Super Finding App

Chapter 805: Depressed Thief (4)


Hypnosis looks amazing. In fact, in the final analysis, it is also a kind of psychology that guides human subconsciousness. Generally speaking, it is not easy to really hypnotize a person. It requires him to undergo long-term research and plant various cues. Even the environment has strict requirements, which is why people who do psychological counseling on TV and movies will hypnotize the hypnotist in an extremely quiet situation and then hypnotize them.

It is very difficult to hypnotize people in a complex and noisy environment.

However, this is not a big deal for Cheng Yiping. The search for help from the super finder app, the hypnosis technology in the conscious space is definitely the top level, even in such a super complicated environment, Cheng Yiping You can still hypnotize the other person.

And the other person's hypnosis is not a quiet environment, and can even use various emotions of the hypnotist, joy, anger, sadness, panic, etc. to give them various hints to guide them to hypnotize.

Of course, hypnosis is not a panacea. The effect of hypnosis is stronger for people with stronger consciousness, and the effect of hypnosis is stronger for people with weaker consciousness.

Fortunately, although He Guangming's mental quality is strong, his consciousness is not too strong. He was easily hypnotized by Cheng Yiping, and his consciousness became more and more confused. He just felt that the person in front of his eyes was like the warm voice. It is the kind of person he trusts most, inexplicable trust, and the feeling of warmth is full of his psychology.

"He Guangming now, you tell me whether the two thousand dollars on this table are yours or you stole them."

This person is neurotic.

The police officer of the high-speed rail was aggressive, watching Cheng Yiping who came out of nowhere suddenly ran to He Guangming, grabbed his head and said two inexplicable words, and then asked if the money was stolen by him Heaven and earth conscience, if He Guangming was really a thief, he would have admitted it long ago, is it necessary to drag it to the present.

Wait, now thinking about what this says may be totally unreasonable. Why do I believe what this inexplicable ran out of Cheng Yiping said, does he say that this person is a thief or a thief?

In case he is a liar.

The high-speed rail police officers suddenly realized that there was a sense of confusion and their minds became clear instantly. Indeed, he did not know this at all. He ran out to know who the thief was, and now he wants to come. One possibility is a liar. This year, there are all kinds of people, and false alarms are not reported once or twice.

It seems likely that this one is a liar.

The police officer nodded violently, and the more certain in his heart Cheng Yiping might be a liar. Yes, if He Guangming was really a thief, how could he just because Cheng Yiping was so simple? It is simply impossible to confess the fact that you have stolen something.

No matter what, in this case, since there is no evidence that can be found out, it will be transferred to the police station immediately after the high-speed train arrives at the station. The main thing is that it cannot cause panic to other passengers on the high-speed rail and affect other passengers. Experience.

"The 2000 yuan was indeed stolen from this old couple's bag."

The high-speed rail police officer who was thinking more and more wrong had just prepared to speak loudly and reprimanded him so that he would not continue to make trouble here, and suddenly saw He Guangming's mouth inexplicably say such a sentence, and immediately hesitated to force high-speed rail police What the staff wanted to say was swallowed directly into the stomach.

what? Did this person admit it? He admits that he was a thief who stole 2,000 yuan from the old couple?

how can that be!

Didn't he still deny it just now? Why did Cheng Chengping admit it when asked, what the **** is going on?

Not only are the high-speed rail police members' aggressive faces, even the old couple embarrassed and crying together, they have been stunned by He Guangming, and the remaining high-speed rail service staff doubt whether their ears are heard correctly. .




What's the matter!

Yes, it seems that although He Guangming's mental quality is strong, his consciousness is not very firm, so he can be hypnotized by me so easily.

Looking at He Guangming, who was completely hypnotized in front of him, Cheng Yiping's heart breathed a long sigh of relief, raised his eyes to reveal a bright smile, and once again took a serious look at He Guangming.

"Really, He Guangming, then you will say it carefully now, how did you secretly deal with the two thousand yuan of the old couple?"

"I bought the ticket after getting on the train at the Wangjiawan High Speed ​​Rail Station, and I sat there until I got to the bottom station. Because the passengers who took the stage in this high speed rail station were really negligent in managing their belongings, I moved my mind and prepared It was just stealing some activity funds. Before stealing this old couple, I had touched three or four bedrooms, but only 125 dollars were stolen. "

"I'm not willing, how could it be possible to steal only 125 yuan on this high-speed rail, so I continued to steal. I found out that the old couple is an older person, and an older person has hidden money. Habits, so I got a chance to steal 2,000 yuan from this old lady's bag, and they were all brand new. I was going to get off the train at the next stop, even if the old couple found it. You can't catch me. "

He Guangming's eyes were dull. No matter what Cheng Yiping asked, he told them truthfully, and the people around him were stunned. What happened to this and Guangming? Why did you tell everything honestly all at once? The contrast before and after this is too great.

Cheng Yiping did not even care about the doubts and surprises of the police officers on the high-speed rail. He was curious that what He Guangming said was obviously strange.

"He Guangming, are you thinking about it, are you telling the truth? You said that you had stolen four compartments before that, and only a total of 125 yuan was drawn. You are suspected of this stolen money. Too little, and then found the old couple and stole two thousand dollars? "


He Guangming, dull looking, said truthfully.

"I said that what you said was too fake. You stole four cars. How could you only have 125 dollars stolen. Tell me honestly, have you stolen other people's money now? "

Since it was a habitual thief, Cheng Yiping didn't believe he would only steal 2,000 yuan to the old lady, and only 125 of them were stolen from other people. How is this possible?

Unexpectedly, he didn't ask this question. It was okay. When he asked about He Guangming who was hypnotized in a chair, he immediately became excited. His whole body trembled, his face became paler and more angry. When Yi Ping Yi Guangming wanted to get rid of hypnosis, he saw a utter resentment in his mouth.

"Can this blame me? Whoever makes today's people use mobile phones to pay does not carry cash at all, I don't want to steal money!"

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