Super Finding App

Chapter 2103: 蜈蚣 (two)

Chen Yiping looked around and looked at the endless temple, saying word by word

He knows that Mr. Li An can also be said to have the will to the so-called intellect, but in a certain way, he also has the aspiration to the intellect.

Cheng Yiping is really very curious, and this will not even be the fragment of the belief of the super finder app that he is looking for.

"Yes, Mr. Chen is absolutely right. The text on my scandal existed hundreds of years ago. How could we be afraid of punishment now because of the existence of hundreds of years ago, I am afraid no one will say it. Believe it, not to mention that this is at most some warning signs. If we quit like this, I think there are some ridiculous. In contrast, I still want to be able to tell the God of the seal in this temple accurately. Where is the blade? "

Li An could not wait to say that he would not give up immediately.

"Yes, yes. As archaeologists, we often dig some ancient tombs. They also have scandals that represent vigilance and curse like this. If you have entered this grave all the time, you find that And the so-called curse has scientific basis, I believe it will be the same this time. "

Passerby Zhang nodded heavily, his eyes were full of excitement.

"The main thing is that this is what was said hundreds of years ago. Just as Mr. Li and Mr. Chen said, people from the centuries still found very little about the world, maybe some of them It ’s the equivalent of a demon, but for us it has been sacrificed. After all, in some tribes, the panda is regarded as a demon. "

"No. In ancient times, there were people who regarded pandas as demons. This is impossible, no matter how this panda can't be compared with demons."

One of them will be the eyes of the staff in the TV set-up group, and their eyes are widened. There are some doubts and confusions.

"This is true. This is a real thing. Do n’t look at the panda. It looks very cute, but in fact it had a name called the iron-eating beast. But a carnivorous animal is a black box. When a bear meets a panda, it may not necessarily be a panda's opponent. In ancient times, it was like pandas. They did indeed treat the panda as a wild beast or even a demon. "

Passer-by Professor Zhang said

Chen Yiping nodded, there is indeed such a possibility. Although the panda is really very kind and cute, and does not have any lethality, but in fact the panda's lethality is very powerful. It is A creature that can't even beat its chest can have a panda's majesty, which is enough to show that its strength is definitely not as good as that of an ordinary one or two people. It is not an opponent at all when facing a crazy panda.

"Okay, we don't care about pandas or cloth pandas. This doesn't make any sense to us. Now I only care about one thing, which is the place where the objects of the eye of God are tangled. This is the endless scope of the temple. We haven't seen anything at all. No, it's really like what other people have said. It's like Ghana International. Look for more places. If so, That is really ridiculous. "

Li An said with some gritted teeth. He was very clear that it would be a blessing to find this temple. If there is still something to say in the temple, you need to go to other places, I am afraid not to say it is his own Don't say the clock tower where the punctual TV station will be set up, I am afraid that even he himself will retreat.

"Do n’t use it. This is not necessary. I already know what the specific location will be. According to the inscription on the inscription, the items placed by the blade of the **** are in this temple, and the passage is If nothing else, it is the most important thing to bring the altar. "

Professor Lu Wenwen raised his head and said excitedly, and then walked to the middle of the altar two or three steps, and Chen Yiping and Li An and others surrounded them.

Now that the center is a long square with squares covered with dust, passersby Professor Zhang and others quickly changed all the dust on it, exposing a delicately carved pattern ten times on both sides. There are iron chains, but after hundreds of years, as long as these iron chains are gently held, they will instantly disappear.

"The intersection is the intersection. Although you can see that the pattern is relatively fine, it has become weak in 500 years. This is indeed an intersection. Can it be said that there is this intersection under the temple, the eye of God is sealed. Is it below? "

Upon hearing this, a man from a minority ethnic group, Sun Boyuan, couldn't wait to announce it.

"In this case, what am I waiting for? Lift this slate quickly"

Li An already has some can't wait.

Without saying a word, Chen Yiping and Li An have surrounded the rest of the staff of this world. While holding the chains that have been turned into ashes in both hands, I use you little by little, but I do n’t know if it is countable. For a century, the ground and the gap have been connected for a long time, and it is not easy to lift it up.

"Everyone cheer, everyone cheer, everyone cheer, everyone cheer"

Li An shouted loudly at passers-by, Professor Zhang and the other three students, as well as the staff of the formal setting group, all ran up, one after another, using you, accompanied by crunching sounds, for hundreds of years Come and never move. It was gradually moved, pulled up little by little, and then threw it aside.

"I lifted it, lifted it up, and finally lifted it up. I haven't used so much energy in a long time. I can have some sourness in both hands. This stone monument is too heavy."

"This is indeed the case. This stele is too heavy. It seems that after hundreds of years of development, this device has gradually begun to differentiate, so this is the situation now, but fortunately, we have already This stele was taken apart. Is there anything in it? Is the eye of God right below the back? "

The crowd couldn't wait to say that Chen Yiping got up from the ground, patted the dust on his body, and looked forward, frowned, and appeared in front of the middle is a passage to the right bank that appeared downward.

"No, it turned out to be the channel downwards. How thick was it digging underneath it? There are so many channels."

Xi'an has some madness. I didn't expect to find another underground passage. How much underground did the ancient Ghanaian people establish?

"Walk and walk, no matter what is below, we have to go and see and according to the records of mosquito-repellent incense, there should be a place where the eyes of God are sealed. We can see and see the artifact of Cana. Eye of God "

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