Super Finding App

Chapter 2192: Looking for (two)

Chen Yiping lowered his head while talking, revealing a tangled look. Although he has a lot of faith points, it is no problem to find someone, but sometimes he can't easily contribute his hole cards, but he needs to speak. To the other person's mouth, only in this way can you achieve your purpose, after all, language is also a science and a word.

Otherwise, there would be no word

The man with a Chinese character face, Liu Wei froze. Looking at the tangled face, Chen Yiping, the designer, quickly said, "Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen, we know that this super basalt app is really amazing. In fact, each of us There is also a Super Xuanwu APP in your mobile phone, but just after we experimented, we do n’t have enough faith points, so we ca n’t use the super type APP. Since Mr. Chen can use it, please help us We know that there are very few words of faith, so we can buy it. As long as you can help us find our two daughters, I am willing to give 10,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan is not enough 20,000. The man with the Chinese character face Liu Weihua nodded because of the man with glasses who just dropped aside. Jiang Wei nodded heavily, yes, as long as you are willing to help us find our two missing daughters, no matter what the final result is, money is not a problem Or, if you feel insufficient, you can raise it. As long as it can be achieved, we will try our best to satisfy you.

Sure enough, it ’s so simple and straightforward to chat with smart people. Chen Yiping's eyes flashed, and he hesitated, so that the other party could say such a sentence, after all, he took the initiative Asking for compensation and the other party's initiative to pay are two completely different states, and they are also two completely different results.

"Well, if this is the case, then I can give it a try. If my faith is enough, then I can of course help you find the missing daughter. After all, you are dead, and as for the reward, what you said 20,000, but I only need 10,000, and the other 10,000 is for the middle and old Zhang. After all, even if I can be super strong, the APP needs a guide to find your daughter where to go to Qingyun Mountain. After all, there are The guide can guarantee nothing, otherwise we don't get stuck in the end, then it will be troublesome. "

Chen Yiping is very clear that there is a way to be alone and inferior to all people, and all diamonds ca n’t make money. Although he uses the Super Hidden App, he can clearly know the road and environment by using the soul avatar. Chu, but one thing that Chen Yiping knows more clearly is that the super use APP on other backup systems does not have its own soul avatar. It is only a navigation system that guides the road, nothing more, then On the way to find things, you may also find all kinds of dangers. In this case, if there is a guide, everything can be done.

"No problem, no problem. This is no problem. It is completely okay. The man with a Chinese character face, Liu Kaizhong nodded, and can't wait to say, 20,000 yuan is a lot for people in the countryside, and for the village. There are many more people, but for finding their own daughter, it is really not too much for two people. One person can afford 10,000.

"Lao Zhang, I don't think this is a problem. You remember that you should be able to know where Qingyun Mountain is. If you think it is dangerous, you can ask the people in Shangcun to go together. Everyone is more crowded. It is more convenient to get up early. At the time, it was 10,000 yuan at most. People in the village were also OK. Chen Yiping nodded and turned to look at the old man with a blind face in the middle-aged rural man.

"The 10,000 yuan is too much because it is too much. This is really, but it is too much. Even if we do n’t give money, people in our village can help. Even if we do n’t give money, we can help the middle-aged people. Rural man, Zhang Yiyi quickly waved his hands. As a rural person, his character is quite simple. Those who can help for free will naturally help for free. Although there are also poor mountains and rivers, the local people and customs are everywhere. It ’s completely different. It ’s okay. It ’s normal for Zhang to ask someone to help and give money, and it ’s almost over now. If you really ask everyone to come out and look for it, it will really waste everyone ’s time. I think that although 10,000 yuan is not much, everyone should be worth it. "

Chen Yiping is very clear about what is called injustice. Yes, especially for money transactions, it is better to say it in advance. Others can do it, but they ca n’t say nothing, let alone the other person. It ’s smarter. The main thing is that it ’s too late to go to an unknown meal at night. It ’s really a dangerous thing. He does n’t want to happen by himself.

"Yes, yes, this uncle Zhang, this elder sister is bothering you, uh, bringing us money is not a problem, money is not a problem at all, the man with glasses. Jiang Wei nodded heavily He said quickly that he also understood what Chen Yiping said. For them now, as long as they can find their own daughter, this is the most important thing. As for the so-called money, it is really out of their consideration. Inside

"Okay, if that's the case, then I will call the people in the village now, then I will call the people in the village now. Zhang Zhong, a middle-aged rural man, looked at Chen Yiping in front of him and this. The eyes of the two couples nodded heavily, and their faces were a little bit red, so that they became red. Thinking about helping find someone, they could get 10,000 yuan. Although they are shared with the people in the village, if they go If there are not many people, everyone can share more than 1,000 yuan, even if there are many people, they can also receive hundreds of dollars. This is a few hundred dollars. Thinking of his pace here, he has some briskness. , Expressed more gratitude to Chen Yiping, Chen Yiping is indeed his noble

The mother sent the child to the middle-aged rural man, and the old Zhang farted left. Chen Yiping smiled and shook his head. He turned to look at the two couples and was angry. In this case, I will look for it now. Well, if my super basalt app can find your daughter, then everything can be talked about, and if it can't be found, then I can only love and help. Chen Yiping said, reaching out his hand, counseling his shoulders, and making a very helpless gesture. The super-find app that must be found, not necessarily found, is very magical on the Internet. It is said that it can Find any missing objects, I believe it is also possible to find someone. The woman with long hair ca n’t wait to say that her head shakes like a rattle, which means she is very worried, and he ca n’t believe the result that she ca n’t find.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Chen will definitely find what can be found. Since you can help the old man in the countryside to find their daughter who ran away from home, then we will be able to find our missing daughter."

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