Super Finding App

Chapter 928: Devil's Zone (1)

"Super Finding App Launching"

"Super Sensational Searching"

The Son of God descended on the ground, and the sound of crossing the sea of ​​clouds turned into a flat map in the mind of Cheng Yiping. A red question mark was clearly visible. At the same time, in the mind of Cheng Yiping, the mysterious and mysterious feeling appeared again. The devil-seeking zone came to mind.

The disappearing plane was in that vast sea.

found it!

In the room of the five-star hotel in Jiangzhen City, Cheng Yiping flipped through the information on the flight No. 7348 in the palm of his hand, and immediately started the super-planning plane map. It only took a minute or two to find the missing place. But Cheng Yiping didn't say it, but his face was constantly changing, a careful researcher.

Eyes fell on the stack of thick data in his hands. For the time being, the consciousness in the brain felt the white light dots on the super-sensing flat map, which were densely packed, and it seemed that there were still many survivors.

This is a good thing.

"How about Mr. Cheng? You can get this information back first, as soon as you can find the approximate location, let us know immediately. I wonder how long it will take you. Is it enough for one day?"

Xue Honglei asked nervously, but the current time is against the clock. He did not let Cheng Yiping slowly study the time of months. If it really is a month, even if Cheng Yiping finds the disappearing plane flight, he In the end I'm afraid I can only wait to collect more than a thousand passengers.

"No, I'll stay up all night to study it, and tomorrow should have results!"

Cheng Yiping nodded, his eyes flashed.

"Okay, okay, then Mr. Cheng will take care of you. Do n’t worry, what kind of resources do you need? Despite telling me, I will cooperate fully. As long as we can find the disappeared aircraft, we Dongping International Aviation Group will absolutely not I'm sorry for Mr. Cheng "

Xue Honglei said.

"I know this, no matter what, after all it is more than a thousand lives, and I will definitely step up searching!"

Cheng Yiping nodded, and got up to pack up the documents. According to the surreal survivor on his mind, the survivors on the map today should have no trouble. It seems that they have found a habitat, but the exact details have not yet been determined.

After finishing packing, Cheng Yiping left the hotel and walked on the road under the **** of Xue Honglei. The atmosphere suddenly suppressed.

"Xiao Na, I didn't expect your mother to be on this missing plane. Don't worry, no matter what, I will find your mother."

Cheng Yiping opened her mouth, although she would like to ask Zhang Xiaona's life experience.

Looking at Zhang Xiaona's face was depressed, her confident face filled with a complex look he had never had before, opened her mouth, closed it again, switched off the topic, and changed her lips when she spoke. .

"Sorry, Cheng Yiping, in fact, I should have told you before, for this mother, I really don't want to mention it again!"

Zhang Xiaona, full of knowledge, showed a bitter smile on her face. In the doubtful eyes of Cheng Yiping, Zhang Xiaona raised her head lightly, as if her thoughts had returned to the past, and for the first time she talked about her life in front of Cheng Yiping.

"Cheng Yiping, do you know? I have always been an orphan, but in fact I was not really an orphan. When I was a child, I also had a happy family. I had a father who hurt my mother and a mother who hurt my family. Life is not that rich, but it ’s absolutely beautiful. I still remember how my father and mother took me on an outing, how blue the sky was and how brilliant the sun was. When my parents smiled, I still remember ... "

"But the good times didn't last long. Suddenly my father died one day and became a murderer, and I became a murderer's daughter. Since then my mother has changed, and I have become gloomy, hysterical, and the whole thing happened. Earth-shaking changes, especially when the mother thinks his father is also a murderer.

"After that, I threw me to the community and I never looked back. You may not believe it, but my reunion with my mother was after I became the editor-in-chief of Jiangzhen TV. She saw my picture on TV. I just came here, but the first thing I found was asking me for money! "

"Do you know what I felt at that time? She left me from an early age and left me alone. I was alone and wandering by myself. If it wasn't for the kind-hearted grandma and caring family, I'm afraid I wouldn't He knew what I would be like now, but after I was truly independent, he ran over again, not because he cared about me, but because he was short of money to spend! "

Zhang Xiaona's voice was faint, and her tone contained too many tasteless miscellaneous sensations. Especially when her mother sought her, it was not because of love but because of lack of money. This desolate feeling made Zhang Xiaona's tears flow.

She hated her and blamed her mother for abandoning him?

Why should she stay alone?

It was when the mother appeared in front of her again that Zhang Xiaona found out that her resentment and her complaints had disappeared long before she saw her mother. She was still the loving and kind mother deep in his memory.

But this is not the case.

"I gave the money when she asked for it, but I didn't expect she would get on the missing plane, so Cheng Yiping is looking for this time. If you can really find the disappeared plane, please bring me, I want Come with you! "

"I want to see people in life, I want to see corpses in death!"


Cheng Yiping knew silently that he had no right to refuse Zhang Xiaona's request. First of all, he did not mention that Zhang Xiaona's mother was among those missing. Even if Zhang Xiaona made this request, Cheng Yiping could not refuse and took a deep breath. Road.

"Be assured, Zhang Xiaona, you know my other abilities. There is absolutely no problem in finding people and things. Tonight I will find out where the disappeared plane is missing. Then we will save your mother! "

"Thank you…………"

Zhang Xiaona nodded gently, her beautiful eyes were full of complex light, and she seemed to think of her mother's love and hatred intertwined as if mixed.

Cheng Yiping wine went online that night and found the world map in his mind. Using the mysterious and mysterious feelings and the super-sensing flat map to compare them one by one, his face became more and more weird and strange.

Because according to the map found on the computer, compared with the super-sensational flat map in his mind, Yiping has found the location of the missing plane.

This is a very famous place.

This is a very famous place that is scary and terrifying. It is said that there is a ship's cemetery, an airplane's cemetery, and any electronic products will fail.

Devil's Strip!

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