Super Finding App

Chapter 857: Haven (1)

"This is impossible, this is impossible, this is simply impossible. I want to say whether this trapped person has been trapped for too long, so he has become nervous and even delusional!"

Within the command center of the Italian government rescue fleet, many rescue leaders quarreled fiercely with each other, and Katerina and Catbana stayed aside. As a reporter with the ship, she will faithfully record this time The details of the rescue activities, such as the plot of the meeting, she certainly would not give up.

At this moment, everyone in the conference hall can be described as battling.

"Commander Anthony, I think the trapped should now be treated immediately by our psychiatrist among the doctors on board, and what he said is nothing short of paradoxical!"

A national character face, blue eyes as bright as a gem, but at this moment his face was low and gloomy.

"Think of what he said. He even said that there was a safe haven in the city of Styr, and there were thousands of trapped people in it?"

"This is just kidding!"

"Calm down, calm down, I know everyone will think it's a nightmare, but I think it's still possible, in case it's true!"

Another handsome, thin and thin blond man hesitated.

"I talked with the trapped, and I found that his thinking was very clear, and according to him, a savior with black hair and black pupils rescued them from their predicament and sent them to a haven. It is said that there are a large number of food and water sources in this haven, and there are a large number of people. When he left, he had gathered nearly a thousand trapped people, and he also accepted the task of the Lord Savior to come and find food and water! "

"Just, kidding, this is impossible at all, please, be realistic, we're talking about the rescue at Stir City now, not a ridiculous and ridiculous science fiction story!"

The man on the face of his neck yelled loudly, and his hands kept beating on the table!

"Dear everyone, if you think about it, the city of Styr has experienced an unprecedented tsunami. Look at the corpses on the outside. The countless corpses fill the sea. Under such circumstances, it can be said that A person's life is worrying, but now someone can gather the trapped as a savior? And more than a thousand people have been gathered? This is simply heaven and earth, the main thing is, if there is really With so many people, the daily consumption of food and water is absolutely massive. How could it be possible to find so many resources in the case of the entire city of Sterl being flooded! "

"The most important thing is what the trapped person said today. He said that he just came out to find food and water. How could this be possible? The savior even knew where the food and water were located. Could it be impossible for him to open his eyes!"

"Enough. Enough. Calm down, calm down, calm me down!"

The commander of the rescue fleet, Anthony, was ugly, clapped his hands, suppressed the crowd, and took a deep breath.

"I know what the trapped person said is very fable. To be honest, even if we think it's true, but don't forget that we are a rescue team. Our mission and mission is to find Sri Lanka. Any survivor in Tel City, so regardless of whether the trapped person is telling the truth or falsehood, whether there is a safe haven, whether thousands of trapped people really come together, we must all To go to the place he designated, if it is fake, we are wasting a lot of resources, but if it is true, it is definitely a huge good news for our rescue work! "

"I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go!"

The blonde commander Anthony is very clear that no matter whether the trapped person is true or false, he must go to this haven.

"It's really weird. Katrina told me whether the trapped people are really mentally deranged. How can there be a safe haven in Stir City today? How is this possible?"

Carterna shook her pretty head and followed Caterina carefully, saying, to be honest, she really didn't believe what the rescued said.

"It's not necessarily ..."

"Not necessarily? No, Katrina, do you really believe what the trapped person said? How can more than a thousand trapped people gather in a safe haven? That's more than a thousand people, not one or twenty. people!"

Catbina opened her big glasses, and she couldn't believe it, but saw Caterina chuckled.

"If the trapped person did not make a mistake, what he said is the dark man with dark hair and black pupil is Cheng Yiping. He can definitely do it with Cheng Yiping's ability!"

When Catalina heard the trapped talk of a black-haired, black-eyed man, the first thing in her mind was Cheng Yiping.

If it is not possible for others, Cheng Yiping can definitely do it.

"Magic barrier ..."

Caterbina looked at Caterina with an infinite compassion, patted her white head, and sighed.

"Sister Katerina, I know you like your so-called boyfriend very much, Cheng Yiping, but you don't need to say that, can it be said that even Katerina is in love with ordinary women like ordinary women Women have zero IQ? "

"You don't understand, Caterbana, if he is black-haired and black-eyed, and can make people look for food and water, only he can have such ability."

"Cheng Yiping, he must be alive!"

When the people in the command room were fiercely discussing whether there was really a so-called safe haven in the city of Stell, suddenly the door of the president's room was pushed open by the staff, and the staff breathed quickly.

"Commander, commander, we found the survivors and found the survivors. There are five people in total. They came by boat and they asked to see you!"


Another trapped person was found.

And they came by boat themselves.

What exactly is going on?

The original fiercely discussed meeting was interrupted by this news. In any case, it was a great thing to be able to find new trapped people in the city of Styr. Head, only in the middle of a river of ruins, a ship was swaying to this side. Above the broken ship, the five men were obviously trapped and their clothes were worn.

"Everyone, we are the rescue fleet of the Italian government. You are now safe. Please get on the boat immediately. We will handle it properly and take you back to shore!"

Although Anthony had some strange reasons why the five trapped people did not get on board, he still said excitedly, but the loud voice of the leading man was responding to him.

"Dear Commander Anthony, I come on behalf of the Haven, Lord Savior, and lead you to Haven!"

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