Super Finding App

Chapter 2092: Legend (1)

Li An's face became abnormally dignified and ugly, gritted his teeth

He is really quite dissatisfied, but he knows one thing more clearly. Under the current situation, if the vast majority of people really disagree, even Professor Lu Renzhang disagrees, he really is There is no way to think

Unless he is looking for the temple alone, but if that is the case, then it is really a very dangerous thing.

After all, he didn't know exactly where the temple was located.

Therefore, Li An is very clear that even if he is dissatisfied, he can only swallow all the dissatisfaction into his belly.

At least now it is not suitable for disputes and turning around with the crew of the Jiangzhen TV station crew and others.

After all, he still needs to be able to stay in Ghana by relying on other talents before he can find the real temple.

He needs other methods.

"That's good, this is good, as long as Zhang Dao doesn't let us run to other places and go to find the temple again, we have no problem at all. After all, now we have found Ghana City, as long as We are planning to shoot in Ghana. If the show is on fire, we can get more money. "

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, Zhang Dao, we are not saying that we do not want money, nor do we want to do work, but we are really very scared. After all, where we are now Lin Hai is completely in the depths of the Lin Hai. It is quite dangerous. What is our basic situation in this Lin Hai? It is already difficult to enter Ghana today. In addition, if If you go to other places, that ’s a very dangerous thing. We do n’t have any certainty. In this case, we still have to be careful. The most important thing is, as the saying goes, be careful Can make the ship of the year

"That's right, that's right, Mr. Zhang, if you really want to find this temple, I want to find a special archeologist for archeological excavation after waiting. This is the most important thing, and in this case now In the meantime, we are still shooting the archeological reality show steadily. I don't think this is the most important thing. "

"That's right. There's nothing wrong with it. It's the most important thing to complete the archeological reality show. As for the so-called temple, this is the archeologist's business. There is nothing to do with us. relationship"

The crowd from the TV crew of Jiangzhen City shouted, but it was a long sigh of relief, at least don't worry about going to the forest to find what is called a temple

God knows exactly where this **** temple is hiding

They really have some panic and fear

Director Zhang of Jiangzhen City Television also breathed a long sigh of relief, thinking about it for a while, feeling that this is really the truth.

After all, Ghana City has been found, which is a very lucky thing.

Under such circumstances, if you go to find a so-called temple, it is very bad if you really encounter danger.

And Zhang Dao of Jiangzhen City TV Station suddenly found out that if the archaeological reality show is really hot this time, then looking for the temple can become the second season of the archaeological reality show.

Become the content of the archeological reality show of the second season, think about it is really that exciting thing

Good materials ca n’t be used up in the first season all at once. When I think of Zhang Dao, his eyes light up immediately.

He thinks it ’s a good thing not to search now.

After all, it's enough to do a season show in Ghana

This temple stays in season 2

Thinking of his long looseness here, as long as the Ghana city has been thoroughly investigated, the archeological reality show can be filmed.

It can be said that the guides of Jiangzhen TV Station and the three stars and the crew of Jiangzhen TV Station have reached a consensus.

Regarding the so-called eye of the **** under this statue, the so-called temple does not seek at all, after all, it is a troublesome task.

"Abominable, abominable, I really didn't expect to shrink back in the end, or I really didn't expect to have a so-called temple. What's going on?"

"Have you really checked? There are no temples in this city of Ghana?"

At the gate of Ghana City, during lunch, Li An summoned a minority man, Sun Boyuan, and his two men, and gritted his teeth.

You can drip water even if you have a dull face

"No, we have searched all of Ghana during this week, but we have n’t found any so-called temples. If there are so-called temples, they should look like temples, but We really did not see any temples, which is really quite strange. "

Minority man Sun Boyuan frowned

Within a week, he could check Ghana over and over again.

But heaven and earth conscience

Didn't really find the temple

After all, if there is at least one temple in the temple, everyone can see it, but now there is really nothing here.

"Abominable, abominable, what the **** is going on? Do we have worked hard for a long time and finally returned empty-handed? If this is the case, I am absolutely unwilling and this is absolutely impossible "

Li An gritted his teeth and said, his face was somber that he could drip water, turned his head, his eyes became pale and he asked, word by word.

"Mr. Cheng, how about you, can you help me find the temple? I know this is really difficult for some strong men, but we have no way now, I think if Mr. Cheng you can find this temple, pay This is a matter of no problem at all, and we can agree to any request you have. "

Li An is now pinning all her hopes on Cheng Yiping

He believes that if Mr. Cheng can find the so-called temple, they will also be able to enter the temple and have a chance to come back.

Cheng Yiping's eyes flashed light, pretending to shake his head, and exhaled a long breath

"Mr. Li An, that ’s what it says, but you have n’t thought about it. First of all, we do n’t know what this temple looks like. It really can be used as a temple. Do you think it ’s just us? A lot of material and equipment. Without all this, we would all die in this forest. "

"This is okay. There is no problem at all. Adequate equipment and supplies are no problem for me. I can buy all of them. The main thing is that we must know what the temple is in. Place, that's what matters "

"Mr. Cheng, can you find where the temple is?"

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