Super Finding App

Chapter 2067: Watch

"No, no, Yang Yangjuan, this Miss Yang can't say the same thing. Ghana City is probably not important to your stars, but for Professor Lu Renzhang, it is very important to us. It's absolutely impossible to just go back empty-handed! "

Li An came over from the side, and his face was somber that he could drip water. He looked at Yang Juaner like an eagle, as if he wanted to see Yang Juaner through.

Yang Juan, who was so scared with such aggressive eyes, hid behind Cheng Yiping, revealing her small face.

She didn't know why the man in front of her felt so scared, like a wild beast.

"Mr. Li, rest assured, I will go all out to collect your money. As long as I can find a way to Ghana, I will naturally help you find it."

Cheng Yiping laughed and kept Yang Juan behind him.

He was very clear. The reason Li An's opinion on Yang Juaner became so great was that Yang Juaner persuaded himself to leave here quickly and not to look for Ghana again.

But it is imperative for Ang Lee to find Ghana

Looking at the current situation of Li An, Cheng Yiping estimates that if there is really no way, it is really possible for Li An to get a rope and climb down this cliff.

This also shows that Li An's decisive decisiveness

If someone really threatens him to go to Ghana, I am afraid it will be solved!

"I see, but Mr. Cheng, I also hope that you can find the way to Ghana City under the cliff as soon as possible, after all, we have stayed here for too long."

Li An's eyes took a deep look at Yang Juaner, then looked at Cheng Yiping, and nodded.

"Uncle, uncle, it really scared me to death. Why did he feel so scary, did I offend him somewhere?"

Yang Juaner vomited her tongue and said carefully

She really had some doubts and puzzlements, and didn't know where she had offended Li An, and her expression was so scary.

"It's okay, he's just a little worried."

Cheng Yiping nodded slightly, his eyes fell on Yang Juan's body and said

"You don't have to worry. As for the way to Ghana, I now have some ideas. If my thoughts and guesses are correct, then I should be able to find the way to Ghana, and I should be able to find this exactly Cliff cliff road to Ghana "

"Really? Uncle, I believe you uncle, I believe you, I know you will succeed, uncle, I will believe whatever you say"

Yang Juaner smiled brightly

Alright alright

Although it is said that someone who believes in himself is so lucky

But then again, I have a girlfriend

Cheng Yiping shook his head with a bitter smile, turned his head, and left the love here forever

He knows that there are already some cranks thinking about this now

The main thing is to find the way to Ghana City. How can I get from below the cliff to Ghana City!

For this, Cheng Yiping has his own plans

After thinking about it, he lifted his left wrist directly and took off a watch from his left wrist.

This is an ordinary watch. It has no special meaning and value. It is just a hundred-dollar watch.

After thinking about it, Cheng Yiping took the watch directly in his hand, weighed it a few times, and then waved his hand, throwing the watch immediately under the cliff.

The watch fell free quickly and quickly disappeared into the depths of the cliff.

"Uncle Uncle, what on earth are you doing? What are you doing to throw your watch under a cliff?"

Yang Juaner was surprised to see Cheng Yiping throw his watch under the cliff and felt very strange.

Does it mean that uncle doesn't like this watch?

"Of course to find cliffs leading to Ghana"

Cheng Yiping showed a bright smile

Since the daily search of the Super Finder app can not find the cliffs and roads leading to Ghana City, then the only way to think of it is to belong to the Super Sense Finder.

Although Cheng Yiping does not know where Ghana City is under this cliff, but since it is below this cliff, as long as you find the road leading to the cliff

And this watch is what Cheng Yiping is looking for

When this watch falls freely under the cliff, Cheng Yiping can find him with Super Hidden Object, although he can use daily object finding

But looking at the situation of daily object hunting, I am afraid that it will only show the position of the object on the map. How to find it still needs to go by myself. Even if it is found, it is on this cliff

And the map of how to get to the daily objects below the cliffs cannot be seen at all.

Therefore, the only method that can be used is super-sensing. Using the super-sensing search of the super-hunting app can find the watch that Cheng Yiping throws off the cliff.

And with this watch, you can turn on the super-sense finding of the super-hunting app!

By that time, Cheng Yiping would be able to appear on the cliff as a soul clone, and he would be able to find the way to the city of Ghana as if he was walking flat.

After all, for Cheng Yiping, so far, he still has no idea what kind of objects are under the cliff, so he can't use super-sense to find things!

Accurately speaking, Yiping can not use the Super Finder to find Ghana City directly.

After all, Ghana City needs millions of faith points once it is searched, which is definitely an astronomical number for Cheng Yiping

In contrast, it is estimated that this watch only needs a few points of faith in the Super Find App, which can be said to be quite small.

And with this watch, you can find the way to the cliff.

This is the so-called curve to save the country

[Super Finding App is open]

[Super Finding App Faith Finding is Opening]

[Super Finding App Finding Finding Faith]

[Super Finding App Super Feeling Faith Finding Connection]

[Please find the object to find objects: watches]

[Faith points need to be paid. Is 10 paid? 】


[Super Finding App Connected]

next moment

In the mind of Cheng Yiping, the Super Finding App changed instantly. The original starry sky and the deep and distant one-eye pupil kept turning. The explosion like fireworks turned into a colorful channel

The soul was standing quietly at the door of the colorful aisle, then turned around and slowly entered the seven aisles.

next moment

Cheng Yiping's avatar is in a vast and infinite universe, with a blue planet in front of him.

And the attraction created on this planet instantly sucked the soul into it.

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