Super Finding App

Chapter 2177: Chase (1)

"That's right, that's right. Now the Internet has been turned upside down. This super finder app is really amazing. Of course, the prerequisite is that you can find it if you have enough faith points. The items you want to find, if this person really uses the Super Find App, it is really possible to find the position of the two little girls Zhang Li and Zhang Xue. Did n’t they really get sent to Qing County? Did n’t you really get sent home? "

"No, no, maybe it should be impossible. Zhao Dayi's is very clear to all of us. She is very good and very kind. Since she said to send these two little girls Back home, it should be sent. How could it not be sent back home, but the direction of travel is not longing for Qingxian, what is going on? "

"Unclear and unclear, to be honest it's really unclear why this happened now, but one thing is for sure, the development of this thing really did unexpected things."

"Did Zhao Dazhen really not be so kind, did she do bad things in the name of good deeds?"

"No, no, you do n’t say so exaggeratedly, there should be no such thing. Does it mean that Zhao Dayi just said to do good deeds and do good deeds, but actually doing some chicken pirates in the back? ?"

"Impossible, impossible, this is impossible, this is absolutely impossible."

"Dahao Zhao is very clear to everyone. How can you say such things? This should be impossible."

"How impossible, what is impossible, I think this is completely possible, it is definitely possible, everyone can think about it."

"Is it really what kind of roaring thing done in the name of kindness?"

The surrounding customers chattered and talked.

Obviously, for many people, a kind-hearted person like Zhao Dazhen is indeed respected, but it is also because once a kind-hearted person becomes stained, it will make a difference.

As people say, a very wicked person who does a good deed will be talked about, and thinks that he will change from evil to righteousness.

But the same long-term good person, if only one bad thing is done, all the good things he has done before will fall apart, and it will make people feel that he is bad.

Have to say this is indeed a fallacy

"What, what, Mr. Cheng, Mr. Cheng, are you telling the truth? Are you telling the truth? Our daughter did not return home, but went to other places and drove to the field, this How is that possible? Why is it so? "

The middle-aged rural man Zhang Zhang stopped for a moment, followed by a rage rushing from his back to his head, hurriedly raised his head, and rushed towards Zhao Dazhen and the boss of Hongyun Restaurant, who had a big belly, hurried Asked

"Where are you hiding our daughter, where is my daughter, answer me, where is my daughter? Where is my daughter?"

"Yes, yes, where did you put our daughter? Where did you take our daughter?"

"Give me back my daughter, give me back my daughter"

Middle-aged rural women growled almost hysterically

Now she is like a lioness guarding the calf

Under such circumstances, whenever there is any danger, she will definitely rush forward, just to protect her child

"No, no, calm down, calm down. This is impossible. This is simply impossible. I did ask Li Lei to send your children back home. I really asked Li Lei to send your children back. Back home "

Zhao Dayi's face was blinded, he didn't even know why the development of the thing turned out to be like this

He was able to justify it, but her justification became a little pale and weak.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, everyone calm down, everyone calm down, I think it's very simple now, just call Li Lei, isn't it clear?"

"I can know exactly where Li Lei is, whether he has sent your daughter back home, and what is going on with his route."

The boss of Hongyun Restaurant, who had a big belly, hurriedly said, pulling the crowd down, while talking and wiping the sweat on his forehead, there was some hesitation and haze in his eyes.

He really felt that things seemed to be beyond his expectation, and some were at a loss.

"The boss is right, the boss is right, I am calling now, I am calling now"

Zhao Dazhen's aggressive look, but when he heard the words of the owner of Jiuhongyun Restaurant, he immediately reflected over, and quickly pulled out his mobile phone to make a call in the eyes of everyone's breathless eyes

After a while, the phone was connected, and Zhao Dazhen quickly put the phone in his hand and turned on the speakerphone.

"Li Lei, where are you now?"

"What other place is Da-Zhao Zhao? We're driving now and we're driving to Qing County"

"Are you driving to Qingxian? How far is it from Qingxian?"

"It should be fast, it should be fast, you should be in Qingxian in more than an hour"

"Okay, remember, you must send the two little girls Zhang Li and Zhang Xue to their home safely. It is the best thing if their parents are there. Do not lose them, you guys. Nowhere else to go "

"No, no, definitely no more, Zhao Dazhen, don't worry, this is not the first time we have done such a thing, we will definitely send the two little girls back to their own home before going to other places, rest assured Right "

"Okay, that's great, then that's great. Wait for a picture to be sent to me, let me see it, you know?"

"What? What, Mr. Zhao, what you said is bad, my signal is not good, and the phone is almost out of power, so let's answer it when I'm done in a while, and I will answer in a while."

"Beep toot ..."

There was a beeping sound inside Zhao Dazhen ’s phone. Obviously, Li Lei has hung up the phone.

"He is lying"

Cheng Yiping said, raising his head, word by word.

Everyone present at this moment understood that what Cheng Yiping said was indeed correct

"Why is this? Why is it so? Why is it so, how could Li Lei lie to us, and how could he lie to us?"

"I obviously asked him to send the child back to his home, but why did he go to another place, and now he even said that the signal was bad, how could this be possible, what are they going to do?"

Zhao Dazhen's head shook like the rattle of a rattle, and he was already at a loss.

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