Super Finding App

Chapter 929: Devil's Zone (2)

Devil's Zone: A very mysterious area on the vast sea.

It is said that in this zone, any ships, planes, or submarines will malfunction if they enter the area, as if entangled by the devil in the deep sea, and stay in the devil zone permanently.

It can be said that according to the records, there are countless missing ships that can be traced in the devil's area, and there are also a continuous stream of aircraft. Even military submarines have lost one or two. It seems that as long as they enter the devil's area, The meeting disappeared, and the general disappeared completely.

There are also many scientific researchers coming to explore the Devil's Zone, hoping to unlock the secrets of the Devil's Zone.

The Devil's Zone has become a zone that no captain of any international airline can truly touch.

It can be seen that what happened to the disappeared Dongping 7348 aircraft, otherwise, it would never land in the devil's area!

"It turned out to be in the devil's area, hell, now it's troublesome ..."

Cheng Yiping sighed quietly, the devil's zone is the most terrifying in people's consciousness. The most unpredictable is the magnetic field chaos. The compass cannot be used at all. It is even said that there are various dark tide swirls in the devil's land, and even messy things such as time tunnels and black holes will exist.

No one has been able to conduct a full survey so far, and even satellites can only see a black area, because satellite maps cannot be seen through.

This is an unknown territory.

Zhang Xiaona was really taken with her.

Cheng Yiping has some hesitation.

"No, absolutely not. If it is the usual place to bring Zhang Xiaona, but the devil zone to be honest, I may not be able to escape safely even with the super-find app, Zhang Xiaona is better not to bring ! "

Cheng Yiping is also very clear that his Super Hidden Object app is very powerful, but in the final analysis, the Super Hidden Object app is just a prop, a flat map, and the dangers in reality will not be eliminated.

That's why there is help in finding things.

But Cheng Yiping does not guarantee that he can safely avoid all dangers. If life or death exists, it may be the next step to wait for death.

After all, the Super Hidden App gave him a flat map instead of infinite life.

There is only one life.

"Zhang Xiaona, oops, sorry, I told you, I didn't find the location of the plane crash, and it is estimated that it will be delayed for another day, yes, yes, I will call you immediately after I find it ..."

Early the next morning, Cheng Yiping called Zhang Xiaona's phone, lied, and then sighed quietly.

Zhang Xiaona, don't blame me, it's all for you.

After speaking, Cheng Yiping picked up the phone directly, dialed Xue Honglei's mobile phone number, and told him that he already knew that the plane was in the Devil's Zone, and let him prepare the ship and material equipment.

In the hotel, Xue Honglei, who had not been asleep for a night, quickly agreed, his eyes were shining.

"Cheng Yiping deserves to be Cheng Yiping. It seems that the person you have recommended is really amazing. I did not tell him that it was in the Devil's Zone, and he could find it. It seems that there are really a few brushes!"

How can Xue Honglei of Dongping International Airlines just listen to the statement of Manager Bai alone, so he obediently asked Yiping to help and give money to Yiping. If Cheng Yiping is a liar, it would be a liar, but the money is lost a little, but it is delayed. Time was absolutely unforgivable to him. He did not tell Cheng Yiping the result of the Dongping International Airlines search team's speculation. This was the first test.

Obviously, Cheng Yiping passed. There are indeed a few brushes.

"Mr. Chen, rest assured, I will now send you a car downstairs to pick you up, and I will have everything you need!"

After making the call, Cheng Yiping sighed, and Zhong Jingguang flickered. This time, the search for the missing plane was not just because there were more than 1,000 passengers in the missing plane Dongping Flight 7348. The most important one was Zhang Xiaona's. Mother-in-law

If the mother-in-law is in trouble to be a son-in-law, he will simply die.

Jun doesn't see how many marriages are destroyed by his mother-in-law.

It can be said that the mother-in-law is definitely a marriage killer.

Can't afford it.

Although Zhang Xiaona's appearance is more disgusting to his mother, God knows what would happen to Zhang Xiaona if her mother-in-law opposed it.


Safety first.

Without getting Zhang Xiaona into her hands, she must be as stable as a dog before getting a marriage certificate.

One way is to be a slave before marriage and a local owner after marriage.

This point is evenly divided.

After packing, Cheng Yiping went downstairs and came to the gate of the community, waiting for Xue Honglei's vehicle to come over. He heard a familiar voice that surprised him.

"Cheng Yiping"

"Zhang Xiaona ..."

Cheng Yiping was shocked. Turning around, she saw Zhang Xiaona, who was full of intellectual charm, with a smile on her face, and a faint smile on the corner of her mouth saw Cheng Yiping's cold sweat and some guilty conscience.

"Zhang ... Zhang Xiaona, why are you here? Don't you have to work today?"

"Cheng Yiping, hasn't anyone told you? You're not suitable for lying at all ..."

Zhang Xiaona smiled lightly, stroking the long hair of her shawl, full of intellectual charm

"Haha, Zhang Xiaona, what did you say? Where did I lie to you ..."


Zhang Xiaona laughed and said nothing.

"I'm telling the truth. I didn't really find the location of the plane. I'm going to go out to the police now ..."


Zhang Xiaona laughed and said nothing.

"Well, I admit it. I did lie, but how did you know?"

Cheng Yiping was persuaded. If Zhang Xiaoxiao yelled at him, it would be all right, but what he couldn't stand was Zhang Xiaona laughing without saying a word, with a smile on her lips. God knew whether she was angry or not?

Cheng Yiping found himself being eaten by Zhang Xiaona.

Because you can't speak, isn't anyone telling you? When you lie, you will be nervous and your tone will change ...

Zhang Xiaona smiled lightly and smiled silently. She could not help rolling her eyes. This is a little secret she found. How could she tell Cheng Yiping?


"I won't tell you at this point, you should be looking for the missing plane now, I said you want me to go with you!"

"Zhang Xiaona, it's not that I don't take you. I guess the missing plane this time should be in the Devil's Zone. You should know how terrible the Devil's Zone is. It will be dangerous to take you there. Maybe I can't come back! "

Cheng Yiping's depressed counsel.

"That being the case, I should go even more"

Zhang Xiaona showed a faint smile, and that smile was brighter than flowers.

"The Devil's Land is so dangerous. If you die and become a peace, what do you think about me?"

"If it is really doomed to die, I will die with you ..."

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