Super Finding App

Chapter 856: Miracle (2)

The rescue team organized by the Italian government is in full swing, and several huge rescue ships are slowly approaching the city of Stell.

"It's really a sin, you look at the former city of Stell, but our famous tourist city in Italy, but now, under the invasion of the tsunami, it has completely turned into a seabed ruin. How much economic benefit is lost, the deaths of people are simply countless ... "

"I know, I know, but what can I do? Although everyone knows that the first 24 hours of the rescue period is a golden deadline, but if the tsunami doesn't stop, no matter how many people go in, it's just a death. Now the whole The tsunami has stopped, and the second and third tsunami hit the past. It has been three days, and these three days know exactly what the city of Stell has become ... "

"Calm down, calm down, no matter what this city of Stell has become, we have to rescue, even if only one person can be rescued, we must do it!"

The sudden tense atmosphere on the rescue fleet, everyone looked at the heart of the city of Stir all the more heavy, along the way they have seen a lot of corpses floating in the river, really a tragedy on earth, and the original The prosperous and powerful city of Stell is now full of ruins, under the cleansing of the tsunami, and the flooding of the sea like the end of the world.

"Caterina, Caterina, I don't think this city of Stell has become like this now. Even so, do you really believe that your man can really survive being level?"

As the journalist who recorded with the ship faithfully, this session of Catbana touched her lips that she had just vomited. The tragedy along the way, she estimated that she had even vomited out her lunch. It was really creepy. In such a harsh environment Next, she really couldn't believe Katrina's so-called boyfriend could really survive.

"This is for sure, as long as he can survive the tsunami, and even if the environment in Stoll is too bad, I believe he will survive!"

The hot blonde Catlin said in a word, what flashed in her eyes was the scene seen by the helicopter that she drove, rushed into the building in the storm, and rescued His girlfriend.

"A man who was willing to travel thousands of miles from Tiantang Kingdom to Italy for his girlfriend, and even a man who was constantly hit by tsunami and the like, how could he die so easily?"

"What girlfriend?"

"He has a girlfriend?"

The actor was unintentional, the listener was attentive, and Catbina, who had just spit out the bile she was about to scream, screamed in surprise, her pretty eyes staring at her friend Caterina and swallowed a few saliva.

"Katrina, what are you talking about? The man you're looking for has a girlfriend. Isn't he your man?"

"When did I say he was my man? He does have a girlfriend, but what about that?"

"so what?"

Caterina stared blankly at the hot figure Caterina shook her head, her mouth twitched, and she only said a word.

"It's a mess in your circle ..."

No matter what, the government-sponsored rescue ship was orderly rescued on the outskirts of Styr City, let alone let alone a lot of trapped people who were found by the rescue fleet and wept.

"Let me go, let me go, I'm going to Strell City, I'm going to Strell City, I'm going to Haven!"

"I'm going to haven, I'm going to haven. You guys let go quickly, what are you doing? Where are my wife and children, let me go and let me in!"

"What happened?"

After being rescued, many of the trapped people were resettled on the rescue boat. Most of them were grateful, drinking hot water, but a few people yelled. They yelled to go to the city haven. This strange image immediately caused the confusion of the rescue team leader.

"Hello, I am the commander of the government rescue fleet this time. You can call me Anthony. Please rest assured that you have been rescued. We will naturally send you back to the shore to reunite with your family and loved ones. Please calm down! "

The blonde rescue commander Anthony flashed doubt in his eyes, sighing deeply as he looked at the trapped man who was about to enter the city of Styr again.

"Please rest assured that our rescue fleet will never give up any one person. If your family is really in Stoll, we will help you find him, rescue them, and send them to follow Reunite, rest assured! "

The rescue commander was righteous, the blond looks like the **** of the sun, and Anthony complemented the trapped people who desperately hoped to return to Stre City to find their loved ones. The teacher recorded the tears quietly.

"It's so touching. Even if the trapped are rescued, the first thing they think of is not their own safety but returning to the city of Styr to find their lost relatives. It's so touching ..."

Carterna nodded and perhaps changed to her own words, and as desperate as today's trapped people hope that the rescue team can find their separated relatives in Styr City.


Blond Anthony's words of consolation did not make the rescued people grateful, but shouted angrily.

"What are you talking about? I'm not asking you to go to Styr City to find my lost relatives. My relatives have been found. They are now in the haven in Stell City. I am going to haven!"


The blonde rescue commander, Anthony, froze for a moment, and seemed to understand it instantly, and couldn't wait to say it.

"I see. Is it a safe place built by your own trapped people in the village of Styr, this is great. Please tell me where it is. I will immediately send someone to rescue them. Come out, how many people, please rest assured, we will not give up any one! "

The blonde Anthony was so excited. Today, the city of Styr is very dangerous. After the tsunami, it is even more deadly. If there is a so-called safe haven, the trapped people come together to rescue them. To say that is tantamount to great news.

Even if there are only five people, ten people are definitely worth encouraging news.

"Several people?"

In response to Anthony, the trapped person looked with scorn, and said loudly.

"You are wrong. How could it be a safe haven for several people, when I came out looking for food, there were already thousands of people!"

"Everything is due to the Lord Savior!"

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