Super Finding App

Chapter 2176: Kindness (4)

"Sir, do you have anything?"

The owner of Da Yun Piao Hong Yun Restaurant and Zhao Dazhen looked at each other with a look of surprise.

Cheng Yiping asked, looking at the apparently different dress. "

"No, no, no, I just want to ask you one thing. You just said that you have sent someone to send Zhang Xue and Zhang Li back to your home. Did you return to Qing County?"

Cheng Yiping nodded slightly and said

The words spoke to everyone's attention

The owner of the pot-bellied Fortune Restaurant nodded heavily.

"Of course it was sent to Qingxian. We asked. The two little girls met on the way from Qingxian to the city. Now I have arranged for the staff to drive them back to the village. Rest assured, there will be no problems. "

"Yes, yes, there will be no problems. Rest assured, we have done this many times, and sometimes I also meet some street children, or tramps, we will accept them kindly. With these homeless children and homeless people, give them work and some money, and if they want to go home, they will be sent home. Zhao Dazhen is really a very good person. "

"Yes, yes, those of you who come from the outside do not know Zhao Dazhen, but we are all very clear. Zhao Dazhen is really a very good person. She is really very kind and believe Since he sent your daughter home, he will surely send your daughter home. "

"Yes, yes, I can testify about this, I can testify about this, or the staff I arranged to send your two daughters home, you should be able to see it now if you rush home "

The owner of the pot-bellied Fortune Restaurant echoed, his expression was quite sincere

"I see, I understand what you mean, if you really follow what you said, that means the two little girls you met, Zhang Xue, eleven, and seven or eight, Zhang Li was returned to your rural home in Qing County by the people you arranged. Does that mean? "

The cold light flashed into Cheng Yiping's eyes, and he asked thoughtfully.

As soon as the words fell, Zhao Dazhen nodded heavily.

"Yes, yes, this is indeed the case. We have arranged for people to send them back home. This is a matter of no problem at all. I believe that if you return home now, you will be able to see your daughter. I ’m still In other words, you should be better with your daughter in the future. Do n’t hit and kill every time. This is not good. This time, you can be lucky enough to meet us. If you meet a bad person next time, it will be dangerous. . "

Zhao Dashen said intently, she still cared until now.

"Okay, okay, I understand, I understand. I did understand what you said, but there is one thing that is strange to me. Since you said that you arranged to send the two little girls back to Qingxian County, China, but the question is why here it shows that they did not go to Qingxian but headed for the field, and did not exercise in the direction of Qingxian. It seems that you should give me an explanation. "

Cheng Yiping's eyes flashed cold, the voice just fell, the middle-aged rural man Zhang and the middle-aged woman froze for a moment and immediately raised their heads and glared and stared.

"What, Mr. Chen, what are you talking about? Are you telling the truth? Are you telling the truth? Our children are not on the way back to Qingxian, but went to a foreign country. How is this possible? Is it true or false? "

"That is, Mr. Chen, tell us what is going on, what is going on?"

"No, no, you are talking nonsense, you are talking nonsense, I did arrange someone to send your child to Qingxian County. If your child is indeed Zhang Xue, twelve or three, and Qiba The words of Zhang Li, a year-old girl, we did let people like Li Lei send them to Qingxian County and send them home. "

Zhao Dazhen retorted with a look of anger and an expression of doubt on his face.

"Please stop talking nonsense, please stop talking nonsense"

"Sorry, this is not nonsense"

Cheng Yiping shrugged his shoulders and said

"You guys should be very clear. The main reason why our door can talk about this Fortune Restaurant is because I use the Super Find App, so the guide of the Super Find App is to your daughter. within"

Cheng Yiping reached out his hand, took out his mobile phone, and gently rocked it twice, saying it word by word

"But the super-hunting app on my mobile phone now shows that your daughter's direction is not in the Fortune Restaurant, nor is it going to Qingxian, but to a foreign country. What I said is completely different. I do n’t know what you call sending them home, is n’t it to Qingxian? Or do you think Qingxian and Qingxian are two different counties? "

"This is impossible, this is impossible, this is simply impossible, this is simply impossible"

"I obviously asked Li Lei and others to drive the two little girls back to their homes in a van. How could they drive to other places? It is simply impossible. You are talking nonsense."

Zhao Dazhen's face was full of surprise, and what he revealed in his eyes was that you were talking nonsense.

I don't believe what you say

"Don't believe it, although you don't believe it, but what I'm saying is true, don't you think that this super finder app in my hand is lying?

In the face of the disapproving Zhao Dazhen, Cheng Yiping shrugged his shoulders and shook his mobile phone.

As soon as the words fell, the customers who were present chattered, stunned, and whispered.

"What is not the same county seat, how is this possible?"

"Who the **** is this man? Why can he say that the little girl is driving in the direction not to Qingxian County, and he has no clairvoyance? How could he know?"

"Stupid, you don't know now, don't you listen to him? He uses the Super Hidden App"

"Yes, yeah, the Super Hidden App, I remembered, I remember what this Super Hidden App is. We also have this Super Hidden App in our phones, but I have never used it successfully. Past the Super Hidden App, because this Super Hidden App is really amazing, what he needs is faith points. "

"I haven't saved enough faith points. I thought this super finder app was fake. I didn't expect it to be true."

"It's true, it's true, this super-hunting app is real, so they used the super-hunting app"

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