Super Finding App

Chapter 2093: Legend (1)

"I need items. I need any items about the temple, or photos and pictures of the temple. Only then can I use the Super Find App to find out exactly where the temple is. Otherwise, it ’s a piece. Quite difficult "

Cheng Yiping hesitated for a moment, and said, the flashing light in his eyes

He knows better than Ang

This temple Li An wants to go, he naturally also wants to go

But now that it ’s Li An who is willing to take the lead, Cheng Yiping will naturally be happy and let the most difficult thing be done to Li An.

"Items, items, hell, if I could really own the items in the temple, would I still need to come here to find the temple?"

Li An gritted his teeth and said, his face even had some dignity and lowness.

But he knew that what Cheng Yiping said was correct

After all, leveling from the beginning told him that the Super Hidden Object app is not a so-called artifact, he should know what the looking item looks like

If you do n’t even know what you are looking for, how do you find it?

There is no way to find

The thought of Li An's somber face here can drip water

Is there really no way to find the temple?

"Wait, wait, Mr. Li, I don't think we are thinking too much about it. We were all at first sure whether the temple was outside or inside Ghana, so there were so many concerns. But if this temple is really in Ghana, then if it is, then it is not a very simple thing for us? It does not need to be so complicated. "

Sun Boyuan, a minority man, has inexplicable brilliance.

"Impossible, impossible, this is simply impossible. The inscription clearly says that Ghana City has no eyes or artifacts in the so-called temple. Since it is a temple, it must be enshrined. God, but if you look at the entire city of Ghana, there is an altar, and there is no temple, then it can be inferred that this temple should be somewhere outside Ghana, not Ghana. "

"You now say that this temple may be in this city of Ghana. How do you think this is a very strange and impossible thing?"

A bodyguard frowned, saying verbatim.

He feels that this is indeed something unlikely

"Wait, wait, why do you say that? Since you say so, do you have any thoughts or reasons? You can say it"

Li An's eyes lit up suddenly, and he couldn't wait to ask

Obviously, for him, as long as there is any hope, he will never give up.

Sun Boyuan nodded heavily and said

"Mr. Li, you also know that I am a minority tribe. Our village is now waiting for Ghana. There are also some legends. I remember a legend circulating in our village. I did n’t understand it before. Now maybe Can understand that this may have something to do with the temple "

Sun Boyuan looked up and his face became abnormally dignified and excited.

"Really? Really? What is the legend? Hurry up and say it"

Really there is no doubt about the mountains and rivers.

Li An had already had some despair, and even gave up completely.

However, I did not expect that there was no doubt about the mountains and rivers, and the situation in another village, Liu An Hua Ming, could not wait to ask.

The minority man Sun Boyuan nodded, showing a hesitant look, raising his head and saying one word at a time.

"This legend is a ballad, and the lyrics are beyond memorable, but the main thing is that when the full moon falls on the night, the moonlight shines on love and the gods are about to fall."

When the full moon falls, the moonlight shines on love, the gods are about to fall?

What exactly does this sentence mean?

"What is love? It's a **** again. We can understand the first sentence, that is, the moonlight shines at the full moon, but it is impossible to understand what it is about love, and the so-called **** is What? What does this mean? "

"Did you say that some of the legends in your village have gradually spread through the centuries and have been completely tampered with?"

After thinking about it for a long time, Li An really couldn't figure out what was going on. Some of them didn't understand.

"This is impossible. This long-standing legend has always been written down in spoken and written language by generations to generations, and there should be nothing wrong with it."

"It's just that I don't know what's going on so far. The legend just says that by doing so, we can usher in the gods.‘ ‘

Sun Boyuan, a minority man, frowned, saying word by word.

Honestly, in their village, legends like this are expressed in the form of fairy tales

He really didn't take it seriously

But now think about it, maybe the legend really exists, and it has other meanings.

"Hate, this is the situation I hate most. I can't say anything clearly, say half and stay half, and even make people feel very uncomfortable."

Li An frowned and gritted his teeth.

Seems to have some irritability

"Calm down, Mr. Li, no matter what, now we have at least some clues. The so-called deities come, if you apply the historical records of the inscriptions inferred by Professor Lu Renzhang in Ghana, it may be the so-called eyes of God. If that's the case, then all we have to do now is to wait. "

Cheng Yiping said, raising his head, word by word.


Li An froze for a moment, then his eyes suddenly flashed, as if he thought something, raised his head and said

"Mr. Cheng, I understand what you mean, you mean that there is nothing wrong, waiting for the full moon night, waiting for the moonlight to come, although we don't know what the so-called love is, but as long as the moonlight comes, if it is In Ghana, we can all know what is going on, and we just need to pay more attention to it. "

"Of course, the prerequisite is that this so-called idol is really in this city of Ghana, not elsewhere in Linhai. If it is elsewhere, Mr. Li An, it seems that this time we can only return empty-handed."

Cheng Yiping shrugged his shoulders for a day, patted his hands gently, and a light flashed in his eyes

He knew very well that the temple was definitely in Ghana.

Others do n’t know, but Cheng Yiping is very clear

I used the Super Find App to find the faith fragments of the Super Find App, and Ghana City needs millions of faith points

It is enough to show that there is something important to yourself.

The millions of faith points no doubt told Cheng Yiping that what he was looking for was in Ghana

The temple is in Ghana!

What he needs to do now is to find a way to find the temple.

Find out the faith fragments of the Super Hidden App worth millions of faith points.

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