Super Finding App

Chapter 2159: Melon (1)

For Chen Yiping, although the belief points are important, no matter how important they are, the life of a child is definitely more important. Although Chen Yiping also needs Xinyang points and hopes to get a lot of faith points, Chen Yiping is more clear. Although the points are important, they are definitely not. The name of the child is even more important, especially when the two children run away from home today. One is only a teenager, and the other is only seven or eight years old. The consequences of the bad guys are definitely an unthinkable thing.

Thinking of this, Chen Yiping shook his head gently, "Well, I can earn more if I do n’t have it. In my current ability, getting faith points is not a difficult thing, even if I want to get the final The final belief points of a super-hunting app is also very difficult after all, it needs millions of points, which is not something that one or two people can get. In contrast, if these young people really Those who have enough faith points can be found. For those girls, this is also a good thing for me. After all, they can find and use the Super Find App, and I can get a share of it. "

Chen Yiping narrowed his eyes, his face was a bright smile, but he was very clear about one thing, that is, relying on his own strength, if he wants to get enough faith points, he wants to get hundreds Thousands of faith points, this is simply a thorny thing about dreams, it is simply unrealistic. But if you use the Super Find App APP backup system, all the men in the water can use the Super Find App to find people and find things, as long as you can get a share of it, even if only 13 faith points belong to you can imagine , Then you can definitely make a fortune. This is absolutely no problem.

"After all, as the saying goes, many people pick up firewood, and the flames are high. Only me, but there are some troublesome things. If these young people can really use the super finder app to find things, this is really true. It ’s a very good thing. Chen Yiping touched his chin and thought that he really had some excitement at this moment. I want to see if these young people can really use the Super Find App to have enough Xinyang points. "

"Uncle and uncle are really sorry, I am really sorry for Uncle Zhang, I do n’t have enough faith points, so there is really no way to say to look for it. Really, I should have been more religious since I knew this. Maybe it ’s enough to save more faith points. ”

One of these young people held his mobile phone and swayed quickly, then raised his head and sighed, sighing, showing a bitter smile. After all, for today's young people, they really believe in this so-called belief. I do n’t believe it at all. After all, what people need now is fast money, what they need is a rich overnight, and not sitting there like a dervish praying prayerfully. This is too difficult for young people now. . It's okay. The main thing we need now is to find our daughter, find our daughter. This is the most important thing. We don't understand this super pet app. We only know one thing, that is to find us quickly. Daughter, as long as you find your daughter, this is the most important thing. The farmer man, Lao Zhang's hand swayed quickly. For the farmer man all the year round, he had no idea what kind of role the so-called super pet app had, maybe even told him what role this super student would have. He didn't understand at all. For the farmer man, the most important thing is to find his two daughters down-to-earth. This is the most realistic thing. As for the so-called Super Xuanwu APP, it is too mysterious. He couldn't understand it at all.

"That's right, that's right, folks still ask you to help us find it again, let's look a little further and see if the child has gone to a remote mountain area, if they I've been abducted by a trafficker. What can I do? I won't live. "

The middle-aged wife shouted a cry, sitting on the ground with her butt, with a sad and sad look on her face. For a farm woman, the child is almost her lifeblood.

"Yes, yes, ladies and gentlemen, we are still here to look a little further, we still go a little further, maybe we can find the traces of these two children far away, but they are impossible for two children If they go that far, they will never go too far. "

"That's right, that's right. We just need to work hard together. The two little girls should not go too far. After all, they are just two little girls."

"Yes, yes, let's look for it a little bit, let's continue a little earlier, and look farther away."

Many people in the village talked babblely, rushing towards a farther place. Obviously, compared to the Super Find App, the words they found were more practical.

"Why does this gentleman's super buck app have no effect? ​​My super group can give you no effect at all. Is it necessary to use faith points? Where can I buy them? I can't buy them now. ? "

The middle-aged rural man Zhang hesitated, looking at Chen Yiping, who was staying aside, walked over, rubbed his hands, and looked awkward. Although he did n’t believe in super suspension, but as long as there was She never wanted to give up any opportunity to find her daughter.

"I'm afraid this gentleman is not very good. The faith points of this Super Hidden App can only be used by himself and cannot be used by other people, so even if I want to give you the faith points of this super challenge problem, it is completely Have no effect "

Chen Yiping persuaded his shoulders, clapped his hands, and said helplessly. To be honest, he has also thought about trading the faith points in the Super Xiongwu App. If it can be traded, then this faith point can become A currency, once it has the attributes of currency, it may be sought after by others like Bitcoin, and there will be more opportunities to earn faith points, but it is a pity that even if he is a super The director of the material APP also cannot freely convert and trade belief points.

Maybe you can only do this when the fragmentation of the faith of the Super Xuanwu APP reaches 100% and Chen Yiping becomes the so-called mind.

"Can't trade? Can't trade? Then there is no way. It seems to be looking for it honestly, I don't believe it. What kind of place did the two daughters go to? Why did they want to? Run away from home? Isn't it just a watermelon? Why run away from home? "

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