Super Finding App

Chapter 2131: conflict

"Did all disappear? Not only the gold and silver jewelry, but even the ropes also disappeared. It seems that it was really stolen last night, otherwise it would never happen now. This kind of thing, in the end who did it, Chen Yiping's brow, the development of wrinkled tight things, there seems to be some surprises to him, Chen Yiping did not expect that someone would often be at night When I was in the food, I would apply a drug, so that everyone fell into a coma, and then all the Jinjing jewelry and the blade of God were taken away, which is too strange.

"What the **** is going on? What the **** is going on? Why did this happen? Who did it? Who did it? You were so anxious that you stretched out your hand to grit your teeth, and the face was cold. Lip color, heaven and earth conscience, if it was not ruled by him, and he did not know who had done such a thing, once he was found out, Li An would definitely pull out a pistol and directly solve this person, in his opinion Robbing the Eye of God is to defeat his purpose, which is absolutely not allowed

"Let ’s check it out quickly. Check it out. Call it. Call it. See if anyone is missing. See if anyone is missing."

Zhang Dao, who was officially filmed by the official television station, also yelled angrily, but he was quite clever, and immediately let the members of the official television group's film crew begin to register and register with each other. As long as it is organized, you can know if anyone is leaving. If someone will leave at this time, it is enough to prove that there must be something wrong with the person who left.

With the words of the Shenzhen TV station crew, etc., the official TV station staff began active conversations, and even started to roll up their names. One after another, counting their numbers with their own names, they must steal them. The jeweler is caught.

"What's going on? What's going on? What's going on? Everyone was fooling around early in the morning, what the **** were they arguing? Yang Juaner woke up from her sleep with a yawn. He slept in his tent, not because he returned to the condition last night, but because he ate in the tent. At this moment, he came out of the tent with his eyes narrowed.

"Are you awake? Yang Juner had an accident, something really happened. Last night, someone put a drug in the food. All of them were fainted. The gold and silver taken from under the temple. Jewelry and the so-called artifact eye of God are all lost "

Director Wang came out from the side, his face became abnormally solemn, saying one word at a time, so many brows, he was also thinking about who did this kind of thing, and what was the purpose of doing it

"Interesting and interesting, was someone stole the drug decree and stole all the gold and silver jewellery and the eyes of the gods under the temple? It seems that Taiwan is turbulent. I told them yesterday. It's very dangerous to put so much gold together, but they don't listen to each other, they think that there will be no danger in this territorial sea. Now how can everything be said by me? It was all stolen, and just like everyone else was scared, I just said, why did I sleep so well last night, and for a long time, I was drugged? "

Sun Xiangrui shook his head and walked out from the side, frowning deeply. He said, why did he sleep so well last night, and it turned out that he was also drugged

"Okay, do n’t talk about it anymore, disobedient, think about it, what ’s going on, we just want to do the archaeological reality show filming quietly, why is this happening so much? The impact of the situation and the theft on the leading actor, do you think that the archeological evidence show will continue to be filmed? The main thing is that this person can even put my food into the drug, Let all of us be envious of being in a coma, and he has been okay. He just wants to steal some jewelry and **** professions. If we kill our lives, it will be quite dangerous. "

Just knowing that the amusement planting tree shook his head, there are some lively Sun Xiangrui. He is even more worried. He is afraid that an unexpected situation will occur here, and eventually he will cause an accident. This is the most dangerous thing.

"No, no, isn't that really happening?"

Sun Xiangrui's eyes widened. He was also worried about the handkerchief by the prince. After all, after all, there is only one life, and no one hopes that he will become a scapegoat.

"No, no, should not, there is Uncle Chen, I believe Uncle Chen will definitely find these meals, and Uncle Chen will definitely protect us" Yang Juner raised his head and said in a word. With a dignified look on his face, it seems that he really believes in Chen Yiping

"No, there is no less. There will be no staff in the official TV crew. All of them are here. There is no lack of one. How is this possible? Why is there no lack of one, if there are no fewer, Doesn't that mean that it's not the people who will really be the TV stations that steal the things, but there are other people in this territorial sea? "

Zhang Dao of CCTV TV frowned, shaking his head in the same way as a rattle. He was not sure. Is there really any other person in the city of Ghana in Ninghai? That's too strange, right?

"What is in this quiet sea, there are other people appearing, is it really true that some of them have found that we have carried a lot of gold and silver jewelry and **** blades from the temple, so Did you start taking drugs last night and then rob them? If so, be sure to find them out. I'm going to frustrate them. "

You said by gritting your teeth, showing fierce light, the needles on your face were already prominent. Obviously, at this moment, he has gradually formed an exposed state. Dreams raised his head and gritted his teeth to know, even if you said It ’s true that there will be no shortage of staff in the official TV crew, but do n’t forget that this drug should be used in the meal last night, that is to say, the guys who will face the TV crew ’s crew should There will be gangs stealing business jewelry "

Li An looked up and said word by word, and instantly turned around and grabbed the shotgun from the hand of the flat-bodied bodyguard on the side. He slammed into the sky and fired a shot. The loud voice shocked the place. Of people also caught everyone ’s attention

You raise your head and face to reveal the martyrdom

"Now who is stealing the channel to run jewelry, I can spare you if I stand up, otherwise don't blame the gun in my hand, the bullet has no eyes"

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