Super Finding App

Chapter 2102: 蜈蚣 (1)

"The devil actually appeared the word demon again. This group is really very interesting. Does it mean that as long as the eye of the **** is moved, a demon will appear? Or will there be a demon to release it. It ’s really interesting. We have n’t seen the so-called demons. If there are demons in this world, I really want to meet him. ”

After listening to the translation of passerby Zhang, Li An was the first to show a sneer.

As people in the Sydney era, they did not believe in the so-called devil and monsters at all, and they did not believe in the so-called demons at all. It can be said that they are a fearless generation.

"It's true that there is another word like devil. I'll just say, why doesn't this temple have any backs of hands, let's walk in so easily. It turned out we were waiting here, and we talked back to this devil. What exactly does it mean? Why would anyone who releases the Eye of the Artifact God release a demon? What exactly happened in Ghana hundreds of years ago? "

Zhang Zhen, a TV station in Jiangzhen, spoke, and while talking, he directed the camera and filmed the inscription and the passerby Professor Zhang. This is a precious resource and information in the later period.

"What clues do Sun Boyuan have about the so-called demons? After all, you belong to the original inhabitants of a minority tribe. Do n’t you have any suggestions?"

Li An thought about falling on the side of the minority man Sun Boyuan, and asked word by word, he now needs to know more clues.

"No, no, really. Although I belong to a minority tribe, there is no memory of this temple in our village at all. If the only thing to say is yes, that is to say to you in Ghana. The legend over here, but we really do n’t know what the so-called demon is. "

Zeng Boyuan showed a bitter smile. After all, it is a thing that happened hundreds of years ago. Even the legends that have been passed down are based on fairy tales.

Youdao is a trio. After hundreds of years of continuous improvement and improvement, how many fairy tales are there? It is exactly the same as before, that is, the thing that the benevolent sees the benevolent sees the wisdom.

"Professor Lu, in addition to the vigilance on this scandal, is there any other text, what exactly is this demon? It may also be an idea formed by ancient Ghana, or a metaphor, but we At least be able to figure out the situation, and care must be taken to make the ship of the year

Chen Yiping frowned. Compared with other people, he was really curious about the three characters of the devil in this scandal. He always felt that there should be some secrets hidden in it, or it was people's feeling. Something is wrong

"Let me see that there are indeed. This is followed by this article and it is recorded above that it was said that after the love of the two tribes of Rorschach Shura originally fell in love, although it was said that they were strongly opposed by the two tribes, but in the end The two still agreed, and the leader of the tribe could only open one eye and close one eye, and then joined together to form a Ghana tribe, but at the same time the artifacts of the two tribes of Raksha and Shura were also combined into a real Artifact God's Eye "

Passerby Zhang looked at the inscription on the side, translating word by word, and his eyes widened as he translated, his heart was beating violently, and he felt as if he was reading some stories similar to those in myths and legends.

"Later, it is said that this sage eye has a terrible simulation, as long as anyone who owns it will be attracted, and Chengdu can become a terrible demon, and it is precisely because of this that the talents of the Ghanaian tribe will come for thousands of miles. Beneath this cliff, Ghana City was established, and the Eye of God was sealed in the temple. Later, future generations lived in the city of Ghana for a long time, waiting at night and night. The Eye of God cannot let it flow out. Because whoever receives the eye of God will become a demon? "

With the explanation of passerby Zhang, everyone around him talked embarrassedly and his face became a little excited.

"The meaning of good friends is really very interesting. I didn't expect that the inscription on the inscription would be such an oracle. The two tribes of Raksha and Shura should have been combined into Ghana and formed an artifact. Only the artifact was obtained. People will become demons, which is a lot of fun, is there really a demon in this world? "

"We do n’t know if there is a demon, but one thing is OK. I am sure now that I finally understand why Ghana was established here. It turned out that the two tribes of Raksha and Shura formed Ghana in order to The seal moved far away and moved to the bottom of the cliff. How does this plot look like some game plots? "

"Although it is more like some game plots, but it is real, it is no wonder that this city of Ghana will be in this place, but if we really say that, then we still need to find this **** man Everyone, do n’t forget this godly will. If we really have the ability to turn people into demons, it ’s very dangerous. Let ’s just shrink back. ”

"Okay, you won't really believe what Gossip said above. What artifacts mentioned can also turn people into demons. I think this should be very unlikely. There is nothing in this world. Kind of demon "

Three passers-by of Professor Zhang, you started talking to each other with a whisper of words. Obviously they did not believe what was written on the inscription.

"Well, yes, we don't believe what was written on this scandal. After all, this is something that existed hundreds of years ago. It may be commonplace for us now, but for ancient people. It ’s really like a demon. We need to find it and find the so-called eye of God, to see what it looks like. If it is really a devil, my daughter would like to see how this devil is. Awesome "

Just kidding, he was able to find the temple, and even had the so-called magical and sane clues. How could he just give up like this?

Although Ang did n’t know if the Eye of God sealed in the temple below the Canadian City was what he was looking for, but as long as there were some possibilities, he would never give up.

"Professor Zhang, Mr. Li An is absolutely right. We ca n’t shrink back because of a few words of mosquito coils. This is too funny, even if there is a so-called devil, we must You have to see it for yourself, but the problem is that the temple is endless, and we haven't seen anything that can seal the eye of God and the existence of a vessel. Where is the so-called eye of God? "

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