Super Finding App

Chapter 2062: Under the cliff (1)

"What Ghana city is just under this cliff, what's going on? What exactly does he mean?"

There is a word that stirred up the millennial waves, Chen

Cheng Yiping's words suddenly shocked everyone, stunned, everyone was stunned.

After a while, everyone responded.

Li An shook her head and opened her mouth wide.

"Mr. Cheng, what do you mean by this? Are you talking about Ghana City, can it be said that Ghana City is just under this cliff? How is this possible? This is impossible at all"


Li An is an absolute egoist. Hearing Yi Ping's words, originally changed from Cheng Yiping to Mr. Cheng, which shows that his heart is changing.

"That's true, what does Cheng Yiping mean by what you said? What is the meaning of Ghana City under this cliff? It is impossible, and you are too kidding."

Zhang Zhen's head of Jiangzhen City TV station shook his head like a rattle. How could he never imagine that this would happen?

If the city of Ghana is really under the so-called cliffs, it will be a useless result for him.

After all, everyone here has absolutely no courage to climb down the cliff

Once you fall down, you will die.

"Although there are some unlikely, but I'm sorry, one thing must tell you, the Super Find App has never disappointed me, it shows that Ghana City should be under the cliff in front of me."

Cheng Yiping shook his head gently, with a playful expression in his eyes

He also felt a little surprised himself. Compared to himself, he believed in the Super Find App

He believes that the Super Hidden Object App will never deceive him

Never let him down.

"Ghana is under the cliff, it is under the cliff. It is impossible."

"No, no, this is possible, this is possible, this is entirely possible"

"I see, I see, now I fully understand what exactly is displayed on this map"

Professor Lu Renzhang was very excited and took a moment's hold, then immediately reacted.

"Hello everyone, hurry up and look at these maps. Hurry up and look at this map. We have always been wrong about this map. When I came, I turned around in the forest for three days, but now It ’s not that we ca n’t find the right way, because this Ghana city is just below this cliff, and we ca n’t get around in the sea of ​​forests. This is really amazing. No wonder we have n’t Finding the right path, this Ghana city is indeed below the cliff, this map is true "

Professor Lu Renzhang said more and more excited, more and more excited, both eyes were glowing

Obviously, for Professor Lu Renzhang, finding the right Ghana city is the most important thing.

Looking at the maps in his hands were trembling constantly, the maps assembled through the six murals of the Ghana Historical Site were indeed correct.

"Professor Lu is such a thing. I see, it is true. No wonder we have not been able to find the correct way to Ghana. We thought that after six hundred years, six murals of Ghana's monuments have become There are some weathering problems with the map we spelled, so I have not found the correct way to Ghana City. It turned out to be wrong. The road to Ghana City was correct from the beginning, but He couldn't reach it directly, but passed through the cliffs. This is really amazing. If it wasn't for Mr. Cheng to lead the way, I'm afraid we wouldn't have thought of it at all. "

"It is true, it is true. This is indeed a very surprising thing, far beyond our expectations. Who can think that the direction to Ghana will be under the so-called cliffs? , This is really creepy. "

"Is it true? It's true? It's too weird if this is the case. What kind of people can you say have the strength to build this city of Ghana on the so-called cliff? How much power and material resources do you need under the cliff? "

"I do n’t know, I do n’t know, we do n’t know how much manpower and material resources are needed. This is a thing you never imagined, but it also shows that Ghana City was definitely not simple hundreds of years ago, otherwise Then it will never happen now "

"" Without a certain amount of strength, it is impossible to do such a thing, and it is impossible to build the so-called Ghana city under the cliff. This is really too surprising. "

"It's amazing, it's really amazing, but there is one sentence that is completely correct. If this time is not the so-called Mr. Cheng, Cheng Yiping's Super Hidden App, I'm afraid we will not Knowing that Ghana's location would be below the cliffs and cliffs "

Three students of Professor Lu Renzhang, you talked with me in a whispered expression, with an excited look on your face

Compared to other people who were surprised to find this city of Ghana, they felt more surprised that the place where the city of Ghana was established turned out to be below the cliff.

"What, what, Professor Lu, are you telling the truth? Is it true that what Cheng Yiping said is true, this Ghanaian city is really just below this cliff?"

Zhang Zhen of Jiangzhen City TV station said with gritted teeth, his face was astonished.

Can't believe it

Looking up, looking at the continuous sea of ​​forests around, is really stunned.

The cliffs look quite dangerous and abnormal, but who can imagine that in this case, the Ghanaian city is really built under the so-called cliffs?

If no one is leading the way, I am afraid that killing them is an absolutely impossible existence.

"I see, I see, I understand now, I have some understanding, why no one can find Ghana for so many years. It turned out that its hidden location would be so hidden, which is indeed true. Beyond our expectations "

"It's true, it's true. The hidden place in Ghana is below the cliff. Even with the map, if you don't have guidance from someone familiar, I'm afraid it will become quite wanting to find this place. Difficulties, this time we really have to thank Mr. Cheng Heisei, otherwise we ca n’t really find this Ghanaian city. "

Professor Lu Renzhang often exhaled, with an excited expression in his eyes, looked up at Cheng Yiping and said excitedly.

"Mr. Cheng, you are really amazing"

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