Super Finding App

Chapter 2065: Ghana City (2)

"Since Cheng Yiping can find Ghana City, he can have the Super Hidden App to take us out of the forest. There should be no problem at all. Do n’t forget that the Super Hidden App can find any items, and it can also let us in Lin Haizhi. Don't get lost in the middle, follow Yang Juaner, follow Cheng Yiping, we can safely leave here! "

Wang Yaner said, raising his head, word by word.

She is the kind of person who likes to use strength very much. Since she is not capable enough, she can use other people's ability to accomplish her goals.

Cheng Yiping naturally didn't know that he had become a target of concern. Now he squatted on the edge of a cliff, looking down to the abyss of the mandible. He couldn't help but hit one. shiver


This ten thousand-foot cliff is really quite deep. If it falls, it will definitely die. God knows how the previous Ghana city could be built under the upper cliff.

Cheng Yiping thought and shook his head, swallowing his own saliva

After all this cliff is really dangerous

It ’s not easy to keep going

"Mr. Cheng, what should we do now? The bottom of this cliff is quite dangerous, and if we look around, we don't find the direction to the bottom, nor the road to the cliff. What should we do next? If there is really no It ’s useless to us to get under the cliff. ”

Professor Lu Renzhang's face became abnormally dignified. Obviously for him, if there is no way to reach the bottom of the cliff, this is absolutely impossible, and it is also something that he simply cannot accept.

"That's true, Mr. Cheng, if your Super Hidden Object app is so amazing, can it be found, can it help us find the way to Ghana, and it won't really make us jump off the cliff? If you really want to jump off the cliff, it is a matter of no doubt. "

Zhang Dao of the Jiangzhen City TV station swallowed his saliva, and a dignified look appeared in his eyes.

He did not expect that the development of things would turn out to be this way, which is really something unexpected to everyone.

After all, they were able to reach this cliff. If they return empty-handed like this, they will really feel uncomfortable with Zhang Dao of Jiangzhen TV Station.

"It's true. We think there should be a way to the bottom. The ancients were very clever. After all, even if the ancients were stupid, they would not be able to jump down this cliff and build the city of Ghana. This is simply impossible. Things "

"Yes, yes, this is really impossible, not to mention that since it is Ghana, it should be a city. Since it is a city, there should be a lot of people in it, and there may not be any road."

"It's true. It's true. Think about it. If it's just because of the mausoleum, it might still be possible. After the construction, there will be no road to seal the road. Anyone is forbidden to enter it and disturb the mausoleum. The sleep of people in the middle, but if it is not the tomb but the so-called city, then I think it should not be the case. If it is a city, there should be a road, there should be a passage that can go down. "

"I agree with this statement, and I completely agree with this statement. If there is one, it is only after many years and hundreds of years that it may have passed. It is possible that all roads have been closed. There is no way to figure out such a thing and such a situation, but I believe that as long as we look carefully, we should be able to have "

The three students of Professor Lu Renzhang talked about me and I was very excited.

Obviously for them, they also know very well that if they really find Ghana, it is also very important for them.

"Mr. Cheng, they do have some truth, so I really want to ask what is going on here. Now that you have found Ghana, have you entered Ghana through this cliff head? City way? "

Li An looked at Cheng Yiping

For him now, he can only rest his hope on Cheng Yiping.

After all, only they want to find the way to the bottom of the cliff.

"I see. The Super Hidden Object app is not a panacea. I'll study it again and see if I can find the way to Ghana City under the cliff."

I want it too

I certainly want to find the way to Ghana

But not that simple

Cheng Yiping shook his head with a bitter smile. After hundreds of years, the road under the cliff may have been covered by weeds.

Finding something is not easy

The only thing Cheng Yiping can do is to lower his head, look at the terrain of the Super Finder app in his mind and the terrain of the Super Finder app in the mobile phone, and explore it little by little, hoping to find the location of the terrain.

"No, this is absolutely not possible. Today's daily objects are only displayed in 2D. The maps shown to me are all bushes. I don't know what will be under the bushes. In this case, it seems that we need to continue to look for and continue to study carefully, hoping that the road through these bushes can find the correct way to Ghana. "

Cheng Yiping frowned. The daily search of the Super Search App believes that the search is just a 2d flat map. If you really want to find the correct path in the bush, there are indeed some difficulties.

After all, the shape that can only be seen from the map, even if there is a so-called terrain, it is impossible to see clearly.

"No, this is absolutely not possible. If it is a super-sensational object, it can form a 3d map like the real scene. I can walk in it, and I can know what the road is and where in the bush Can walk, which ones cannot. "

"The main thing is that even if you cross the ground, it is completely possible, but daily object finding is not possible. Daily object finding is only a 2d map, which only indicates the direction. For people on the map, Although the thing can be seen, it can't know the specific situation! "

"Super Hidden Object Finding

"It seems that I must also perform a super-sensory search to find the right direction to Ghana and the way to the cliffs."

Cheng Yiping is very clear, the 2d map and the 3d map are completely different

Although they are all exactly the same from the plane, if you really want to find the way in them, it is completely different.

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