Super Finding App

Chapter 2066: Hug

"Let's talk about it, is there really a way to bring us to the bottom of this cliff and enter this city of Ghana? I think it's a little overwhelming."

"It's definitely hanging. If you think about how good this level is, he is not a good climber. This Ghana city is at the bottom of this cliff. What should we do next? No ropes. Then put it down and let us climb down the rope. This is impossible. If this is the case, I will be the first to oppose it, but I will strongly protest. "

"Nonsense, nonsense, if that's the case, don't say you protest, we will definitely protest, who dares to do such a thing, do you really think you are making a movie? Get a rope and then you It's impossible to climb down a cliff. It's very dangerous. If you don't make it, you have to finish it. "

The people in the film crew of Jiangzhen City TV chatted while they were busy.

Obviously, they are also very worried and frightened, and do not know what kind of development should happen next.

After all, in the final analysis, they are just the staff in the TV station in Jiangzhen City, but they are not professional climbing staff.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. Do n’t forget that there are so many facilities besides us all here, if you say, it is climbing down the cliff through the rope, so many What about the equipment? Is it all thrown here? If this is the case, it is a very dangerous thing, it is really creepy. "

"So many equipment, if the rope is not strong enough, if it snaps, the machine will be destroyed."

"Yes, that's right. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. You don't want to think about it. If the machine is destroyed, you will lose some money. But if you die, it will be truly over. If the rope breaks, all of us will die. This is really a creepy thing. "

"That's right, that's right. Anyway, for us, I have only one idea, that is, we must never climb this cliff. We will never go anyway, whoever wants to go Go, I will never go, after all, our little life has only one such dangerous thing, who can do it? "

"Okay, do n’t say that. I do n’t think we are saying it too much. Think about it. Since this is a balance, Mr. Cheng can have a super finder app and find Ghana City. Maybe he can also use Super The finder app can find the right way to Ghana, I think it is still possible. "

One of the staff members of the Jiangzhen film crew said carefully, crooked his head

"I'm afraid it's not necessarily. Although there is a super finder app, but don't forget it. This super finder app is not 100% capable. I heard that this super finder app is looking for Ghana City. , He can find Ghana City, which does not mean that he can find the way to Ghana City, after all, if the Super Find App shows that Ghana City is below the cliffs, what can we do? In the end, does it really jump like this? ?"

"This is the same, this is the same, wait and see, wait and see, I believe that Zhang Dao of Jiangzhen City must be able to have a solution. Anyway, we should not make fun of our lives."

"I believe this, but we can't trust 100% of Zhang Dao of Jiangzhen City TV Station. You can see that Zhang Dao of Jiangzhen City TV Station once asked us to find out What kind of words have he said and his current expression and attitude, conservatively, if he can do everything in order to reach Ghana, I think we are better on our own, after all, there is only one small life, even if It ’s just giving us more money. If we do n’t have the money to spend it, it ’s just a bunch of blank paper. ”

"Yes, yes, this sentence is completely correct, let's discuss what we should do next? Don't always rely on Zhang Zhen, the TV station of Jiangzhen City, otherwise they may be sold by them. Dropped, I do n’t know what will happen "

Members of the Jiangzhen Television Group, you talked with me

They gradually divided into several groups and talked to each other. Obviously, they also clearly felt that if they want to live in the forest, they must rely on themselves, instead of just listening to Jiang Zhen City TV Station. Human words.

I am afraid that at this time, Zhang Dao of Jiangzhen City TV Station did not find that his guiding power and leadership of the entire team were gradually being lost.

At this moment, his eyes stared at Cheng Yiping, inexplicable.

"Mr. Cheng, Mr. Cheng, you must find the way to the bottom of the cliff, and you must find the way to Ghana. We must not go home empty-handed. Since we have found the way to Ghana, Then you have to go home, you have to enter Ghana. "

Obviously for Director Zhang of Jiangzhen City TV Station, entering Ghana City is his most important thing.

"Uncle, uncle, how about it? Can you really reach Ghana? I think if you really ca n’t reach Ghana, then we can go back. After all, life is the most important thing, and I look at the cliffs really It ’s tall and tall, very dangerous. If we just go on like this, it will die. If we ca n’t find us, go back. ”

The pure Yang Juan first came to the lower part of the cliff carefully, looked out, looked at the abyss below, swallowed his own saliva, and then walked to Cheng Yiping and said

He really has some concerns now

"Going back, it's not impossible to say it, but now we have all found this Ghana city, just below the cliff. Don't you feel very uncomfortable if you go back like this?"

Cheng Yiping lowered his head funnyly and looked at Yang Juaner in front of him and asked.

After all, for Yang Juaner, she is a star. If she finds such a major historical relic as Ghana City on her archeological reality show, she can definitely have a breaking point, maybe it will increase their reputation.

Under such circumstances, Yang Juan'er was willing to go back so obediently. Doesn't she want to be famous?

"Not willing? Is there anything unwilling to do? After all, the world is big, our own small life is the biggest, and just looked at the cliffs, which are really very dangerous. Compared to finding Ghana, I feel like living Going on is the most important thing. "

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