Super Finding App

Chapter 826: Dig from here

It's a very wonderful feeling.

If the super-sensory finder using the super-seeker app can clearly sense the location of the desired object and what terrain is on the road being sought, and use daily search as if there are countless targets circling in the mind, As a guide, as long as you walk on the road, you can clearly know which of the various houses are made of antiques, but some are not.

Even those in the residential area who have hidden cultural relics can clearly and clearly perceive in which safe they are placed. Cheng Yiping has a feeling. This ability does not say anything else. It is appropriate if you are a thief. Yes, no matter how the other person hides the antique anywhere, he can't escape his perception. Even if he hides it in any place, he can find it clearly and search it cleanly.

This feeling is very wonderful.

"Mr. Cheng?"

Professor Anxi's face was aggressive, because he had just piled up his hard-earned information about the ancient Tang cemetery's graveyard in front of Mr. Cheng introduced by Wang Ming, and the other party just read the first one. Then he closed his eyes and raised his soul. God knows what he is doing. Is he really a liar?

"No, no, Wang Ming had already told me in advance that this Mr. Cheng is very powerful and different from others. He does not need much information to be able to find people and find things. I must absolutely believe him. Is this Is Mr. Cheng's excellence? "

Professor Anxi was thinking wildly and watching Cheng Yiping vigilantly. As a high-level intellectual, how could he be just a stupid person, he came to find Cheng Yiping except that he really did n’t find the cemetery of Fu in the deserted countryside of Jiangzhen City. In addition, the most important thing is the trust in his disciple Wang Ming.

"Let's go, I already know, there are antiques in the wild countryside you delineated in Jiangzhen City. As for the graveyard of the ancient Tang lord you are looking for, I don't know!"

Cheng Yiping opened his eyes halfway, his eyes twinkling, as bright as a starry sky.

How did you find it?

how can that be!

That person wouldn't be a liar.

Professor Anxi's face was aggressive. To be honest, he worked hard to collect the information for almost a year and studied with his disciples. After trying to figure it out, he went through all kinds of data comparisons. I found the wild countryside of Jiangzhen City, and the person in front of you just knew it after reading a page. How is this possible? Is this person really a liar, but if he is really a liar, then the next This person is supposed to cheat money.

But it's impossible. Wang Ming answered personally that this person is the one who found the head of the zodiac dragon. How could he be a liar? What exactly is going on?

Did he really find it, is it so amazing?

Professor Anxi said doubtfully.

"That being the case, it's troublesome to be Mr."

Cheng Yiping naturally knows that Professor Anxi would not believe it alone, but he didn't care. Ever since he owned the Super Find App, he has helped many people to use it for a long time.

Real or fake, as long as you can find the underground tombs, it will be clear.

Cheng Yiping didn't care about Professor Anxi's question, got up, got on Professor Anxi's car, and headed for the deserted countryside of Jiangzhen City.

At the moment in the wild countryside of Jiangzhen City, the disciples of Professor Anxi are also looking forward to it.

Of course, they are not looking forward to achieving peace, but waiting for the return of Professor Anxi, telling Professor Anxi not to be deceived.

"Come, come, Professor Anzai comes back"

"Professor Anxi is back, professor is back"

"Come out soon, Professor Anxi is back"

The off-road vehicle that Professor Anxi rode on the road like a bison rushed to the site of the excavation. Professor Anxi's disciples yelled and hurriedly greeted him.

"Everyone, let me introduce you. This is Cheng Yiping, Mr. Cheng, who was also introduced to me by Wang Ping. He already knows the location of the ancient tomb of King Tang, and now he will give us some pointers! "

"Do n’t say it, Professor Anxi, you are wrong. I do n’t know where the ancient Tang cemetery is located. All I can tell you is that you know where there are antiques and antiques. As for the ancient Tang lord, I do n’t know the grave of mys! "

Professor Anxi enthusiastically introduced Cheng Yiping to the disciples. As soon as his voice fell, Cheng Yiping said quickly,

Joking, rice can be eaten indiscriminately, but the words must not be indiscriminate. He really doesn't know if the antiques below are really the so-called ancient Tang cemetery's cemetery. There may be some scattered antique fragments. He didn't dare to guarantee the ticket.

"Okay, all this will wait for Mr. Cheng to find out the place, and it will be clear at a glance."

Professor Anxi said indifferently.

"This person is a social person who has deceived Professor Anxi. Huh, I'd like to see what he can do. It doesn't seem to have any temperament. It doesn't look like an archeologist."

Zhao Youran, a disciple of Professor Anxi, looked at Cheng Yiping coldly. In his eyes, there was naked caution, and he took a step forward.

"Professor, I know that you want to find the ancient tomb of King Tang, we are all the same, but can he really help us find it? Wouldn't it be a liar!"

"Liar, you have some doubt that this is also extenuating. After all, someone suddenly said that he could find the ancient Tang cemetery. I don't think you believe it. This is completely understandable, but there is one thing you have to figure out. It ’s just that he did n’t receive a penny from Professor Anxi, it ’s pure help. ”

Cheng Yiping shrugged a person like Zhao Youran. She hadn't seen one or two. Cheng Yiping, who was even harder to speak than him, had also seen this, and there was no threat to Cheng Yiping at all.

"Is that so? But who knows whether it is true or false?"

Zhao Youran's alertness did not disappear with the sentence of Cheng Yiping. Instead, it became more and more intensive. It can be said that the scammer's routine is getting deeper and deeper. The ghost knows which of them is true and which is false. Maybe it is us No remuneration is needed, but the tricks of asking for money in the joints are endless, and he is extremely alert.

Professor Anxi is a specialized archeologist, who is busy studying archaeological data every day. Where can I learn so many tricks?

I have to help Professor Anxi take strict control. I must not let Professor Anxi be deceived by others!

Zhao Youran stared at Cheng Yiping with vigilant eyes. As long as Cheng Cheng Yiping had any actions that required money, it was definitely a liar.

Cheng Yiping didn't care about the thoughts of Zhao Youran and other disciples of Professor Anxi, raised his eyes and looked at the wild countryside, his fingers lightly.

"Dig from here!"

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