Super Finding App

Chapter 847: Important things.


Emma who appeared was her classmate and friend in front of her. She was just a skinny little boy before, but now she is in front of a tall and mighty man, a mature man with a breath of mature men.

It's a completely different kind of guy from her husband as a programmer.

From this day, Emma felt that her life had undergone subtle changes.

Thomas was very happy and excited to see Emma in Stir City, pulling Emma to tell them the feelings of the past classmates. At the moment, Emma felt that Thomas had become more mature and stable than before. Sexy, it seems that he doesn't need to say anything, he can guess her mind, so that she has a feeling of being in the heart, which she can't feel at all with her husband.

In comparison, Emma, ​​who is working hard with her computer every day, is working hard with her husband. Emma likes to be with Thomas more and more. She can enjoy this feeling of falling in love and being spoiled.

Although they did not have any substantive relationship, they became closer.

"Wife, I'm sorry, there are a lot of company affairs at the unit side. I will stay in the hotel today to try my best to work. You can rest assured that we are here for a week's leave. I will definitely complete my work one week ago , Take the time to accompany you and your child ... "

The husband also looked at his wife Emma with some worries. He had already taken a week off and was able to take his wife and children to a happy family reunion on the heat wave beach of Styr City, but never expected that the plan might be changed. In the end, I was delayed by work.

"It's okay. Your work matters. I take my children to play ..."

Unexpectedly, Emma did not yell at her husband again, but understood it, and Bazar, who was also a husband, was moved.

He hugged his wife and kissed his wife affectionately, excited.

"Thank you, dear wife, being able to marry you is the greatest happiness in my life. Don't worry, I will finish the work as soon as possible, and then go to you and your son ..."

Agitated Bazark didn't realize that she showed a hint of displeasure when he kissed her.

Bazark completed the company arrangement at the hotel.

Emma took her child, Amy, to play around the city of Stell, but the only difference was that they had a Thomas by their side.

On the beach of Styr City, it seems that Amy, who likes the sea very much, is holding a swimming ring happily and constantly playing on the beach.

Thomas's strong body sat with Emma's charm full of male charm. A masculinity blew at his face. Emma had a shy girl who hugged her body involuntarily.

"Emma, ​​being able to meet you is my greatest luck. You should know that I have liked you since school, and I haven't changed my mind until now ..."

The sudden confession completely disrupted Emma's heart. She was panicked. She wanted to accept it, but she wanted to refuse. In her mind, the figures of her husband Bazar and Thomas continued. Interspersed back and forth.

She didn't know what to choose, flustered.

"Thomas, are you drunk or gibberish? Don't forget I'm married ..."

"I know you're married, but what about it? If your marriage is happy, I will turn around and leave, but look at how many days you and your children have been playing here, your husband has not appeared at once. It only shows that your relationship with him is not good. Since you are not happy with him, why not give yourself a chance? "

"Looking for happiness that truly belongs to you ..."

Thomas was affectionate, telling his heart, sweet words opened his mouth, and Emma, ​​who still had some persistence, became more shaken.

On the one hand, I was working hard, only knowing that I had no interest at all. It seemed to be a seven-year itchy marriage.

On the other side is Thomas, who is handsome and full of humor.

Which one should she choose?

"Trust me, trust me, I will give you happiness ..."

Obviously, Thomas, who is already a veteran of love, flashed the joy in his eyes, and took Emma's shy, hesitant expression into his eyes. He knew that as long as he worked hard, this beautiful woman he liked before Will obediently put into his arms.

"Emma ..."

Just as Thomas stretched out his hand and was about to hold Emma in his arms, Suddenly Bazar was dancing with a bright smile on his arm, hurried over, scaring Thomas to quickly retract his hand.

"Emma, ​​I finally got all my work done, I know you're here, is this? ..."

After finishing the work, Bazar showed a bright smile, and turned to look at the strange man beside his wife, and frowned.

"Don't get me wrong, he's Thomas, my college classmate. I didn't expect we would meet him here ..."

Suddenly Emma had a feeling of being arrested and lowered her head, explaining cautiously that she did not dare to look at her husband, Bazark.

"Oh, that's it. It's a college classmate. Fortunately, I'm lucky. I'm Bazar."

"Hello, I'm Thomas ..."

The two men clasped their hands tightly, but one had a hidden murderous intention, and the other showed an innocent smile. Obviously, he did not have too much suspicion about the two.

"Dad Dad ..."

Seeing his father's arrival, Amy ran over in excitement and flung it into her father's arms.

"My little baby……"

Looking at the intimate Bazar who held Amy in her arms, and held her close, Amy seemed to understand something. The sight in front of her was the most important thing, and she was willing to wait. She wanted to be with her family, not her passion at that time.

At this moment, Emma finally understood what she wanted.

"Dad take you to swim with me, OK?"

"Okay, dad will come together ..."

Bazar Clark ran towards the beach with his son's hand, Emma showed a bright smile, trying to follow, suddenly her hand was tightly grasped by Thomas:

Emma turned around slightly, looking at the handsome and elegant Thomas, shook her head gently, broke Thomas' hands, and headed towards her son and husband.

Thomas smiled bitterly.


Suddenly there was a roar in Tiangong. The crowd was panicked, panicked, and a huge tsunami rushed in front of them. People were fleeing wildly. The building was collapsed. The road was collapsed. All people were like Like the sundries in the sea, she was easily washed away in front of the tsunami. Emma shouted desperately, snarled, and watched her husband and children whistling away, as the waves rushed into the distance.

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