Super Finding App

Chapter 848: Divination

Emma feels dizzy.

She felt very hungry in her empty belly, and her physical strength was closer to nothingness. She seemed to eat a sheep at any time, and then there was food in her mouth. She was like a wolf, a devourer, and slowly. He regained his strength and gradually opened his eyes.

"Wake up, wake up, you're awake, don't move, don't move, take a break, you have a lot of injuries, I've bandaged up for you ..."

Emma opened her eyes in pain, her whole body was in pain, she was about to stand up, but was quickly stopped by the people around her. Into the eyes, this was a woman with dark hair and black pupil, although her dirty clothes were worn out. , But the body is full of intellectual taste.

"You saved me?"

Emma didn't have to look at it to understand her situation immediately. He was rescued.

"Yes, we saw you holding a wooden board in the river and floating up and down, and finally saved you, rest assured, as long as you can wake up, the body is no longer in trouble, we insist Can be rescued ... "

Zhang Xiaona smiled sweetly, she felt a long sigh of relief, there was nothing more exciting than seeing a person rescued, but there were too many people who died in the face of the tsunami in Stell City. There are too many people suffering and suffering. It is a joy to be able to save a life.

"You're hungry now. There's a little food here. You have to eat it before you have strength ..."

"No, I'm fine, I'm fine ..."

Looking at the food handed in by Zhang Xiaona, Emma quickly refused. Even if she was very unaware of the situation, she was very clear about how cherished and scarce food is now after the tsunami.

Save a little bit is a little bit.

"Relax, it's okay, we have a lot of food here, enough to eat ..."

It seemed that she was aware of Emma's worry, and Zhang Xiaona showed a sweet smile.

Emma then struggled to get up, surprised to find herself on a ship.

The ship was tattered, but it was still moving slowly, and it was piled with all kinds of objects around it. Vaguely, it could see these foods, and it was full of water. As the woman said, there were indeed many foods.

"She woke up?"

While Emma was observing, a man with dark hair and black pupil pushed forward and asked.

"Yiping, don't worry, she's awake ..."

"Wake up, haha, it looks like she's still weak, let her take a good rest, wait for a while, Zhang Xiaona, you come here to help again, two more trapped people are found, and they will be sent over ... "

Cheng Yiping nodded, his eyes glanced away, and Emma, ​​who was weak, flashed a little comfort in her eyes, and then said to Zhang Xiaona.

"Okay, there are two more trapped people? Okay, I'll be right here to help ..."

Emma felt she was dreaming.

Do you feel like you are in a dream?

Or do you think you are dead now?

It's all just my dream.

The relationship between her husband and son was washed away by the tsunami. Until now, she still remembers her husband and children who were washed away by the waves, and she is worried. As for Thomas, who had given him a sense of happiness and excitement, he has already been Tossed away from the clouds.

But what is your situation like today?

Here is a ship.

From time to time, I can see that many of the trapped people were rescued by the black hair and the black pupils, and they were placed next to themselves or other places. It was strange.

After all, in the face of the tsunami in Styr City, even if there are trapped people, they will not be as frequent as them, it seems that they can always be trapped along the way.

It's amazing. It's like dreaming.

After eating some food, the body recovered some of the strength of Emma. She got up from the bed, her body swayed, she quickly supported the edge of the bed and rested for a while, then she recovered her strength and stumbled out. Boat warehouse.

Whimper ... whimper ...

As soon as I stepped out of the ship, a fresh sea breeze rushed towards me. The sight was a piece of ruins. The ship was slowly moving above the river. You can clearly see all kinds of debris hitting around the ship. The walls of the ship, and a group of blondes around it, saw that the rescued were struggling to push away the debris in front of the ship with enough tools to prevent them from destroying the ship's advance.

The woman who had been taking care of his black hair and the black pupil was busy taking care of the trapped people who had just been rescued from the ship. Some of them were able to move, and some were already in a coma. .

The other man with dark hair and black eyes shouted loudly as he directed the crowd of people in the bow as if they were salvaging something.

Emma looked for a moment.

"you're awake……"

Suddenly, a low voice came to her ears, which shocked Emma, ​​and she looked backwards vigilantly, and saw a big man with a burly face, a Chinese character face, and a beard full of beards, showing a bold smile.

"Did you save me? Thank you for saving me ..."

Although I don't know what the situation is, Emma is still very polite, but in return is a burly laughter.

"Wrong and wrong, you thank the wrong person. I am the same as you, but I ’m all trapped. It ’s not me who saves you. I have to thank them, but I want to thank these two people. They are very powerful. They are just the savior. what…"

Looking down at the eyes and gestures of the burly man, Emma found the two men and women with black hair and black pupils, and it seemed that the two men saved her in the river.

"Don't underestimate them both, the Orientals are really amazing!"

The burly man seemed to have misunderstood Emma's eyes and patted his thick chest heartily.

"Everyone on our ship was rescued by these two black-eyed, black-eyed Orientals. Even you, you were thrown into the river at the time. Honestly, we didn't even see you. The black-eyed Oriental has found it, and you will be saved! "

"But it is very powerful, especially which male Oriental is simply a god-man, he will know the mystery of divination in the east!"


Emma, ​​who escaped from her face, was aggressive, turning to look at the man with dark hair and black pupils who was stunned. I heard that in the far east, there is a magical technique of divination. 500 years later, is it true?

Seems to be aware of Emma's doubtful face and my lack of reading. Don't lie to me. The burly man banged his chest, righteous words.

"Don't think I'm lying to you, tell you, although I can be stupid but definitely not stupid, the man in the East is definitely divination. He says that where there is food, there is food. Where he says there is water, he just When there is water, he says that where there are trapped people, there are trapped people! "

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