Super Finding App

Chapter 2110: Method

"It's really amazing. I didn't expect that there was a huge cricket in this underground maze. To be honest, it is impossible to see such a cricket outside, maybe only with the underground It ’s such a special environment that such a huge mastiff can be cultivated in a special environment. It ’s really amazing to know what people in Ghana did hundreds of years ago. "

Zhang Zhen of Jiangzhen City TV Station wiped the sweat from his forehead and watched the aerial camera safely return to the platform. Then he was relieved.

For everyone today, aerial cameras are a very important resource and tool.

If there is something wrong with the aerial camera, then everyone is really helpless

After all, no one knows how powerful the destructive power of the two or three meters will be.

"It is true. It seems that we have to be careful this time. At least you must use the aerial camera to make a map of this underground labyrinth. Only by knowing the correct line can you enter it. As for this 蜈蚣Jing has to find a way to solve it, otherwise it is really difficult and dangerous. "

The matter has reached such a point, Cheng Yiping naturally will not give up, and then lowered his head to think for a moment and then began to analyze.

"Resolve this essence, how can there be such a thing? Please, how can this essence be more than two meters high? Who knows, and this essence should not eat people, after all After all, it ’s just an animal. Are we too frightened and frighten ourselves, that ’s why this happened? ”

Mr. Zhang of Jiangzhen City TV Station hesitated and said

Many people have seen it. The two-meter-high essence is quite huge, but this does not mean that the essence is very dangerous. Maybe it is just an ordinary animal. It is a little bigger.

"Director Zhang, director of Jiangzhen City TV Station, what you said is just too ridiculous, although we really do n’t know if this essence is harmful or terrifying, will Cannibalism, but as long as there is any danger, we must remove it, otherwise, once caught by this maggot and killed, but we have only one life

"That's right, that's right. Every one of us has only one life. It's so big that the sky knows if there is any poison, even if it won't kill people. If there is poison, that's the same. Very dangerous things, we still have to find a way to figure out the path of this underground maze first, and then solve this problem, then we can enter the maze without any risk, and everything will come to fruition. "

"That's right, this sentence is completely correct, and the main thing is that we don't know how many coquettes exist in this underground maze. Are there other monsters besides this maggot? , If it did, it would be a creepy thing "

"No, no, you guys don't scare us. Do you think there are other monsters besides this stunner? This is really too surprising and creepy, if it really is If there are other monsters, that ’s really a very dangerous thing, or you really have to check it out, after all, we have only one life. ”

The workers of the Jiangzhen TV station's film crew talked in a chatter, each one with a look of surprise and a horror on his face.

After all, everyone knows that they are here to enter the underground maze to find the so-called eye of God, not real archeology, but not really trying to find death

"Relax, rest assured everyone, I have never seen anything like this, but according to what I have learned, tadpoles like this should be very rare and should not be in this maze. It ’s too much, we all just need to pay a little attention to it. As for the essence, I think we can attract it through things, and then we can solve it. As long as we can solve this problem, the rest The underground maze that came down can be thoroughly investigated by aerial photography. "

Professor Lu Renzhang bit his teeth. Although he really wanted archeology and was very interested in the eye of God, he knew more clearly that there was only one life.

Under normal circumstances, of course, he has no problems, but now it is an underground maze, and there are still two meters high, and it is a very dangerous thing to think of it.

"Professor Lu Renzhang is right, we still have a long-term discussion and see what we should do, but how can we destroy it? We do n’t have some tools at hand. If we ca n’t eliminate it, That is very dangerous. "

Zhang Dao of Jiangzhen City TV Station frowned, showing a doubtful look

After all, everyone came here to participate in the archeological reality show, not to deal with the so-called monsters.

There is some overwhelmingness in dealing with the so-called

"There is no problem, even if this stunner is even more powerful, can he be an opponent of firearms even more powerful? Of course we have weapons in our hands."

There was some overwhelming while everyone was talking

Suddenly, Li An suddenly said, clapping gently.

Behind him, two security guards laughed lightly. They were carrying heavy packages on their backs and had never known what they were.

At this moment, they opened the package and opened it. There were several airsoft guns and shotguns, and several special knives.

All of them suddenly took a breath of cold air, their eyes widened, and some were dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

No one expected that such a thing would happen. The two security guards in front of them would have offensive weapons.

Attorney Zhang of Jiangzhen TV Station, members of the Jiangzhen TV Station crew, Professor Lu Renzhang, and his students also showed surprise.

Looking at Li An's eyes was with some fear and anxiety

"Don't get me wrong. Don't get me wrong. I don't think it is a bad idea, but because I will encounter all kinds of dangers in this forest and archeology. I also found two bodyguards to protect everyone Safety. All of these airsoft guns and firearms are legally registered. These knives are also brought on board to prevent the existence of certain dangers that may be encountered in the forest, but it now seems to be true. Useful, we can use it right now "

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