Super Finding App

Chapter 2063: Under the cliff (2)

Deep in the forest, on top of a cliff.

"What, how is this possible? What is going on here? What is going on? What exactly did Professor Lu Renzhang say that the path led by Yiping is correct, and even said that the path is real? How is this possible? It would be too surprising and strange that something like this would happen. "

"It is indeed so, it is really very surprising and weird. This is too incredible. The path chosen by Cheng Yiping is the right one. They are actually under the cliffs of Ghana. There is such a nonsense thing, this is too much nonsense, how could this happen? "

"How could Ghana City be under this cliff? This is simply unrealistic."

"Not necessarily, not necessarily. This is possible. This is entirely possible. Ghosts know exactly what happened in the past. In ancient times, some tombs liked these wilderness areas or cliffs very much. A city is built below, and I think this is still completely possible "

"Can it be said that Ghana City is really just below this cliff?"

"This is really too surprising, but I think this should also be correct. If you think about it, Professor Lu Renzhang has already acknowledged that Mr. Cheng's path is correct, then this should be correct, should not Would be wrong "

"Weird, weird, this is too surprising, isn't it that the Super Hidden Object App is so amazing and really effective?"

"Let ’s just say it, I ’ll say it, I ’ll say that this super finder app must be effective and definitely correct. You still do n’t believe it one by one, you all believe it now, and now you know what I say is Right. "

"" P is done, don't say these things here. If you poke horses back, who didn't know you were the most fierce opposition just now, don't you think it's too ridiculous to say it now? "

"I was confused for a while, I was confused for a while, but I absolutely believed in Yiping. No, to be precise, I absolutely believe in the Super Find App, that is a very magical existence."

"Okay, okay, do n’t talk about these again, you say what ’s the use, what use is it okay, you have n’t thought about it, even if you find a place in Ghana, here it is on the cliff Below, do you think we have a way to get under this cliff? Or do you want to climb the cliff? Don't be kidding, if you fall off the cliff without paying attention, it will definitely die, we do n’t need to be here Let's die! "

"Yes, that's right, what's going on under the cliff? We can't really just wait to die like this, we don't want to die yet, I don't want to climb the cliff."

"Yes, yes, I don't want to climb the cliff, nor do I want to climb the cliff, but I have fear of heights"

The members of the production team within the Jiangzhen TV station talked and talked.

Obviously, their attitude has changed 180 degrees.

But even so, they all looked hesitant. After all, they had to climb down the cliffs at an altitude of 10,000 meters without any guts. It may be really dangerous and frightening.

Everyone was talking in chatter, and their faces became a little ugly.

"How, how, what I said was correct, what I said was right, I knew that Uncle Cheng would never deceive us, and he promised that I would be able to do it."

Uncle Cheng didn't lead the wrong way, Ghana City really is right below this cliff. "

Yang Juaner showed a bright smile. This smile was so bright that what Cheng Yiping said was correct.

But the place where Ghana appears is below this cliff.

It is definitely not easy to keep going.

"Okay, okay, Yang Juan's confession is indeed our negligence, and it is indeed we misunderstood Cheng Yiping. He is very powerful, but you haven't thought about it, even if you can find Ghana City now, look at This is under the cliff. It is of no use to us. Can we still climb down the cliff? I don't think it is possible at all. "

Looking at Yang Juaner who was very excited in front of her, Wang Yaner shook her head gently, revealing a hesitant look.

Seeing the current situation, if I continue to talk to Yang Juaner, it is estimated that it will have no effect.

Looking at Yang Juaner, whose eyes are now glowing, Wang Yaner knew that Yang Juaner was now in a surprise, and she had been captured by Cheng Yiping completely.

"Great, amazing, I really didn't expect that Cheng Yiping really found the place of Ghana, and we really did wrong him, but then again, even if we find it, what can we do? Under the cliffs "

"What a joke, do you want us to climb a cliff? Anyway, I definitely don't want to climb a cliff."

Shen Xiangrui shook his head heavily, at this moment he had some regrets, and exhaled a long breath

"If we had known that the development of things would become what it is now. At the beginning, we should not have taken the announcement of this archeological reality show. Where can it be called an archeological reality show, it is like becoming It was a big adventure, and it was a very easy one. "

"It's true. The development of things is completely unexpected, but we still have to think about what to do. After all, we have already reached the depths of this forest. Even if we want to go back, we must go back with the big troops Otherwise, it ’s just because we two want to get out of this forest, do you think it ’s realistic? ”

Wang Yaner shook her head gently, exhaled a long breath, and showed a bitter smile

The question she wanted was more practical

"No, no, Wang Wanger. If you say what you said, aren't we forced into Liangshan? We have no room for remorse."

Shen Xiangrui's eyes widened, which was a problem he had never thought of.

Now suddenly remembered that is really the case.

If Zhang Zhen and Cheng Yiping of Jiangzhen City TV Station are unwilling to go back, relying on their two celebrities to get out of the forest, it is simply a matter of ascension and death.

Impractical at all.

After all, they are stars, and they do n’t have the ability to survive in the wild.

Once you leave the team, do n’t say walking in the forest, whether you can survive safely is a question

There really is a feeling of being forced to Liangshan.

"Enough, enough, don't discuss these anymore, the problem we are thinking is not so serious now, and don't forget that on this cliff and cliff, there is Jiangzhen City besides us in this forest. Many members of the television station's film crew may not be willing to enter the depths of Lin Hai "

"Do you think they are willing to climb this magnificent cliff?"

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