Super Finding App

Chapter 2123: Eye of God (2)

Rather than thinking about it yourself, it's better to clarify things directly, after all, with the help of Li An, he entered the underground labyrinth and came to this temple.

The bottom line is to help Li An find what he is looking for.

Although Cheng Yiping knew that his real purpose was to find the fragments of the beliefs of the super-hunting app, for Li An, Cheng Yiping was here to help him.

"It's this, it's this, although I can't be 100% sure, but seeing this eye of God, I can know that this eye of God is what I am looking for"

Li An couldn't wait to say that his voice became more excited and his eyes were glowing.

His words, like the same lightning, generally fell into Cheng Yiping's mind, causing Cheng Yiping's body to tremble slightly, lowering his head, and his face became abnormally heavy and unsightly.

"Not good, not good. This is the worst result. This is the worst. As a result, I did not expect that the eye of God was actually the object that Li An was looking for. If this is the case, then You have to think of the worst. "

"After all, if this eye of God is not what Li An is looking for, and put it with Professor Lu Renzhang, I still have 1 to 2 months to find a way to get it, or to find a way to find a super object APP faith fragments are directly logged into the super-hunting app in my mind "

"But if this eye of God is also what Li An is looking for, then it will be different. It is absolutely impossible for him to put the eye of God in Ghana and Professor Lu Renzhang for 1 to 2 months. He 100% will find a way to take away the eye of God and steal it, after all, there is a huge organization behind him. "

"Time, time, not much time left for me. I have to think of a perfect strategy."

Cheng Yiping's brain is constantly turning, and there is a dignified look in his eyes.

He was carefully searching for clues in Zai, looking for the possibility of cracking the method. After all, Li An and the two bodyguards behind him had firearms, and they must not be underestimated.

"Mr. Lee really? The thing you are looking for is really the Eye of God. If so, it will be more troublesome. After all, this Word of God is the artifact appearing in the altar in Ghana. All that's right is a cultural relic and antiques. If you want to take it away, this is not easy. After all, no matter whether it is Professor Lu Renzhang or Zhang Zhen of Jiangzhen TV Station, etc., you can see it clearly. This cultural relic must be turned in For the state, if the driver takes it, it is a smuggled cultural relic, but it is a crime. "

Cheng Yiping whispered that he needs to increase the stakes to see how Li An ’s reaction is, and whether it will be the same as he imagined

"Illegal, cultural relics? What does this have to do with me? All I want is the eye of God. If he obediently gives me the eye of God, everyone can say anything, but if he is not obedient, Do n’t blame me for being kind to them ”

"Mr. Cheng, as we said, you can take all the gold and silver treasures here without any problem, but I only want the Eye of God, you are not allowed to **** the Eye of God with me, as long as you do n’t If you take the eye of God with me, then all your gold is yours. "

Li An said verbatim, in his opinion, he asked such questions as one. The only thing he wanted was money, but in many cases he was afraid he would not give him money.

But this is something without any problems.

For Li An, what he wanted was the eye of God. As for money, he did not lack it, and he was not afraid.

Obviously for Li An, his goal was very clear from the beginning!

"Sure enough, it really is. It seems that if you really disagree with him, Li An will definitely use Thunder Strike. Although he doesn't know what kind of thought he will have, there is one thing that can determine him. Will use force, this is really not good news for me. It seems that you have to be careful, and be careful, it is better to find the method of God's acquisition without Li An's shot, as long as you can find The way to get the Eye of God, then even if Li An really gets the Eye of God, it will be no problem for me. After all, all I need is the faith fragments of the Super Find App, and Not the true eye of God! "

Cheng Yiping is very clear that what he uses are the fragments of beliefs of the Super Finding App. These pieces of belief will enter the Super Finding App in his mind to combine them. In other words, what he needs is not an object. But a process "

"Yes, all I need is just a program. If I didn't guess wrong, the eye of God in front of me is the fragment of the faith of the Super Hidden App. I just need to hold it in my hand to be able to use it. The program of the belief fragments contained in the super finder app is absorbed into my mind, and the rest is just a statue. "

"Even if Li An and others are trying to snatch, it has nothing to do with me, that is to say, I only need to take this eye of God for a moment."

Cheng Yiping's brain was moving quickly, and he quickly analyzed the situation and what should be done so far.

Thinking of him here a long sigh of relief, if it is really a frontal attack, this is indeed quite difficult, but if it is only a moment to hold the eye of God, this should still be possible

The most important thing is to catch the eye of God before Li An starts.

Thinking of Cheng Yiping here, he was instantly settled. He had already come up with many ways in his mind.

"Professor Lu Renzhang, this is the Eye of God. I'm really curious. I don't know if I can show it up. I haven't seen the artifacts and totems that appeared hundreds of years ago. This is really true. Is surprised "

Cheng Yiping's heart moved, his eyes rolled a little, and he stepped forward and said

If you do something secretly, it will cause people to doubt, but if you are right and bright, it will make people think that it should be the case, but it will not cause everyone to doubt.

Therefore, for Cheng Yiping, since he wants to touch the eye of God, compared to sneaking, the easiest way is to speak up.

"Mr. Cheng Chen, this is not good, this god's eye, but an antique plaything has existed in the Ghanaian city of Ghana for hundreds of years, and it has been sealed. This is a very important cultural relic. , Can you be touched casually? "

Unexpectedly, Lu Renzhang refused to say as if he was protecting his belly.

"Professor Lu said so, but don't you think it's too much, this artifact is what we all found together. Together, you mean that you want to own it."

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