Super Finding App

Chapter 2109: 蜈蚣 (two)

"Crazy and crazy, really completely crazy, really completely crazy, how could such a thing happen, even there is a huge cricket in the maze, and the appearance of this cricket should have reached More than three meters, oh my god, what's this name?

Zhang Zhen of the TV station in Jiangzhen took a breath of air, his teeth were shaking. It was impossible to believe what was happening in front of him. He reached out and wiped his eyes, and opened his eyes again. The picture was indeed a huge puppet.

"Hell, what the **** is going on here? Even if there is really a slug in this world, aren't these slugs quite small? Even ordinary slugs can reach tens of centimeters and reach 50 at most. The centimeter centipede is already called the centipede, and this centipede can reach a distance of two meters in front of it. This is really terrifying, it is simply impossible. "

"Are we kidding?"

"How could it be a joke, if Zhang said that you thought you were wrong, then we are all wrong too. Seeing this situation, where is it? This is the essence of it, no, accurately. This is simply a monster, this is a monster

"Crazy, this is impossible, if we really enter the maze here blindly, if we encounter such a cricket monster, I am afraid it will be swallowed by it, it is too scary "

"I know, how can there be no monsters in this underground maze like this, no guard, no wonder this underground maze has been shocked until now, it turns out there is a super big boss in it "

"Okay, okay, don't say this super big boss, the main thing is what should we do next, this is a blame, this is a bluff"

"Such a big maggot knows how to solve it. How can there be so many monsters in this underground maze?"

"Okay, do n’t say that, now we have to think about what we should do next. In short, under the circumstances where there is no way to eliminate this monster, and under the circumstances of this huge puppet, we absolutely cannot enter this. In a maze, otherwise it would be quite dangerous "

The members of the crew of the TV station in Jiangzhen City talked stupidly. Everyone had a look of surprise on their faces. The development of the things in front of them really did not expect them. Some are at a loss and don't know what to do.

"Come back quickly, take the aerial camera back, quickly take the aerial camera back, this scum monster found the aerial camera, hurry up and take it back, don't let the scum monster find us, otherwise it will The outside of the labyrinth ran into this platform, and we all had trouble. "


Shouted into a flat complexion and became surprised

In this video, I clearly saw that the lying magpie slowly raised his head. His horrible eyes just looked at the aerial camera. It seemed that his body was moving slowly, and then he was preparing to aerial photography. The machine lock swooped in.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that if this maggot discovers the people standing on the platform at this intersection, if the horrified power of maggot attacks, the consequences are indeed unthinkable.

After all, for Cheng Yiping, he didn't know how horrible the cricket was, and whether he could actually eat people, but looking at the cricket for more than two meters, he might actually eat people.

Kaka Kaka

The low voice inspired by aerial photography in the eyes and sounds of everyone moved slowly back, whispered and opened the mouth of the blood basin, and always came out, biting towards the aerial camera. go with,


The aerial shot escaped, and the body slid outward, avoiding the attack of the puppet. This puppet seemed to find that his attack had no effect. He turned his body in anger and swooped towards the aerial camera in the sky again.

"Hurry up and avoid, hurry up and avoid the aerial camera, hell, if this aerial camera is really killed, that would be a very dangerous thing."

"Hurry up and take the aerial camera back, and quickly take it back."

Cheng Yiping yelled quickly

Nowadays, this underground maze is quite wide. It is not easy to figure it out. It all depends on the aerial camera. In other words, if the aerial camera is damaged, the consequences are absolutely unthinkable.

Obviously Cheng Yiping's idea, other people also instantly understood, one after another said quickly

"Hurry up and take the aerial camera back. At the same time, you have to be careful and don't bring in the essence. Otherwise, all of us will be in trouble. Behind us is the path to the temple. The narrowness of the place, once the Jingjing catches up, we have no place to escape. "

Li An's face became abnormally solemn

He instantly thought about the most important issue of the matter. Although he didn't know what the ghost was, he also knew from the bottom. The ghost was definitely not simple and very cruel.

"Yes, you must be careful. Do n’t bring in the essence. It seems that if the essence can live here for such a long period of time, it is a very dangerous thing. We must Be careful and be careful not to attract this maggot, otherwise we would really be out of luck. "

The staff of the TV station in Jiangzhen City chattered, their faces became abnormally solemn.

"I know, I know, don't urge, don't urge me"

The staff controlling the aerial camera nodded heavily, wiping the sweat from the forehead, desperately controlling the aerial camera to sway from side to side, avoiding the attack of the huge scum monster

The most important thing is to avoid this creepy monster that will follow the aerial camera to run to where they are. That is very dangerous.

So be sure to get rid of this monster

The way to get rid of it is also relatively simple, that is, let the aerial camera lift off directly, as long as it is raised to the point where the monster monster can't bite on the ground, in the end the monster monster can only shrink back.

Sure enough, under the efforts of the staff who controlled the aerial camera, the aerial camera was continuously pulled up and pulled up, almost reaching the apex, and the hoarse monster screamed underneath, then scratched his own. Head hovering to the maze again

The branches on the walls inside the maze and various spar hide the body of the monster

If it ’s not clear, it ’s really impossible to find.

Until this moment, everyone was relieved for a long time, watching the staff who controlled the aerial camera circled the aerial camera, then slowly returned to the platform. Relaxed.

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