Super Finding App

Chapter 930: haze

Unknown area of ​​Aqua Blue Star, unknown building.

This is a secret base that is inaccessible and not even found on the map. Many people wearing uniforms have low expressions, walking fast, each doing their own work.

The only thing that was the same was that they had arms around their waists.

"Dear Captain, we have found out that according to the latest situation, a signal does appear in the devil's zone. According to the analysis of the planning department, if there is no calculation error, that thing is indeed in the devil's zone!"

Wearing glasses and wearing special clothing, his chest has a symbol of soldiers, and said with a low face.

"Is that so ..."

"Devil's Land ..."

Guozi face, with a firm face, and a man with an air of Xiao killing all around, chuckled, and on his desk was a pistol dismantled, but he saw his eyes closed tightly, his hands as if touching Relatives generally stroked on the gun parts, and then quickly pieced them together. After a few seconds, a pistol was combined in his hand, and the pistol was gently lifted. A bullet passed through the man's face and shot to the wall. on.

The sweat dripping from the man's forehead on the spectacles shuddered, but he didn't dare to move.

"Hahaha, the devil's zone, the devil's zone, it's really possible to think about it, because everything in the devil is useless at all, and all the satellites can't be detected. That's an unknown area, that's a steamship. The grave, the forbidden area of ​​the plane, it is said that the recently fired East 7348 flight disappeared near the devil's zone, it seems that it may be because of the influence of that thing ... "

The big man, who was full of murderous spirits, laughed, with a look of gloat in his tone.

"The legend really is true, the legend is really true, and now I may even see my military department developed!"

The national character face, with a murderous iceberg exuding all over, haha ​​laughed for a while, his face suddenly lowered.

"You go immediately to the combat department and get him ready, we're going to the devil's land!"

"No. Absolutely not, Master Soldier definitely cannot ..."

The man with glasses changed his face, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and hissed with persuasion.

"When the soldiers grow up, you should know that the Devil's Zone instruments are unusable, weird and unpredictable, and no one knows what will happen to them. Many ships and aircraft will lose control and even disappear even if they reach the Devil's Zone. The zone is not clear. If you do n’t know anything, you will be brought into the Devil's Zone. This is just to death! ”

"Master, this decision is wrong!"

"Calm, calm, I'm really crazy, but I don't have any plans to die. I also hope that my army can become the leader of the four concubines, how can they die like this?"

The captain laughed loudly, with a crazy look on his face, sitting on a chair with his buttocks, and then took out a document and information from the drawer and passed it.

"Look, look."

"Sure enough, aren't the enemies not meeting, take a look. Look, this guy, is it really that our nephew is the nemesis, it seems that we can meet him if there is anything."

The man with glasses showed a hesitant look, took the information and looked through his eyes, startled in his heart.

"Sheng Yiping?"

"Yes, it is this Cheng Yiping, no matter whether it is Hung Hom, Kee Hyun, or Dust, all planted in this Cheng Yiping's hand, even our Moraine has planted a head in the plan of the Arctic place. But Bingsi and others planned for more than 20 years. In the end, it turned out that the bamboo basket was empty. This level of peace is like a bust to us! "

The face of the Chinese character, with a trace of crazy soldier captain, turned his head and turned around, chuckling.

"To be honest, I really feel that there may be a so-called cause in this world. Cheng Yiping entered this devil's area not for other things, but because the plane of East 7348 flight is missing!"

Bing narrowed his eyes for a long time.

"According to the latest news we have received, although Dongping International Airlines has set up a search team, it has not made much progress. Although it has locked the place in the devil's area, they have nothing to do with it and meet the devil. The zone is dangerous, and at this time, Xue Honglei of Dongping International Airlines found Cheng Yiping through the exploration club relationship. Cheng Yiping also agreed to help him enter the devil zone and look for the missing East 7348 planes! "

"You talk about it, you talk about it, there is such a clever thing in this world, we have to make a match with Yiping again, this time I would like to see if this Yiping is really our nemesis? As long as you meet him, there is nothing good! "

The soldier's chief narrowed his eyes, and the murderous in his eyes was undoubted.

"Sergeant-in-chief, do you mean you are going to be killed to a level?"

The man with the glasses couldn't help taking a sip of air, but he knew that the officer in front of him seemed stable, but in fact he was an extremely crazy guy in his bones.

"If we can, we will kill Cheng Yiping long ago, but they always think that Cheng Yiping seems to have something to do with the legend of our four concubines, so they did n’t do it, no, or someone already did it, but Cheng Yiping seemed to be protecting him around him. It was extremely dangerous ... "

The soldier commander squinted his eyes, he could clearly feel that Cheng Yiping seemed to have some kind of power to protect it. It was definitely not simple. He took a deep breath, and the killing in his eyes became deeper.

"But this devil's zone is the best place. In the devil's zone, all the instruments are out of order, weird and unchanging, and I don't know what will happen. Even if there is some force behind Cheng Yiping to protect him, I ca n’t take care of it. The main thing is that I can know whether Cheng Yiping is true or not, is it? It really has something to do with our distant legend ... ”

The soldier with the Chinese character face lifted his eyes with a deep sense of murder.

"The most important thing is that you should be able to know that if we say that what is in the magic zone is really the one we think, then Cheng Yiping will definitely be involved, and then we will be able to know that Cheng Yiping Is it useful or not, is it a coincidence with our legend or does it really exist? "

Bing smiled in long eyes.

"So see if Cheng Yiping is true or false. If this is true, it's all right. Maybe Chen Yiping has nothing to do with our legend, or has no real connection with our long-standing legend. I'll make him pay, if he's obedient, it's fine, but if there are some messy ideas, I will definitely make him worse than life. "

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