Super Finding App

Chapter 2125: Fragment of Faith (2)

"I'm here, I'm here, let me see, let me see"

"Yes, yeah, let me see, and let me see what magical things this eye of God is?"

"Hurry up, look at it quickly, but we watched it, and then I came to see it."

The other members of the crew of the Jiangzhen TV station looked at Cheng Yiping and put down the eye of God, and they could n’t wait to say

Although they did n’t see a famous name when they saw it, they were just curious.

Lu Renzhang, with a worried expression on his face, couldn't stop him, so he carefully watched all the people one by one and looked at the eye of the god. It was determined that the eye of the **** was not broken. Only a long sigh of relief.

"Sure enough, everything is exactly the same as I thought"

Cheng Yiping took a few steps back calmly. At this moment, his whole body became quite relaxed, because he had already got what he wanted, and what happened next would have nothing to do with him at all. Relationship

Or from this moment, Cheng Yiping has been invincible.

"Sure enough, everything is just as I thought. The shard of faith in the Super Hidden Object App is actually a program in the end, not a real object. After all, the Super Hidden Object App can enter my mind. If it is If there is an object, is there still an object in my own mind? It is called brain cancer. "

"So from this speculation, this Super Hidden Object App should be a piece of program, just like the belief fragments of the Super Hidden Object App I found on the bottom of the underground, once absorbed, it will disappear, and now it is the same Since the fragment of faith in this super-hunting app is in the eyes of the sage, I only need to take this procedure, and the rest is just a common statue. As for whether the statue is real Useful, is it really the so-called eye of God, it has nothing to do with me, even if it is taken away by Li An, it has no meaning or problem for me at all. Watching the Tigers "

"Low-key, low-key and low-key, just leave here safely and safely."

Cheng Yiping was thinking quickly in his brain, and he took a long sigh of relief, narrowing his eyes slightly.

He knew that Li An would definitely take the shot, and what he had to do next was just follow the crowd, and then leave Ghana City safely and return to the city.

"It's weird. It's really weird. I didn't expect that this eye of God would be such a thing. It is really a very simple eye of God. I thought there would be something clear. When it appears, what miracles and Aladdin's magic lamp will happen, I didn't expect it to be this way, this is really very depressing. "

"Okay, okay, what ’s so depressing. Hundreds of years ago I knew what people in Ghana would be like hundreds of years ago. Perhaps this is just a legend. After that, do n’t underestimate this artifact. The antiques of a century ago are absolutely valuable "

"Nonsense, nonsense, this is for sure, a thing that has lived for hundreds of years, and it is still called an artifact, how can it be worthless if it is possible, it must be very valuable, and it is definitely a valuable commodity, and this There are also a lot of gold and silver treasures in the altar, and these gold and silver treasures are worth a lot of money. "

"That's right, that's right, this sentence is completely without any errors, but then it comes back to the existence of Professor Lu Renzhang, you said that he would let us put all these gold and silver treasures Is it to be taken away? Is it not to be handed over to the country? "

"That's what it says, but if you really want to give it to the country, don't you think it's very unfair? Just like when you are abroad, if you change it abroad, you will find it yourself. What is the percentage of compensation that can be obtained? Besides, the eye of God is an antique, and we cannot take it away or take it away. After all, it is a crime, but if we are not able to get even a little bit of gold and silver, Is this too much? "

"Yes, yes, this sentence is completely correct. With the gold and silver treasures in mind, we don't have to tell other people when it's okay? I believe that this can also be done for Professor Lu Renzhang. If he is not even willing to do this, then Professor Lu Renzhang may be too pedantic. "

Many staff members of Jiangzhen City TV Station chattered

Obviously, to them, they don't care about everything that happened in front of them, and they don't care about the eye of God. The most important thing for them is only this gold.

After all, the staff of the TV station in Jiangzhen City are also very clear that the eye of God belongs to antiques. If you dare to **** it, it is equivalent to smuggling antiques. It is a crime. Once you have seized it for 10 years,

No one wants to commit crimes or go to jail. The gold and silver treasures in this altar are completely different, a little bit less. It can be said that no one asks for help, and no one else can find it.

I do n’t care much about the staff of Jiangzhen City TV station and the discussion of jewelry.

In other words, even if he knew it, he would treat it as invisible. His eyes have always been on Li An in front of him.

He knows that Li An is the most important person, and he is the biggest uncertainty factor in it.

"The eye of God, the eye of God, this eye of God is really very interesting. I did not expect that this eye of God would be like this. This is indeed something we did not expect. It's really quite careful "

Unexpectedly, Li An did not directly send someone to grab the eye of God, but instead took the eye of God in his hand and stroked it a few times, slightly. Nodded, then put it back, it seems something is brewing

"Strange, weird, what kind of ghost is Li An doing? Is it that he is not interested in the Eye of God, he knows that the fragments of the belief in the Super Hidden App in the Eye of God have been taken away?"

Cheng Yiping's complexion became unusually solemn and ugly

Suddenly, his eyes light up for a moment, and then he hides again, looking coldly at Li An in front of him.

"Impossible, impossible, this is impossible. If this is the case, then Li An should come to me to calculate the account immediately, and there will not be any movement like now, that is to say I do n’t know if I took away the fragments of the beliefs of the Super Hidden Object App like the Eye of God, if he did n’t know, that means he had other plans. ”

"No more, no more, do n’t think about it, even if Li An has other plans, it has nothing to do with me. I have obtained what I need. The next thing to consider is to continue to be in Ghana. Complete the so-called archeological reality show, or find an excuse to leave "

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