Super Finding App

Chapter 2121: Totem (2)

"As if this is definitely a profound lone pupil, this is not an eye at all, this should be a deep and distant lone pass, this sign and the deep and dazzling solitude of the super-vicious app in my mind The pupil is exactly the same. This is basically related to the Super Nihility APP. The contents of this box are absolutely inextricably related to the Super Animal Husbandry APP. Could it be said that this is the crime of super provocation, one of the fragments of faith ?"

"Can it be said that this box is inaccurately the sealed consciousness of the Canadian tribe, that is, the fragment of the faith of the super buck app?"

In comparison, the passerby professor and his three students are discussing the issue of totems hundreds of years ago, and the director of the official TV station greeted the crew of the film crew to film it. Chen Yiping's face There was a calm look on it, but the sky was soaring inside like a lone boat constantly rising and falling in the stormy storm!

Chen Yiping was very clear. Although he did not know what the artifact contained in the box was, what the so-called God's Blade was, but one thing was certain. Since the totems of the eyes drawn on this box and The super-hunting app in my mind, the profound and distant uniqueness is exactly the same

If that's the case, it's a very important thing for you, you must get it.

Chen Yiping thought as the haze in his eyes became deeper, and then looked to the side, Li An, who was equally excited!

"Calm down. I still need to calm down a bit. At least the passerby Zhang has n’t opened the box in the eye of God. After opening it, I do n’t know what it is. If it is broken, then you must find a way to get it. The main thing is the sane eye in this Li An joint venture. Is it what you are looking for? If it is true, then you must think about it. It ’s only a way out. After all, if the super in this box is one of the remaining two pieces of the faith shard of the Super Find App, it is enough to show that you are also looking for the Super Find App, and my mind There is also a super sacred gate in China. Pea's existence, in other words, may become their enemy and be plundered by them, so be careful, be careful and never be paralyzed! "

Chen Yiping is very clear that Super Xuanwu, APP is his biggest secret, and it is absolutely impossible to expose it. Even now, everyone thinks that he can use Super Majestic APP to use the backup system of Super Finding App. Didn't cause other people's peeping and attention, but if this Li An has also wanted to find a super-finding app, then one day, sooner or later, he may find his own head. This is the most dangerous. Situation, so this is the most dangerous situation, you must kill it in the bud state, even if you can't kill it, you must think of countermeasures!

The way is prepared.

Li An was naturally not clear. On his side, it seemed that Chen Yiping, who was looking for help to find the things he was looking for, would have thought of such things and cranky thoughts. At this moment, he was emotional. Looking at the passerby Zhang in front of him, he gave a face to the bald bodyguard and the flat bodyguard behind him, making the two people take a step forward unconsciously, slowly approaching

The draft proposal is very clear. If he can be sure that the thing he is looking for in this box is the one he is looking for, then he will never give up, and he will definitely get the object completely, as long as anything stops him Man is his enemy.

"Okay, everyone be careful, everyone be careful, let me take a look, let me carefully open it and see what the artifact inside it will be"

Passerby Professor Zhang is also very excited and curious. He held this box carefully and put it on the ground. Of course, a white cloth was placed in front of the ground to wipe the ground clean. This box On the white cloth, passerby Zhang did not forcefully open the box by force. After all, this was destroying cultural relics for him. Instead, he carefully looked around for 4 weeks, and carefully observed the number. Hundreds of years ago, he picked up a small brush and brushed it with a paper box. He needed to do cleaning first.

"Really, is it necessary to be so cautious? What we have to do now is to see what is in it as soon as possible. If it is me, open the box directly and forcefully. This is not to be able to Do you know what exactly appears in this box? What exactly is this passerby Professor Zhang doing? Slow motion like him, God knows when to get it. "

"I do n’t understand, I do n’t understand, you do n’t understand, do you think this is really an iron box? It is really a metal product. You must know that this is something from hundreds of years ago, absolutely The belongings belong to the cultural relics and belong to the grain. If they are broken, maybe they will go to jail. This is a cultural relic. "

"No, no, you are kidding me, although I know that there are grains and cultural relics, but can such an iron box be regarded as a cultural relic if it comes in? This is a bit exaggerated."

"You're wrong, you're wrong. Anything you put in for hundreds of years will definitely become a cultural relic and an antiquities. The main thing is that there is a special item like glasses on the box. If you say this, The sign means that this is a totem, that proves that this iron box is even more valuable. Honestly, I ca n’t think of an iron box that can be antique for hundreds of years. This is really beyond us. Unexpected "

"Okay, okay, do n’t say these things, is n’t antiques meaningless to us at all? Well, there are still a lot of elite treasures and gold in these days. It is the most valuable thing. After all, these things can be sold after changing hands. Otherwise, how can you use this cultural relic even if you are given it. Can you have a sales channel? If there is no sales channel, this cultural relic is just one. Hot potato "

"Okay, okay, what are you talking about? This is really very strange. I don't care much about this money, but I am very concerned about the magic in this box. Curiosity, what kind of thing do you say this eye of God is? "

Jiang Zhen was talking with the staff of the TV crew. Each of them was very excited. All the people gathered behind the passerby Professor Zhang and carefully watched the passerby who was loving the metal with a totem. And then open it little by little

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