Super Finding App

Chapter 2158: Roundabout (2)

"Oh, it's okay. I just came here to look for some medicinal herbs. I didn't expect Fengxin County to be so difficult to leave. By the way, so many of you gathered together. What happened? Or what kind of celebration is there in your village? "

Chen Yiping calmly hit a haha ​​and took out a lighter, which meant that the villagers gave it a point.

The villager had some panic and the flattering Alliance took a few sips and revealed a bright and thick smile.

"Where is a celebration? If it is a celebration, that's fine. In fact, the two daughters of the old Zhang family in our village have run away from home. Now we are all in the village helping to find them."

Sure enough, it really is the same as I thought.

The golden light in Chen Yiping's eyes flashed and showed a bright smile pretending to be indifferent.

"Do you run away from home? I thought our children in the city would come here. I did not expect that rural children would also run away from home, but I think the so-called runaway should be to some relatives or friends or Let ’s go inside the teacher ’s house. Two little children ca n’t go far. ”

"It's true. We thought the same way, but yeah, I saw that the parents without Zhang had called all the relatives, friends, and teachers, and all of them didn't have the information they asked for two people. Now it is really very Worry, if the child is a little older, it ’s good, but unfortunately these two children are only 12 years old and only 7 years old, and they really want something to happen, then it will be troublesome. "

The rural man took a long breath while smoking a cigarette. Although there are sometimes conflicts in the countryside, if something really happens, there is really a family in trouble. The support has to be said. Compared to many

"No, a 12-year-old one is only seven or eight years old. If this is the case, then really have to find these children as soon as possible, because their age is too young"

Chen Yiping learned and said quickly

"Yes, yes, so, not all the roads in Africa have been found in the village now, but they have not been found so far. I really do n’t know what kind of place their two children have gone to."

The rural man shook his head

"It turned out to be this way, but then again, wouldn't you use the Super Hidden App if you were really looking for someone?"

Chen Yiping said calmly

"Super Finding App, what is this?"

Aggressive look of farm man

"No, don't you even know about the Supergroup app? It's the super finder app that can be bundled if you download anything on the phone. I heard that this app is very special awesome"

When Chen Yiping pretended, he felt very surprised at all.He took out his mobile phone from his arms and opened the super pet. The APP went to the farmer's man and said

"Seeing that there is no such thing is this app that can help people find people and find things. I used to drop my phone and I was very anxious. Then I used the Super Find App to find my phone. It ’s very convenient, but The only bad thing is that you need faith points. These belief points need to be stored in your usual time. As long as you have enough faith points to find items, it is fine. I believe that it is also possible to find people. This is like a headless fly like you are now. Come better

How can we allow others to obey their own arrangements without any doubt? That is to use unscrupulous means to sell quietly and to do what they like.

Chen Yiping is very clear that if the rural women in front of them really want to find their daughter, there is no way they will never give up as long as there is a glimmer of hope, so unless these rural couples I do n’t know this super finder app, if you know it, you will definitely use it

But the problem is that if you want to use the Super Pet APP, you must use the faith points. Chen Yiping believes that the people in the rural area in front of them have absolutely no faith points. In other words, without the end of the belief, they are the only ones All I can find is myself

In the end, I can push the boat

"Really? Really? Is this Super Xuanwu App really so amazing? Yes, it will also be in my phone, and it has been said on the Internet, but we have n’t used it very often, no Know what it does! "

The middle-aged rural man touched his head and said, took out his mobile phone, Chen Yiping looked at his eyes slightly, this mobile phone is really quite good, it seems that life in the countryside is now living Quite wealthy

Of course, this is only part of it. After all, some rural women are poor.

"That's right, this is the super pet app. You can give it a try. If this belief point is enough, you should be able to find it. I came here, and you must find some of the super behaviors you use. Medicinal herbs "

Chen Yiping started to talk nonsense with his eyes closed.

"Lao Zhang, come here quickly, Lao Zhang, take a look, take a look"

As soon as the middle-aged man listened a little, he tinkered with the super military app in this mobile phone, turned around and walked towards the middle-aged man's old Zhang and his wife.

"What's wrong? Found it? Found it? Did my daughter find it? Did my daughter find it?" Rural man Lao Zhang couldn't wait to ask his face, a look of worry.

"No, we haven't found out where your daughter is, but just met someone in this village. She said that using the Super Dance App can help people find things. You do n’t have a mobile phone. If there is anything on it, try it out. If you can find it, then it is really a good thing. You do n’t need to search for headless flies like now. ”

Middle-aged man speaks with his mobile phone

"A lot of people in the village are using super school farts. I also have everyone in my cell phone to take a look and see if they can really find where the two little girls are."

There were a few young people who spoke directly and said, and took out their mobile phones while talking.

"This super life APP has also been collected online. It is really amazing. It can help people find things. So we all try to see if we can find it."

"Sure enough, the current era is still a time of rapid development of science and technology. Even rural people do not understand it, but as long as there are young people, the same is the use of super animal husbandry APP, but whether their belief points are enough or not? ? "

Cheng Yiping touched his chin and frowned slightly. If the performance of these young super plant apps slows down enough, then the team leader doesn't need to run for himself.

"It's nothing. It doesn't matter if you run for nothing. The main thing is that as long as you can find these two little girls and nothing can happen, this is the main thing."

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