not sure whether this passerby Zhang is correct. I can find Ghana or say he is lost. It ’s really dangerous for us. After all, within three days, the members of the group that will be officially set up later have started to have some impatience. Even I have some concerns. If you get lost in Ninghai, the consequences are absolutely unthinkable. "

"Mr. Li An, you are absolutely right. In this territorial sea, if you really get lost, it is really unthinkable. After all, Yinhai has a very wide range. Once you enter it, you will feel that you can live out. It ’s very difficult, but when we arrived in Ghana, there was already an artificially opened road to be able to be shocked. But now we are going to the rarely-traveled Ghana city. If we go in the wrong direction, the consequences will be unpredictable.

Chen Yiping nodded slightly, he knows that now he and Li An are almost grasshoppers on a rope. After all, everyone is in this territorial sea, and no one wants to be trapped here.

"Yes, Mr. Chen, you are absolutely right, so I hope you can use the Super Stocks App to find a correct path. I believe that as long as you can find the correct path, you will be able to find Ghana Village."

You ask him why he would agree with Chen Yiping to find Jiang Nanchun's good words, but in fact it is Eason Chan ’s super-dazzling dance app, which can make himself escape the dangerous Ninghai area when necessary.

"If Mr. Ang wants me to look for the name of Ghana, it does have some difficulties. After all, Canadian witnesses and children, I do n’t know what kind of place this permit is, even if it ’s super sensuous using the super panda app. Yang Xumu also needs a lot of faith points. I do n’t have too many faith points now. Of course, if Mr. Li An is looking for ancient Canadian books, then there is no problem at all. Released something that was not valuable in advance, and by looking directly, you can know exactly where this is placed. "

Chen Yiping is very clear what the rules of his Super Vortex APP are, so he is already prepared. If he really gets lost in the forest, by looking for the secret code he has set up, You will be able to leave Linhai and reach Canada by light road. It is estimated that once you enter Canada, you will have it. Fortunately, the rescue team will also rescue early.

"No, no, you can't go on like this, you can't go on like this, it's so hard that everyone is here now. If I leave like this, then I will be too reconciled."

Chen Yiping lowered his head, biting his chin gently, his brain was spinning fast

"Although I don't know what's going on so far, I don't know if there is a bridal shard belonging to my super-learning VB, such as home certificate, but things have developed to such a situation. When I got home, I had a lot of time in the house to take politics, and then I would be able to understand what is going on all this, but what should I do now? "

Chen Yiping walked away from his beautiful pupil and almost became an m shape. He really had some overwhelming.

"The super giant wood app in my hand is really very powerful, but what he can find is fixed items. Even if he finds some unknown items through super-sensibility, he still needs a lot of faith points. In the case of the belief points of the super, the super-sensational searching of the super-hunting app is useless at all "

"If this is the case, what should we do now? Is it really behind the passerby Professor Zhang? Although the passerby Professor Zhang is indeed a professor of archeology, but it is exactly what Li An said, the passerby Zhang The map I have is plain. It is not clear whether the map made up by the Canadian International Bull-Hub Sketch is 100% complete, let alone hundreds of years have passed. Territorial seas have undergone tremendous changes. "If you really only rely on passersby, Professor Zhang's words are still quite dangerous."

"But if you do n’t rely on passersby, what exactly should Professor Zhang do to find Ghana directly? This is simply impossible. Millions of faith points are not what I can get now."

Chen Yiping's eyebrows became more compact, he knew one thing very well, that was to directly find the faith points needed by Ghana City, but having millions of Xinyang points was definitely not something that modern Chen Yiping could take. from

"Chen Yiping, think again. Think about it yourself and see if there are other ways to think about it. Don't forget that we are all in the sea now, and I spent 500,000 to 1 million. You come here for your Super Hidden Object App, which can help us through the difficult times, otherwise let alone 1 million, even if I give you 10 million, if we can't leave this Ninghai, It does n’t do anything at all, it ’s just a bunch of numbers. ”

Li An's face became more and more word by word.

"I see, I see, Mr. Li An, what you said, of course I understand everything, or that sentence, if you are looking for Ghana's estimate, there will be no problem at all, I am in Ghana It is estimated that some things have been placed there. If you look for it directly, it will be foolproof, but if you want to find Ghana City, you must think carefully. After all, I do n’t know what Ghana City is Kind of place "

With regard to the Super Hidden App, Chen Yiping is very clear. There are two types of real Hidden App. The first one is really looking for missing items, which is very important for the lost person.

For Chen Liping, the more useful function of the Super Hidden App is a holographic map. By opening the Super Hidden App, it can know the environment of 4 weeks, the location and the route around it. It can be said that it is a Qing Erchu, to prevent myself from getting lost, coupled with the hyper-perceptual sun-seeking fog, and the role of time reflow, we can fully know what happened after time re-flow. The return of time is even more important than what he calls desensation, but so far, no matter which one is used,

What do you say that you can use hypersensitive pharmacy, I can know where Canada is located by taking goods back in time

Come on, hundreds of years ago!

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