Super Finding App

Chapter 2260: Join (two)

"Han Xinyue, what do you say? Can we find the killer by ourselves, can we find the murderer Zhang Haidong, the culprit in the explosion at the Changhong Chemical Factory 15 years ago? Don't make a joke, even the police haven't found it, how could we find it? This is simply impossible. Uncle Zhao froze his head and said, shaking like a rattle, although I also wanted to bring the murderer to justice, but the police did not find it, and passed by. In 15 years, how could we be able to find it? This is simply impossible. It is indeed the case. It is indeed the case. If there is a way to find the murderer of the bombing 15 years ago, Zhang Haidong will let me pay. No matter how much it costs, this is a matter without any problems, but can we really find it? This is not even found by the police. How can we just find out how ordinary people can find Hu Wei with a bitter smile? There was sadness and even a touch of shock in the eyes. All the people here were very diverse. Thinking, everyone can be said to be a broken family, and they have survived the difficult and difficult 15 years. It is not easy for everyone to be in this Ivy Cemetery park, on each tombstone. Behind a broken family

"Of course it is possible that if it was not possible 15 years ago, but now this is the most absolutely possible thing. Han Xinyue raised his head and looked at the torch. The technology and the level of handling the case 15 years ago were very mediocre, but passed 15 years of development, compared with the previous technology, but it is changing with each passing day, so this is absolutely no problem, let alone do n’t forget that as long as we have a mind, there will be a solution, 15 years ago we were just ordinary Tongtong children, even if they want to do something, they ca n’t do it at all, but it ’s different now. After 15 years, we have grown up. The problem that we can do is whether you are willing or not. If you want, then we will gather together to find out Zhang Haidong, if not, then when I did not say you can live the life you want! "

"Of course we think, we certainly want to find the killer and bring the killer to justice. If you really have a way, there is a way to bring the killer to justice. Then we will definitely be willing to help you together. But can it be done? What did the police not do for 15 years? Can we really do it? Hu Wei shook his head, his face full of surprise and deep doubt.

"It's true. I'm too old and I don't think I can live long. If I can really catch the killer in my lifetime, then I will of course, even if I use all the rest of my time The arrest of the murderer is something he does not hesitate to do. Uncle Zhao raised his head and said, word by word, that all things had been healed by 15 years, but for Uncle Zhao, the whole 15 years was not so good. It is not so easy. In the case of losing his wife, it is a very difficult task to raise children independently. Fortunately, now that the children have established a family, he can also avenge his wife. Okay, if you are really willing, then you can come here at 8:00 this evening, we will meet here, and I will tell you in detail what we should do next, after 15 years In time, we must be able to find Zhang Haidong, the murderer who exploded at the Changhong Chemical Plant 15 years ago. If the law cannot avenge us, if the police cannot The perpetrators are brought to justice, then we will find the perpetrators ourselves, even if it takes the rest of my life, Han Xinyue nodded heavily, took out a checkered piece from his arms, and handed it to Hu Wei and Uncle Zhao's hands turned around and left after a while, Hu Wei and Uncle Zhao glanced at each other, frowning deeply at the address above.

A villa in Jiangzhen City

Hu Wei and Uncle Zhao came to this villa along the address, entered the room, and showed a surprised look. The two of them were not the first to come into the room. In this room, in addition to them, there are already three people who are sitting on the sofa at the moment. None of them are too young. The two look like they are 50 or 60 years old. Look, there is another person who is already in his twenties and looks quite young, not much different from Hu Wei

Although there are some surprises, these three people Hu Wei and Uncle Zhao have all met. People in the cemetery park of Changhong Chemical Factory in Fuqingteng Cemetery have already met people. Obviously, they are also Changhong. The family members of the trainers in the chemical plant bombings, but only after 15 years, now gathered again. The three people saw Hu Wei and Han Xinyue coming, got up and nodded slightly, then sat again. Going down, everyone's face has an unusually solemn look

"Everyone welcomes you, welcomes you, and your ability to accept my invitation is really a great honor and a relief for me. Obviously, even after 15 years, see There are still people who have not forgotten the terrible human tragedy 15 years ago. Without the grammar of the culprit God, we could not give up like this. Han Xinyue walked out of the room in a casual dress. The individual stood up at the same time, with some dignity in his face. Among them, the youngest man in his twenties raised his head and said, one by one, Han sister, what do you mean by this? Do n’t say these You ’ve said that you can help us find the murder culprit Zhang Haidong, the culprit of the chemical plant explosion 15 years ago, so I will join and come here. I just want to know what you can do Find the murderer Zhang Haidong that the police haven't found in 15 years "

The teenager in his twenties raised his hair and creaked as he talked. Among these five people, the relationship between him and Han Xinyue was the closest, not that there was anything between him and Han Xinyue. A special relationship, but because he is an orphan like Han Xinyue. In the Changhong chemical plant explosion 15 years ago, his parents also suffered from the terrible big explosion. At that time, he was only It's just a 7-year-old child. I can imagine a 7-year-old child who completely lost his parents overnight. What a terrible thing, he can only stay in relatives' homes, and Grandpa's family, although living a healthy life together, but every year, his heart is also stranger, he really wanted to revenge for his parents, want to find the Changhong chemical plant explosion 25 years ago The real culprit. Zhang Haidong, then a 7-year-old boy, has grown into a twenties guy, but his faith in revenge has never broken

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