Super Finding App

Chapter 2191: Looking for (a)

Human beings are very strange creatures. Sometimes human beings are as naive as blank papers. You can believe as many lies as you can, but sometimes human beings are the most suspicious even if you take out your heart and take out everything When he comes out, he wo n’t even believe that it all depends on the self ’s thoughts.

Chen Yiping was very clear about this, so he knew that if he ran to the two of them, and told them, hey, did your daughter disappear? I can use the Super Pet APP to help you find someone. Of course, you only need to hug me. I am afraid that the first reaction for these two couples was to meet a liar. I wo n’t believe it at all, maybe I will believe it temporarily when I want to find my daughter, but it will also be full of vigilance. For Chen Yiping, the development of his work is absolutely unfavorable, and the best The method is to let the other party find themselves. This is also in the real world. Some films often use makeup and make-up, which is the so-called desire to escape.

Although Chen Yiping didn't want to use such a method, it seemed that the time and place had already been gathered for him. Chen Yiping knew very well that he didn't have any thoughts or plans, or how he wanted to get in touch. But after seeing the middle-aged man and the appearance of Lao Zhang, a rural man, Chen Yiping knew that he only needed to stay quietly in the off-road vehicle, so the two couples would naturally find themselves

"Through the words of these two couples, we can learn that their daughter was in an accident on Qingyun Mountain. In trivial matters, now these two couples came to Qingxian County to find Qingyun Mountain, but they But they are not familiar with Qingyun Mountain, nor do they know the specific location of Qingyun Mountain. The first thing they could do was to find local people in this Qingxian County to ask, and now one of them appeared in front of them. The locals are this middle-aged rural man, Lao Zhang. As long as they ask Lao Zhang, Lao Zhang will tell them where Qingyun Mountain is, and if they say that as long as they are looking for their daughter, then Lao Zhang is sympathetic to the same illness. I will definitely tell my situation below. Jiang Tao, I recommend to these two loving couples. After all, Lao Zhang ’s daughter is also away from home, and I found it with the Super Find App, so what I have to do now is to be quiet. Just wait quietly, as long as I ask Lao Zhang, then things will definitely be done. "

And the matter is exactly the same as Chen Yiping thought. After asking the old couple, the two couples heard from Lao Zhang's mouth that Chen Yiping actually helped him find the two missing daughters. It was not in their minds. When so-called scammers appear, they kick the ball and think that Chen Yiping must be able to help them

Therefore, as a bottle came down from the off-road vehicle to ask them, the man with a Chinese character face, Kai Liu, couldn't wait to say this gentleman, sir, hello, I just heard this fellow said that you can use super Hidden Object, you helped him find two missing daughters. Is this true? "It's true. I happened to be here and happened to see it. People in their village were looking for two missing daughters, a 11-year-old girl, a 7- or 8-year-old girl. Look, it's a teenage girl, and it's two little girls. If you are really abducted, it will be very dangerous. So, you can use the Super Hidden Object App to help them find it. Find the child back, no matter how good this is, after all, the things of big children are the biggest. "

Chen Yiping nodded, pretending that he didn't even know what they would do when they came to Qingyun Mountain. He said as he turned and seemed to want to leave. When he saw the man with the Chinese character on the shelf, Liu Kai hurried up One step before, wait a minute, Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen, if this is the case, then I would like to ask for your help, and I would like to ask you to help us find our daughter, too? Look for our daughter, they are missing, their relatives are missing. "

"Yes, yes, this gentleman, please be sure to help us, please be sure to help us, as long as you can help us find our daughter, no matter how much compensation there is no problem, the woman with long hair also walks away When they came over, they had an anxious look on their face. The problem that can be solved with money is not a problem at all in their opinion, but the problem is to solve the problem.

"Your daughter has also disappeared. He disappeared in Qingyun Mountain. You are kidding. This is not a coincidence. Chen Yiping frowned, although she had already seen the video on her mobile phone. , But still pretending not to know, with the look on his face is whether you are deceiving me or not. No, what we said is true, all we say is really another man with glasses. Wei Wei and Wei Kai came out and could n’t wait to say that we were telling the truth, in fact, we were two people, and our daughter opened a live broadcast room on the Internet, called Live Rose, which has been broadcasting outdoor activities all the time. We originally thought that our daughter was fishing somewhere to collect her style, so it was not serious work, but as long as the daughters liked us, there was no stop, but we found out today and yesterday that the daughter went climbing The so-called wild mountain Qingyun Mountain, and according to the live video, they fell under Qingyun Mountain while taking pictures, and are now missing, and the phone is also This could not get through, we're really very worried, so we came here looking for our daughter. "

"That's the case, I understand, I understand, that is to say, your daughter climbed into Qingyun Mountain during the live broadcast, and then fell down. This is possible, after all, it is some wild mountains with many dangers. The existence is not like some famous mountains and big boats. Basically, there are people on the road who have a high coefficient of maintenance and repair. The wild mountains in the wild countryside are always in danger all the time. People without professional knowledge easily It ’s a very dangerous thing to climb the wild mountain. Chen Yiping nodded and said in fact, this is indeed the case. Now our daughter has been missing for a whole day and night, and we are really very worried. Anxious, Mr. Chen just said the old man, you can help her find her two missing daughters who have run away from home. Will that definitely help us find our daughter? Please help us. Money is not a problem at all. "

Another woman with short hair couldn't wait to say that her body was trembling slightly. She couldn't imagine how her two daughters spent the night in the wilderness. He wished that she could eat enough to fly to her daughter. Beside

"Well, I see. Although I can use the Super Ask APP, you should also know that if you want to use the Super Ask APP, you need bride points. My bride points are not too many. After all, this bride point is also my one. Save a little bit "

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