Super Finding App

Chapter 903: Flustered

"Illusions, hallucinations, all these are hallucinations, all these are hallucinations, you are dead, you are dead, you can never appear by my side again, leave me quickly, leave quickly, Leaving, illusion, illusion, all these are illusions, hallucinations, hallucinations, all these are hallucinations, I will never be scared by you, I will never be scared by you, you are dead, You are dead! "

When Wang Yuting, Yang Tie, Mo Fei, Zhao Weiqian, and others in the six severe case drove police cars downstairs, they saw the bustling crowd at the entrance of the building. Everyone was discussing fiercely. At first glance, what happened.

"What the **** is going on here? Why are there so many people gathered at this door? Is something wrong?"

Wang Yuting stepped out of the police car, a flash of doubt flashed in his eyes, and an ominous feeling rose in his heart. After all, this is a residential area. If there is no accident, it is absolutely impossible to gather so many people downstairs. Explain a problem, a sudden situation occurred.

Is it related to Zhou Jie?

Wang Yuting's heart was so tight that he greeted Yang Tie and Zhao Weiqian. Mofei and others hurried out of the police car, ran quickly, and took out the police officer's card.

Although many people on the Internet say that the police are useless, it is undeniable that in reality, the police do have a high social status and the trust of the masses. As soon as Wang Yuting and others took out the police officer's card, the people who watched immediately It was very cooperative, and the conversation between Houyi soon made Wang Yuting and others understand the situation. All of this was really related to Zhou Jie!

In the lobby on the first floor of the residential area, many people were gathered together, exclaiming from time to time, and the body moved backwards. In the middle, a woman with a dirt on her face and a shawl was holding a kitchen knife and screaming cracklingly. , Constantly waving a knife in the air, as if fighting with someone, his mouth is still screaming.

"Illusions, hallucinations, all of you are hallucinations. I am not afraid of you. I am Zhou Jie absolutely not afraid of you. You **** and slut, because I regard you as my best girlfriend, you dare to deceive me. How dare you sleep with my boyfriend! "

"Cut you down, you are all a pair of adulterers **, you **** you, **** you, I am not afraid of you, I am not afraid of you, I am acting for heaven, I am acting for heaven!"

Zhou Jie is crazy ...

"Oh my God, what's wrong with this? Just now, we saw Zhou Jie intact in the morning. How did it suddenly become crazy? What happened?"

"Understand, understand, head, it seems that this case was broken. It must be Zhou Jie who killed Zhao Wanyuan late. Listening to his words, we can conclude that it must be Zhao Wanyuan who slept with Zhou Jie's boyfriend, and then Zhou Jie was so angry that she killed Zhao Wanyuan, put her body in a large trunk, and then threw the body! "

"Oh my god, women are so terrible. Zhou Jie looks weak and weak, and Wen Wen is quiet. I didn't expect it to be so **** ..."

Yang Tie, Mo Fei, and Zhao Weiqian talked with a lingering fear, and the three of them soon sorted out the approximate plot of the incident.

And many people around the crowd also chattered, according to the Tang Dynasty Chinese people like to watch the lively and 38-8 personality, this kind of thing can be a great talk after dinner.

"Poor, pity this woman is so pitiful. I heard that his favorite girlfriend is with her boyfriend, and she lied to her. If I were, I would definitely treat this couple Husband ** chopped into a meat sauce! "

"Yes, yes, I know this pair of girlfriends. She looks very quiet, honest and friendly, and usually kind. Her girlfriend, who is dressed in flowers every day, is not good at first glance. Woman, but even her girlfriend's boyfriend was robbed, it is too much, it is just a green tea tincture. "

"That's not true, if I say, even if something really happens, if it's really serious, you shouldn't kill people. It's wrong to kill people ..."

"It's a bullshit. At first glance, you are a child. Sometimes it doesn't mean you have to kill, but you do n’t want to kill at that point. But then again, I am afraid this week ’s conclusion is very heartbreaking. After all, killing is to He was jailed for killing a pair of adulterers, and it was not worthwhile to kill off his great youth ... "

"No, no, let me say that Zhou Jie is a good woman in the new era. She is decisive. If anyone wants to be sorry for her, she will pay back 100 times, and forgive everything. It is because of your ideas and the law. Regardless, it will make modern society so bad! "

Good guys, the people who are watching around, you say a word to me, the two sides talked, some agreed, some opposed, listening to Wang Yuting, Mo Fei, Zhao Weiqian, Yang Tie, etc.

"Enough, enough, calm down, get out, get out, we are police, please let us handle it!"

Now is not the time to think about it. Wang Yuting took a deep breath and quickly arranged for Murphy and others to get rid of the onlookers, and then took a step forward and began to persuade the crazy Zhou Jie.

After all, Zhou Jie had a kitchen knife in her hand. At this moment, she seemed to be talking to the illusive characters in the air. The kitchen knife in her hand was slashing wildly into the air with a knife, and she seemed to be frustrated.

A kitchen knife is also a weapon, and it can also kill someone.

Wang Yuting approached cautiously, watching vigilantly with the hysteria of Zhou Jie's word of consolation.

"Zhou Jie, Zhou Jie, calm down, calm down, everything you see now is fantasy, calm down, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, listen to me and listen to me!"

At this moment, Zhou Jie had fallen into extreme panic, and Wang Yuting's voice came from her ear. She turned her head, holding a kitchen knife, and looked at Wang Yuting wistfully!

"Yes, calm down, calm down, don't be impulsively entangled, you take a good look, all you see now are hallucinations, put down the kitchen knife in your hand, put down ..."

As soon as Zhou Jie calmed down, Wang Yuting was pleased, and slowly approached Zhou Jie carefully, persuaded word by word, carefully, hoping to calm Zhou Jie's emotions, and let her gradually calm down.

But Wang Yuting absolutely did not know, she slowly approached Zhou Jie's eyes slowly turned into a shawl, and the whole body covered with blood was Zhao Wanyuan's scary female ghost.

"Ah ..."

Zhou Jie, who had just calmed down, started to go crazy again, waving the kitchen knife in his hand, and chopped down directly against Wang Yuting. The force was strong enough to split Wang Yuting in half.

"Kill you, kill you, I want to kill you!"

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