Super Finding App

Chapter 2130: Theft

"What the **** is going on? I actually fell asleep, and the night I slept was really fragrant"

Chen Yiping woke up from his sleep with a yawn, and immediately noticed a bit of awkwardness. On his hand, there was still the dinner leftover from yesterday, but at this moment the bowl with the finished meal had fallen to the ground and fell to the ground. No one on the grass

An ominous feeling rushed from the back to the forehead, and another bottle frowned.

"It's not right. It's really wrong. If I went to bed last night after dinner, even if I was so sleepy, I wouldn't even pack up the food, so I just poured the food on it. On the ground, and sleeping on the side where the meal fell to the ground, and not returning to my tent, this is too strange, this is simply impossible. "

Chen Yiping felt more and more wrong as he thought about it. Although he had some confusion, he certainly did not get so confused. As long as it was a person last night, even if it was so sleepy, he should return to his home to sleep. It ’s impossible to go back to sleep in the tent, and it ’s impossible to sleep while eating. The only thing that can do this is that you are fainted.

Thinking of this, Chen Yiping lifted his head instantly, his eyes narrowed sharply, and looked around for 4 weeks. It was found that the staff of the TV crew, Li An, passerby Professor Zhang, and others all lay on the ground in an upright and horizontal manner. Of course, some people have started to sound and feel sober.

"It's not right. It's really wrong. Looking at the situation right now, it really can only explain one problem. All people are fainted. There was a drug in the food I ate yesterday. Otherwise, it would be impossible for everyone to be all at the same time, all fainted, and not going back to their tent to sleep, which is really strange, what is going on? "

Chen Yiping felt more and more wrong with his thoughts and frowned. When he was puzzled and thinking, the others would really be one by one of the television crew's sober ones gradually coming to talk and discuss. stand up

"What the **** is going on? What the **** happened, how could I sleep here? This is too weird, it ’s really weird, why do we sleep here, even if we want to sleep, Should n’t it be sleeping in a tent? Why do you sleep in this wilderness? It ’s not clear, it ’s really unclear, but then it ’s really comfortable that I fell asleep yesterday, it ’s me The most peaceful day to sleep since participating in the show of the archeological town Renxiu, OK, what is the most peaceful day to sleep? Have you found it? The place where we sleep now is where we ate yesterday, and our clothes are all special. Difficult food, this is too strange, is it true that we were so sleepy yesterday? No, even if there are really people who are sleepy, it is just one or two people, how can we all of us It ’s impossible at the same time. ”

"It's true. It's impossible. If that's the case, why does the development of this situation become like this, and why all of us are sleepy and sleepy, what is going on? Is there anyone in us? "There is a drug in the food, so have we all fainted? Who on earth would make such a thing?"

"No, no, are you saying that someone is taking drugs in our meals? Probably not, who can make such a thing?"

The working members of the official TV set-up group talked bluntly. They were not stupid and idiots. After a short hesitation, they instantly understood and talked to each other with a look of astonishment on their faces.

"Not good or bad, you see the gold and silver jewellery is gone, and all the gold and silver jewellery is gone. Someone took all the gold and silver jewellery."

One of the members of the official TV crew suddenly screamed in surprise, his face became abnormally pale, and even some of his blood was down. At this moment, he was standing with a finger up to one of the tents in the scene. The original Inside the tent, the other party thought it belonged to many gold and silver jewellery carried from under the temple, and now these gold and silver jewellery are gone.

"What, what? Do you say that the gold and silver jewellery is gone? How is this possible? How could such a thing happen, yes, yes, it is impossible. Then again, we are here, before Without the village and the store behind, who will steal all of these fine jewelry, is this impossible? OK, do n’t say anything impossible, now the facts are in front of me, see No, all of us were comatose last night. They must have been eaten last night, and we were drugged during dinner, so we will all be comatose, and when those people are unconscious through us, I took all this gold and silver jewelry one night, we were all fooled, we were all fooled. "

Jiang Zhen is a member of the staff of the TV station. He said angrily when he gritted his teeth and his face even showed an angry look. Obviously for them, there was some unwillingness. These business jewellery was enough for them to get rich. Everyone can get a share of it, and now all of them are taken away by some people. This is impossible. It is impossible. They are not willing at all.

"What did you say? What did you say to Party A? Did all the gold and silver jewelry be taken away? If so, what about the eye of God and whether the eye of God was also taken away? Li An's face He was unusually pale, reached out and rubbed his temples, gradually came to his senses, raised his head and quickly rushed into the tent, and asked, saying that for him silent jewelry is not worth it or care, he cares. There is only one thing, and that is the Blade of God.

"No, no, no gold and silver jewelry, no rope anymore, everything has been removed, everything has been removed, and passerby Professor Zhang stumbled away from the side Over here, his face was abnormally pale, and even deliberately dripped water to slap his thigh. Angrily, he said with a look of terror on his face, and even some of them were on the verge of despair, no more, no more, The gold, silver, jewelry and sages we carried from under the temple were all gone, and all were stolen. "

"It's impossible. Who did it? Who didn't do it? Don't let me find it, otherwise I'll miss them for a meeting, and I want them to be extravagant even to death."

Li An's face became abnormally aura. He squeezed his teeth and squeezed a sentence out of his teeth, like a hell-like demon.

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