Super Finding App

Chapter 827: Easily done

In Cheng Yiping's consciousness, the mysterious and mysterious feeling can clearly inform Cheng Yiping what antiques are located underneath this wild countryside. This feeling is very wonderful.

Cheng Yiping feels that he has become a super invincible detector. As long as he goes, he can clearly perceive that even without looking at the flat map of the super finder app in the right pupil, it is a magical thing. feel.

"Here it is, are you sure?"

Archaeological students such as Professor Anxi and Zhao Youran only looked at the direction pointed by Cheng Yiping, showing suspense, because the direction pointed by Cheng Yiping was exactly where they dug.

"I said, do you really know or do you know? Did you see us digging here and you said there is a cemetery below, if so, then it is really too easy for you to find people and find things. Just a finger! "

"Sorry, I do n’t know if you are digging here. I just tell you that the address I found is here. As for why you dig here, this is your business. It has nothing to do with me. If you believe, continue to Digging down, you will definitely be able to dig what you are looking for, if you do n’t believe it, feel free! "

The area outside the wild countryside of Jiangzhen City is not too large, and Professor Anxi and others dig here and there, and they have dug a lot of holes long ago, basically within the sensing range of Cheng Yiping. The only regret is that they did not dig deep enough.

"Okay, do n’t be noisy, do n’t be noisy. It ’s so big here. If Mr. Cheng said the same thing, it might indicate that we dug the right place. In this case, everyone will continue to let the construction team dig Go on, it will be clear at that time whether it is true or false. "

Professor Anxi gave a round shot with a suspicious look on his face.

Is this Cheng Yiping true or false?

Although it is not summer, there is a cool breath in the air. Cheng Yiping sat on a chair, put his chin on his right hand, and looked at the excavation scene. He could still feel the breath of heat. I saw the workers in the excavation site sweating, bronzed. The skin is covered with sweat, digging with a shovel, they earn 100% of their hard-earned money, and Professor Anxi and his archeologists are also fighting and talking to each other. It's sweaty.

"I used to watch TV. I thought that these archaeologists didn't do it themselves. They just let the workers excavate, and they started the meticulous work. I didn't expect that they would participate in the excavation from the beginning. Work hard! "

Cheng Yiping thought boringly, and his mind fell on the daily flat map of the Super Hidden App in the right pupil. According to the yellow question mark on the daily flat map, the corresponding mysterious feeling in his mind, then check The flat map can clearly see that the cemetery is located below and below them.

"I'm really stupid. Since my Super Hidden Object App can see things below the ground, then I can completely turn into a treasure hunting instrument, and don't talk about anything else. If I steal a grave, what other graveyards are there in this world? Can it be rare for me? What dragon-point-seeking technique, what geomantic doctrine, and direction are useless to me, as long as I have a super object-finding app, I can easily find it, which is also a fortune! "

Cheng Yiping's eyes flickered, and he suddenly found that he seemed to have discovered some usefulness of the Super Hidden Object app.

"No, boss, we've dug so deep that we haven't even seen a hair, is it a wrong place!"

"Yeah, boss, we haven't even found it yet."

"According to my estimation. If the boss digs down like this, there will be nothing, let's change some place ..."

The sweat-sucking, wielding shovel digging the arms of the workers who were sore in their arms were breathing heavily, panting, sweat dripping down their foreheads, and even the breathed air was hot.

"Boss, we are not afraid of hard work. If we can really dig, it will be good for everyone, but we ca n’t dig any further. Is it wrong?"

As soon as you say something to the workers, Professor Anzi is hesitant. By his side, Zhao Youran and other archeologists have straightened their bodies. The clothes on their bodies have been soaked with sweat and their foreheads are covered with fine hair. Beads, sweaty back, panting, feeling back pain.

"The workers also said that we dug deeper here than anywhere else, but we still haven't found it yet. Did we really find the wrong place?"

"Keep digging ..."

The words of Zhao Youran and other archeological students just came to an end, but they saw Cheng Yiping yawn, walked lightly, and laughed.

"The cemetery is just below this. You did n’t dig it. That ’s because you did n’t dig deep enough. Let me estimate that you go on like this and continue digging. You will soon dig."

"What do you mean by this person? Do you know where the cemetery is? We have dug so deep that we have not even seen the shadow of a cemetery. Are you lying to us? And since you said this There's a cemetery below, why don't you just come and play with us? "

Zhao Youran was so angry and yelled loudly. He always felt that the so-called social person in front of him was playing with them.

"No, no, wrong. First, I just came to help you find the whereabouts of the tomb. Second, I am not archeological, so I have no interest in this archeology. I can only tell you what is in There is indeed a cemetery below this. If you believe me, continue to dig. If you do n’t believe me, it ’s okay if you take a shot. ”

It doesn't matter that Cheng Yiping, anyway, he won't get the value of finding things anyway. To put it bluntly, this is nothing more than Wang Ming, who sold the Cultural Relics Association.

The location has already told the other party whether it is the other party's business to believe or not. If the other party believes, everyone is happy. Cheng Yiping doesn't mind telling them the location and let them dig.

As soon as Cheng Yiping's voice fell, Professor Anxi's face was tangled. He looked up and looked around, and then looked at Yiping, gritted his teeth and cut his teeth.

"We continue to dig!"

As soon as Professor Anxi finished speaking, he continued to dig, and the workers on the side looked at it. Breathing out, what's the point? The bosses themselves, they naturally start digging.

Professor Anxi's archeologists gave him a glance, continued to pick up the shovel and began to dig hard, Zhao Youran stared fiercely at Yiping, and then continued to dig.

"Today, no one believes the truth ..."

Cheng Yiping shrugged helplessly and continued to return to his seat, watching the crowd digging sweatily.

The night gradually came, and suddenly a worker went down with a hammer and encountered a hard object, his face changed slightly, and he was pleasantly surprised.

"I dug something."

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