Super Finding App

Chapter 2261: Join (three)

"Xiao Kai said nothing wrong at all. The reason why Han Xinyue will accept your invitation to come here is to settle the grievances of 15 years ago, not to listen to what kind of arrogance here, if you We have n’t found a way to blame the Changhong chemical plant bombing 15 years ago. We leave now, otherwise we would never come here. I hope you can give us an answer. "

Talking is an old man who has reached the age of fifty, and looks like a man, but his mental state is indeed quite good.

If you look closely, you can see that his expression has become quite dignified, and his body is shaking slightly.

I do n’t know if it ’s because of excitement or some tremors

"It's true, Miss Han, we are both old. I am almost in my 50s this year. To put it bluntly, I have n’t had many days to live with Pharaoh. The only thing we have to do for the rest of our life is To revenge our children and bring the murderer to justice, that's why we will join you, accept your invitation, and hope you can give us a reasonable explanation. "

"As long as we can catch the murderer who exploded in darkness 15 years ago and the murderer Zhang Haidong, we will not hesitate to pay any price."

The old man sitting on the other side stood up, with a look of hatred and anger on his face, and his body was constantly shaking.

All the people present were the families of those killed in the explosion at the Changhong Chemical Plant 15 years ago.

Even after a full 15 years, they have not forgotten the hatred, but made it deep into the bone marrow.

To avenge them

Han Xinyue nodded heavily, looked up, looked around at the five people present and said

"I understand, everyone, calm down. Now that I have convened everyone here, and you have accepted my invitation, naturally I have ample preparations. Here, I can remind you again that we do have a way to find 15 years. Zhang Haidong, the culprit of the former Changhong chemical plant bombing, may also violate some laws and even make some marginal and dangerous moves. Under such circumstances, are you still willing? "

"If you want, please stay. If you don't want to turn around and leave, I don't ask for your help. You just don't tell what happened today. After all, all of us are family members of the victims in the Changhong Chemical Plant."

Han Xinyue said verbatim

She is clear that although everyone is a victim of the Changhong chemical plant bombing, the number of victims has reached hundreds

And among these hundreds of people, after 15 years, some people have died at home and some young people have resumed their lives.

Some old people have also died, some have let go of their hatred and started a new life

And there are many people who just buried all their hatreds in her heart, and did not cool down or forget

Waiting for the killer to be brought to justice

With the passage of time, when there is no way to kill the murderer now, they can't bear it, they must take it themselves, even if it is a crime.

"Doing illegal things, it's okay, it's okay"

The old man with a flower face raised his head and said.

"My name is Wang Degang and I am 53 years old this year. 15 years ago, my only son died in an explosion at the Changhong Chemical Plant. At that time you did n’t know what to do. I only left his daughter-in-law and An unborn child, I begged my daughter-in-law to give birth to the child, leaving at least a little incense for our royal family, but no, the daughter-in-law still did not agree. In the end, the daughter-in-law killed the child and remarried. Others, and my Pharaoh's house completely broke the incense. "

Wang Degang said with a miserable smile on his face

"For a full 15 years, I look forward to night and night, that is, I want to find out the culprit of Changhong Chemical Factory thoroughly, let him be brought to justice, and let him pay the price he should pay to comfort my son. In the spirit of heaven, but for 15 years, there has been no news for 15 years, even the police may give up, so now 15 years later I am already in my fifties, I will never give up, Han As long as the lady can get revenge for my son, I will not hesitate to sell my old bones here. "

Wang Degui's words were filled with the sufferings of the world.

Although the tone was gentle, it showed the firmness in his words.

"Yes, Pharaoh was right."

On the other side of the face, a slightly younger man raised his head, extended his hand, and patted Pharaoh's arm gently.

"My name is Zhou Guoqing. My wife worked in this Changhong chemical plant 15 years ago. After the bombing, she was completely killed. Only me and my daughter remained. For the past 15 years, I think about my wife every day, I want my wife to take revenge, I want my wife to live. "

"But the deceased is dead, and I can't do anything about it. For 15 years, I and I independently raised my child. Finally, the child has grown up last year, got married, and with my own life, I can let go. My heart comes, but the only concern is my wife's murder, which is the culprit of the Changhong chemical plant bombing, Zhang Haidong, who has not been arrested and she has not been brought to justice. "

"This is impossible. This is absolutely not allowed. I have no requirements. I just want to see the killer brought to justice before I die. So as long as I can catch the killer, no matter what. I am willing to do all these things. As for the crime you are talking about, as long as it does not harm others, I am willing to cooperate. "

The words of Wang Degang and Zhou Guoqing, the two elders, have just come down, and everyone present is quiet.

The youngest man who just spoke raised his head and said it word by word

"My name is Wei Kai. I am 21 years old. 15 years ago, my parents were all the victims of the explosion at the Changhong Chemical Plant. After their death, I was adopted by grandparents, but my grandparents My body is not very good. I died in my teens. After that, I stayed with relatives. Even those compensations left by my parents have been divided up by my relatives. I am not in this situation of other people, or the culprit of this Changhong chemical plant explosion, the murderer Zhang Haidong. "

"I must bring him to justice. As long as I can catch him and avenge my parents, I will do whatever I want, and I will do whatever I want."

"I must make him pay! I will never forgive him!"

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