Super Finding App

Chapter 902: ghost

Hallucinations, hallucinations, everything in front of them is hallucinations!

Zhou Jie was horrified, constantly cheering herself up, frightened, and cautiously fast cloth walked quickly from this path that never felt fear before, only Zhou Jie walked quickly on the dark path, her foot hit Hitting sounds hitting the road.

Tick, tick, tick

Time seemed to be unusually slow, and in the dark night, under the dim light, Zhou Jie walked in horror, but stared involuntarily at the woman standing in the dark corner, and found that she did not have any strange movements at all. He was relieved, thinking that he was too blind and scared.

Looking around again, there was no trace of the dark-haired woman in the dark corner, and Zhou Jie's heart was completely relaxed.

"It seems that I'm really cranky, how can there be ghosts in this world, and Zhao Wanyuan must be fine, it must be fine,"

Zhou Jie whispered while walking quickly.


At the corner of the path, a turning dark-haired woman full of blood appeared in front of her, and Zhou Jie was terrified and fell to the ground in panic, staring in horror at the dark-haired woman with blood in front of her. Zhou Jie Quickly fled.

Fortunately, the woman under the dim street light just looked at Zhou Jie who fled into the desert, and did not chase her. Zhou Jie, who fled away with a lingering heart, looked around. Where did the dim light come from? It seemed as if she had just seen her nightmare.

"Illusion, hallucination, everything I see is hallucination!"

The terrified three souls, without the seven souls, Zhou Jie ran to the house quickly. On this road, standing by the road, she saw from time to time another woman with black hair in white and wins snow, terrified. Zhou Jie ran in panic.

Zhou Jie ran to the house in pant, closed the door heavily, and flung to the bed in the bedroom. Wrapped his body tightly in a duvet, trembling with horror, his mouth murmured constantly.

Hallucinations, hallucinations, all these are hallucinations!


Zhou Jie found that there seemed to be an extra object on her bed, and she carefully leaned out her head wrapped in the bed and looked towards the bed.

In the dim home, on the bed, a rotten body was lying quietly, and the body with a foul smell was lying beside her.


Zhou Jie was terrified, panic, and fell heavily to the ground ...

"Head, we have already found out Zhao Wanyuan's family background and interpersonal relationship. All of them are clear. Although the beauty of Zhao Wanyuan seems to be pretty, and she has a lot of thought, but in general, these are also beautiful women. The commonality, did not do anything harmful, and did not find any doubts! "

A police car was galloping in the night. Yang Tie's eyes were red and red, and his eyelids seemed to be shaking. Heaven and earth conscience. In order to investigate this case, they basically checked the track of Zhao Wanyuan's activities. However, the focus is on the period when Zhao Wanyuan disappeared before January.

Fortunately, today Tang ’s technology is very developed. A large number of traffic surveillance video heads, coupled with the surveillance probes installed in each store, organize an airtight Skynet. Basically, as long as it is found, it is impossible. Escape from surveillance.

Of course, there are dead ends.

Even so, Yang Tie, Mo Fei, and Zhao Weiqian took the lead of Wang Yuting to watch the monitor. The two eyes were painful, but there was no way. For things like monitoring, you can only slowly A little watching.

If you miss an important plot if it's a big idea, then you have to look at it again.

Of course, if a probe that can be dynamically captured is installed, it is another matter, but for the same price and first-class goods, most of the probes are recorded for 24 hours, and people need to watch slowly.

"Okay, okay, noisy, it's just a few hours of surveillance video. What's so noisy, but according to the surveillance video, we can basically lock the prisoner!"

In the eyes of the heroic Wang Yuting, the look of excitement was revealed.

This time, even if Cheng Yiping did not help them to solve the six cases, they could still solve the case.

"Head, if you say so, this is a common case. In other words, according to the information we obtained from the surveillance video, Zhao Wanyuan has not appeared since she returned home, and only Zhou Jie came in and out of it. Out, and in the surveillance video that day, you can clearly see Zhou Jie carrying a large suitcase with him, so we have every reason to suspect that Zhou Jie might have killed and buried the body! "

Yang Tie swallowed a bit of saliva, remembering Zhou Jie's fragile appearance, and really couldn't compare it with those who did such a horrible thing. Perhaps this can only be said that people are not beautiful, and seawater is incomparable.

"This is also totally understandable. If you think about Zhou Jie being with someone like Zhao Wanyuan every day, if you don't have a blow in your heart, that's impossible ... you can only say that you don't die."

Mo Feiyang sighed.

Although it is said that Zhao Wanyuan and Gao Jie are good girlfriends through investigation, according to the investigation and the surrounding visits, it is speculated that the relationship between Zhao Wanyuan and Zhou Jie is not so much the relationship between the young lady and the girl-in-law.

Over time, it is inevitable that a variety of cats will not be born.

"Okay, now all we are saying is just inference. All we need to do now is to monitor closely. We need evidence to do it, so now we will immediately interrogate Zhou Jie again!"

The heroic Wang Yuting is so excited that this time, she must resolve this disappearance without the police adviser Cheng Yiping. Let them know that the six groups of the police in Jiangzhen City are definitely not wine bags.

"Understand, we know how to do it, but the only pity is that the surveillance video can only record that Zhou Jie left with a suitcase, and then went there without monitoring, otherwise we should be able to directly know Zhou Jie's corpse Location! "

Monitoring is not omnipotent. In the absence of monitoring, it depends on the reasoning ability of the case handlers.

In the final analysis, monitoring is just like the criminal investigation methods in many police stations, which can only serve as a supplementary function. What really depends on the reasoning and handling capacity of the case handlers.

And now the six major cases of Wang Yuting and others have to do is to go to Zhou Jie's home and make her completely disarm by surrender.

"Become equal, this time, even without your ability to find objects and people, we can solve the case in six groups!"

At this moment, Wang Yuting was full of confidence. She believed that the case could be solved quickly without the help of Yiping Yiping.

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