Super Finding App

Chapter 804: Depressed Thief (3)

As the old saying goes, catching thieves and stolen goods, arresting and arresting doubles,

As an ambitious, ideal, and thinking thief, He Guangming is very smart. If the other party really wants to determine that he is a thief, then he must find evidence. He has carefully checked the 2,000 yuan, brand new, He didn't believe any sign without sitting at all. Can only determine who this money is with only two thousand dollars? He didn't write his name, the ghost knew it.

"Well, can you prove it? If you can't prove it, it means that you are framed. Even if these two elderly people lost their money, I will feel sad and sorry for them, but if you just do it wrong, this is You are not right. Look at the current social climate. Why is it so, the elderly fell to the ground, why no one dares to help because some of you elderly people are too fierce and cruel. "

He Guangming grew more and more excited, and said more and more excited. The old couple, who spoke directly, said nothing. The tears flowed down. The heart was called aggrieved, it was called aggrieved. Stolen, why are you now a framed and blackmailed person?

"Enough, whether it is true or not, you will go to the police station together after the high-speed train arrives at the station. There will be banknote numbers on the top of the 2,000 yuan. The police station can find out where these money numbers come from. It will be clear at a glance. "

The high-speed rail police officer frowned. When he encountered such a thing, he didn't know who to listen to. After all, there was no real evidence. The only thing he could do was to wait until the high-speed rail arrived at the station and take it to the police station. Naturally, the police officers of the police station investigated it. At that time, it was true or false. Whoever was Li Zhi and who was Li Gui would know at a glance.

"No, I won't go. Do you guys say go here? I'm hurrying home in this high-speed rail. There is something wrong. If it is delayed, who can you take responsibility for it? He came over somehow and said Did I steal it, did I steal it, which eye did he see? If they did n’t see it at all, they just said I stole it, then things would be easy to handle, can I just find someone Say she stole my stuff? It's just a slippery world. "

It ’s absolutely impossible to go to the police station. Come on, no matter what, he still has a case in the police station. At that time, his fingerprints are compared with each other to find out his details. At first glance, he is a thief. After the Yellow River, the crotch is full of **** and it ’s not clear how to wash it, so the police station ca n’t go without it. Now the only thing he can think of is that the dead duck has a hard mouth and insists that he did n’t steal 2,000 yuan. how about it!

"It must have been stolen by you, it must have been stolen by you. If not, why wouldn't you go to the police station with us and let the police know it by then?"

The old woman jumped up immediately and heard that He Guangming didn't want to go to the police station. She shouted immediately. When the people really had an accident, the only thing that was convincing and convincing was the police station 1. I hope that the police will preside over it for them. There must be something tricky in it.

"I said you did n’t steal your money, and you said I ’d go. Then I have no face. If you say that 2000 yuan is yours, then I can say that the 2000 yuan is yours. Stolen, you are framed. I take the high-speed rail to rush home to eat. There is no time to chat with you here. If there is evidence, you will catch it. I, if there is no evidence, please leave! "

"This thief's psychological quality is really good!"

Looking at He Guangming's righteous words, as if he was really wronged, the dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, and Cheng Yiping, who is staying on the side, can't help but admire his heart. If he does n’t have a super object finding app, he can clearly perceive it. He Guangming was the thief who stole the money from his father and wife, and he really thought he had found the wrong person.

Unfortunately, Cheng Yiping may make a mistake, but the super finder app in his right pupil will definitely not go wrong.

"Super Sense find success."

"Get 35 points for finding something"

"Ultra-sensing double-drilling to find the 70th point!"

"Current Finding Value 35763000"

Lose, lose a lot.

Looking at the search value obtained by the super-sensing search in the right pupil, he sighed slightly. This time the search value was only 35 points, and the double sign was only 70 points. A double sign requires a 100-point search value, and a no-distance target sign also requires a 100-point search value. In other words, it directly loses a 130-point search value.

"I didn't expect my super-sense to find things turned out to be a loss, but it is completely understandable when you think about it. The value of finding things depends on the difficulty of the finders and the joy of the finders in finding them. And this thief though I found it, but I hit the rake. How could this old wife feel happy, so it's reasonable to find only 35 points. "

"But it's a losing trade for me."

Cheng Yiping sighed slightly in his heart. It seems that the super-sensing search is not able to obtain the value of the search every time, nor is it profitable every time.

Cheng Yiping raised his eyes and looked at the arrogance extremely, don't frame my proud and bright eyes flashing without showing evidence for a year.

"You want evidence, it's that simple ... Although it's okay to go to the police station, but as you said, everyone is sitting on the high-speed rail, and I'm rushing home, so don't waste everyone here Time, evidence, you can tell it yourself ... "

While the people were deadlocked, Cheng Yiping moved his steps, with a slight smile, and came to the thief He Guangming. The thief He Guangming shrank back and shouted.

"You, what are you going to do? I'll tell you here, but on the high-speed rail, you and the police are here. Don't be tortured, you're breaking the law."

"Well, you also know that torture and breaking the law, you can rest assured, I'm not that kind of person, I just want you to tell the truth yourself."

Cheng Yiping couldn't help but rolled his eyes. He was not afraid that the bad guys would martial arts, and he was afraid that the bad guys had culture. It seems that these years, even as a thief, he knows how to protect himself with legal weapons.

Cheng Yiping smiled slightly, and then slowly grabbed He Guangming's head. The pupils stared at her eyes with dazzling light. The eyes twinkled, as bright as the stars, and the voice was soft and slow.

"Calm, calm, look at my eyes, look at my eyes carefully, now you will feel very relaxed, the person in front of you is your most trusted person, you will trust him, believe he is willing Tell him all the secrets, he is your closest person. "


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