Super Finding App

Chapter 2068: Road (1)


Cheng Yiping's soul avatar instantly passed through the sea of ​​clouds to fall into the earth, and the sea of ​​clouds around him was constantly falling.

In front of his eyes, a large area of ​​Lin Hai appeared.

And the most central destination is standing in the depths of the forest and the flat body above the cliff.

next moment

The soul is floating quietly in the sky above the forest, seeing everything around

"Yang Juaner, what kind of thing is Mr. Cheng doing? Doesn't he mean to find the way to Ghana city? To be precise, he wants to find how to get down from this cliff to Ghana city under the cliff. He Why did he just stand there and move his watch under the cliff? Does he want to use the speed of the watch to drop down to see how deep this cliff is? If so, there is nothing at all. significance"

Wang Linger showed her graceful figure at a glance, even in adventurous clothes

He is very clear about the situation he is in now. He really has some dilemmas and wants to refuse to return to Canghai City, but in the depths of this forest, they have not been able to leave the Gimhae to return to Canghai City safely.

The only thing that can be done is to follow the large troops, but if they really risked jumping into the cliffs, then it is simply impossible, and only a perfect method can be found.

"That's true, don't you say that Yang Cheng'er will protect you? Isn't it true that he is very powerful? Since that's the case, what we want to know is whether he can take us safely out of the forest, In other words, can we safely find a way out of this cliff to reach Ghana city, if there is really no way to reach Ghana city, let us leave this forest. "

"It is the most important thing to return to Canghai City. After all, there is hope for people to live. If there is a problem in the forest, then it will be really troublesome, but it can really be called that every day should not be called insane. "

Apparently, Shen Xiangrui has played a retreat, but as Wang Yaner considered, he clearly knew that he had no ability to leave alone in Lin Hai.

And hope to be able to persuade him to leave here only through "Yang Juaner will Cheng Yiping

After all, Cheng Yiping owns a super-hunting app

"I know, I know, I just told this to Uncle Cheng, but Uncle Cheng said he has a way to find the way to the city of Ghana under the cliff, we just have to wait for a while, I believe in Uncle Cheng There must be a way. "

Yang Juaner nodded heavily, saying word by word

Obviously she has absolute confidence in Cheng Yiping

"Okay, okay, I'm not disbelieving Cheng Yiping, but I feel that there are really some things overwhelmed by the development of things, and some people really don't know what to do."

Shen Xiangrui had some discomfort after listening, and exhaled a long breath.

"This super finder app can be said to be one of us. In fact, I just used the super finder app. If I want to find Canghai City, I can really find Canghai City. Just follow the road, but But it needs more than 40 points for belief points, but I do n’t have any belief points at all. If I had known this already, I should have saved a few belief points at the beginning. Now I do n’t have a super-find app but it ’s impossible to use. It's so depressing. "

Shen Xiangrui said something annoyed

He vowed that if he really has the use of the Super Hidden App, if he can have the faith points to find the correct way to Canghai, then he will definitely turn around and leave here immediately, and use the Super Hidden App to leave this Ninghai. Back to Canghai

But in fact, his faith points are not enough.

"Shen Xiangrui's statement is completely correct. In fact, we do n’t have enough faith points for this super-hunting app. I also asked some other members of the Jiangzhen TV station's film crew. Their faith points are not enough. It ’s a pity that the Super Super Hidden Object app ca n’t transfer the faith points. If you can, you can gather the beliefs of all people and you can find the way to Canghai City. You can leave this forest. But, unfortunately, It ’s too frustrating to be able to transfer "

Wang Yaner shook her head heavily, her face became a little tangled.

"This is indeed the case. This super finder app is too weird. We ca n’t transfer the faith points. If we can transfer the faith points, so many of us, as long as we have only one or two points of faith Enough to find a super-find app, find a way to Canghai, and get out of this forest. This is really strange. This is not fair at all, and it is not logical at all. "

Shen Xiangrui gritted his teeth and made a crunching sound

From the beginning, he has thought about this idea. If everyone's belief points can be transferred, everyone can get together and absolutely can use the Super Find App to leave the boundless forest without being trapped in it.

"Okay, do n’t say these. Now it ’s useful to say that these are useless at all, but Yang Juaner, we can all rely on you. Can Mr. Cheng be able to find the way to Ghana? Can you find a way out of this cliff to Ghana? If not, I think you should persuade Mr. Cheng again or take us away. After this failure, after all, we I can come again next time. I can bring enough equipment and manpower instead of staying in the forest without a bar. "

"After all, this time the archeological reality show we participated in started with Ghana's monuments, not looking for Ghana City."

Obviously Wang Yaner is still patiently persuading Yang Juaner

She knew very well that if she waited for Yiping to find one, she would have no effect. But since Yang Juan's relationship with Cheng Yiping is so good

It would be safer for Yang Juaner to persuade him

"I understand, I understand what the two of you said, of course I understand very well, and I know what it means, but Mr. Cheng, Uncle Cheng said that he had a way, I think we are still waiting for a moment, I believe Uncle Cheng will never deceive us, and Uncle Cheng will definitely not harm us. "

Yang Juaner tilted her head, she still believed in Cheng Yiping

"Okay, okay, since Yang Juaner believes in Chen Yiping's words so much, then I hope what you say is true, I hope this will be leveled, and Mr. Cheng can really take us out of here and out of here safely. Lin Hai "

Wang Yaner shook her head with a bitter smile, raised her eyes, and looked around at the endless clouds of sea gritting her teeth.

He is convinced that if there is any further announcement in the future, such a draft must not be accepted.

After all, if there is no fire, you can find other opportunities, but if you die, then you are finished.

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