Super Finding App

Chapter 2122: Eye of God (1)

"What the **** is this? This is the artifact in Ghana. Is it the eye of God that can fulfill any wish in the legend? This is too strange, isn't it a statue at all, no, not even a statue, At best, it can only be counted as an ordinary thing. Is this an artifact? "

Cheng Yiping and Li An looked at Professor Lu Renzhang carefully and opened the altar box little by little.

What appears inside the box of this altar is a fist-sized thing, and the outside is carved by a metal lock object like a human eye.

And in it, this is a round, dull eye

To be precise, this eyeball is more like a spar.

"No, God's Eye, Eye of Eye. Now I finally understand why Ghana City said that their artifact is called Eye of God. This is really strange. There is no difference at all from the eye socket of human beings. Some things that were unexpected to us "

"It's true. Originally, I was still wondering what this so-called god's eye would look like! I didn't expect it to be a so-called human eye statue, but the only strange thing is that it should be made of metal. It looks like a human eye, but the eyeball seems to be a jade or a gem. Could it be said that this is a mysterious gem with a legend? "

The members of the crew of the Jiangzhen City Television Station carefully observed the totem of the god's eye in front of them, and were surprised to find that it was an ordinary human eye made of metal.

The only thing that can be surprising and curious is the gem in the orbit of this eye.

Of course, it ’s not clear exactly what gem is it. It needs to be verified before it can be known. "

"Interesting and interesting, I finally know why it is called the Eye of God. It turns out that this is really an eye of human beings. This is still very strange. Is the totem enshrined in Ghana really the human eye?"

After thinking for a while, Professor Lu Renzhang carefully extended his hand and took this eye of God in his hand.

I felt unusually cold and piercing and dusty.

Obviously, during these centuries, the eye of God has been sealed in the box of the altar and no one has taken it out.

"Strange, Professor Lu Renzhang, it ’s too strange to see if there is anything else. After all, according to the information and news we know and gather, isn't this eye of God said to be an artifact? Saying that it is possible to realize anyone ’s wish? We looked at it for a long time and it seems that nothing can be achieved. "

Director Zhang of Jiangzhen City TV station carefully looked at the god's eye in front of him, revealing a doubtful look, and asked

At the beginning he was really curious and wanted to know that if this eye of God could really fulfill his wish, or say something like the magic lamp of A **, that would be a very interesting thing.

But it is clear that the eye of God in front of him seems to be an ordinary ornament.

"I do n’t know, I do n’t know, this is really unclear, what kind of effect it is, but since it is said to be able to realize anyone's wish, there should be a saying, we just need to carefully observe this **** Eye or I haven't found the right way to use the Eye of God so far, otherwise this phenomenon would not have occurred "

Professor Lu Renzhang said with a frown

"No, this is a little weird. I won't really believe that there are so-called artifacts in the world that can fulfill anyone's wishes. I think this is simply impossible. Maybe it's just the ancient people's eyes. The ability to worship and simulate and imagine is like our ancient people imagined that there are all kinds of gods in the sky, there are gods in charge of wind and lightning, and there is the emperor of the jade. This kind of ability, maybe this so-called eye of God is just a totem and a symbol. "

Staff in Jiangzhen City TV Station chattered

Obviously, no one thinks that this eye of God can fulfill any wish, and it is a real thing.

But Cheng Yiping's body was shaking constantly. When he saw the so-called eye of God for the first time, the super-hunting app that appeared in his mind turned on automatically. The deep and distant one-eye pupil was like Emerging, bright and gorgeous starry sky emerges.

No longer revealed the news of Cheng Yiping, that is, the eye of God in front of me is indeed one of the shards of the super finder app!

"Hell, hell, hell, it's exactly what I think, it's exactly the same as what I think. This eye of God turned out to be one of the fragments of the belief in the super-hunting app. Damn it. How can I get it? "

Cheng Yiping's face became abnormally dignified, and a trace of sweat flowed down his forehead.

Looking at the eye of God was carefully held in the hands of Professor Lu Renzhang and others to study. If you want to take it from him or even **** it, it is not a simple matter.

Thinking of Cheng Yiping turning his head here, Li An turned his gaze to Li An, his face became particularly serious.

"Now I can be sure that this so-called God's Eye is indeed one of the super finder app faith fragments I am looking for, but the question is whether this thing is what you are looking for, and if so, that is the worst As a result, there are still two bodyguards beside Li An, and they still have guns in their hands. "

"Be careful, be careful, be careful, be calm and calm again, even if it is now even held by Professor Lu Renzhang, but wanting to transport it out of this forest and research on Ghana City should not be a day or two thing. The shooting of this archeological reality show also takes at least 1 to 2 months. During this period, I should be able to find a chance to start, and now the main thing should be this Li An, Li An is the most uncertain factor. "

"Calm down, calm down, do n’t be self-defeating now. One of the most important things for me now is to see if this eye of God is the object that Li An is looking for. If it is not Li, Anything that Ann is looking for will be all good. With this archaeological reality show here, I will spend more than one month to two months in Ghana, and I have the opportunity to get it. "

Cheng Yiping took a long breath and looked around calmly, looking at him with the same expression on his face, and asked Lee An, who was surprised.

"Mr. Li, what appears in the box of this altar is that this eye of the **** is indeed very strange, more like a totem ornament. Is this what you are looking for?"

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