Super Finding App

Chapter 2126: Unknown feeling (1)

"Be careful, be careful. You must be careful. This is a cultural relic. This is a cultural relic. Everyone must be careful. Passer-by Zhang feels like he is riding a roller coaster. Heart disease must be abnormally excited. He was nervous, and it was difficult to see that Jiang Zhen was a member of the TV crew's work team and Li An himself took one after another. After watching it, he took it carefully, put it on the ground, and turned to Baibu. I was joking with a long sigh of relief. This rope is also a Canadian index. Hundreds of years ago, the artifact was placed in the carpet. Important items and existence are definitely valuable. Although such an eye of God is ordinary, From the perspective of people, the craftsmanship is not so sophisticated. It may be thrown on the side of the road, and it is impossible for anyone to take a look at it and treat it as garbage, but it is in the archaeological language. In the eyes, its value is quite high. It really belongs to the city.

So, at the beginning, your passerby Professor Zhang really did not want Chen Zhiyuan to be touched by other people, but he knew very well that he was only a professor of archeology here, and he really did n’t have absolute rights. I was able to agree to finally watch the crowd take the eye of God in their hands and carefully observe it for a moment, then put it back. His hanging heart was relaxed.

"It's different. It's really different. Honestly, this is really beyond our expectations. Isn't it that this consciousness can also fulfill people's wishes? We found it for a long time, but it is It ’s just an ordinary sculpture and totem. God simply does n’t have the legendary A ** magic lamp ability, nor is it able to realize people ’s wishes. What do ancient people think about? ”

"It's true. There are really some things that are unexpected to us. After all, we really don't know. This so-called can be achieved. What is any wish, it may be just Ghana. The ancient people in the ancient city just said an idea, a wish and legend used to deceive the people. After all, in ancient times, people blamed the gods for all things that they did n’t understand or say they did n’t understand. Excusable "

"Yes, yes, this is indeed understandable. Just like in our ancient times, we have pinned everything we did not know to the ancient gods. You want to make your own gods and gods, and control all kinds of Ability to legalize and rationalize everything "

"It really looks like this. The so-called sane eyes do not have the ability to fulfill the wishes of people and people. This is really frustrating for us. We thought that there was a so-called magic lamp for the Arab god."

"How is it possible? How is it possible? This is simply impossible. Well, it is also impossible. How can there be anything to achieve any wish? If it is really necessary, this is too strange. Right "

The members of the many film crews of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV stations talked to each other. They were only curious about the consciousness at the beginning, because they were very curious, so they wanted to watch this psychic act, but they have also seen it here. After that, everything will become very indifferent. After all, the deity is also a statue. They are not like passers-by, such as Professor Zhang. As an archeologist, a statue can be carefully studied for 10 and a half months. For most of the For ordinary people, this statue of the **** word is really worthless. Of course, if you know the value, it is another matter.

"Okay, everyone, let ’s go back quickly and go back to Ghana to take a rest. Now that we have found the Eye of God, the next thing is to study it carefully, and the words of this maze are indeed equivalent. Complicated. Although we have a map of this underground labyrinth, it is still a dangerous thing. After all, we are not sure whether there is any danger in this underground labyrinth. Now it has been found. This rope is also It ’s safest to take it over Ghana. ”

Mr. Zhang, from the Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV station, took a long, magical breath, stretched out his hand, and patted it twice, so he felt quite creepy about this underground maze, although everyone has the owner of the underground maze. But no one knows whether there will be such a dangerous existence. The best way is to go home and make it this way.

"Yes, that's right, that's true. Let's go back now and bring all the Jinling treasures in Zheshen Real Estate and the altar. I believe all the tire construction elites Taibao should be very happy and excited "

"That's right, that's it, that's it. There are quite a lot of gold and silver treasures like these altars. When you say that, can we hold some of them, it can be considered our reward."

"It's okay, of course it's okay. Someone who sees it will have a share, let alone we all find it together. How can we not get it at all?"

"No, this is not necessarily the case. If possible, all these things must be handed over to the country. Don't forget that this has happened with policies and systems, otherwise problems may occur."

"No, it's impossible, ah, sages are said to be handed over to the country as cultural relics and monuments. It is complete without any problems, but the economic insurance of these found, at least we want to have Share it "

"Okay, calm down, calm down, everyone is calm down. Anyway, all these things in Xinjiang will be shipped out. Now, things have not been shipped out yet, everyone starts to fall apart and quarrel with each other. But A very bad thing "

Zhang Tattoo, the official TV station, immediately said. He is very clear that it is unsatisfactory to have a way. In many cases, people can be poor, but they cannot be rich. We can say that managing wealth is not the case. If you can handle it well, it is very dangerous. After all, human desire is endless.

Sometimes getting a lot of money suddenly is not a very good thing.

After all, wealth is moving.

Faced with a large amount of money, maybe there will be a lot of bad things. After all, a group of people who set up a formal TV station has a total of thirty or forty people, so it ca n’t be guaranteed that these will bring Everyone, seeing so many Beijing-Tianjin, Taibao will not be moved or valued, but especially in Ninghai today, before leaving the village and leaving the store, it can be said that there are no moral and legal constraints Within the forest.

If once it really makes people bound by moral and legal constraints, it will stimulate their credit, for money, for gold and silver treasures, really bad things will happen.

At this moment Chen Yiping even had an ominous feeling.

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