Super Finding App

Chapter 931: All ready to go

A port in the vast sea is full of enthusiasm. There are a large number of ships, ships, fishing boats, sightseeing cargo ships, and fishery products. It is bustling and lively.

The smell of the ocean seemed to be revealed in the air.

"It really smells like, huh, huh ..."

Cheng Yiping took a sharp breath, and the pungent sea fishy smell whistled with the fishy smell, sucked into his throat along his breath, and coughed violently.

The taste is really uncomfortable.

"You really do. Be careful. If the residents here are already used to the taste, we must not be used to it for the first time, so you should pay attention to it, don't breathe out, wait until you get used to it. Just fine "

Zhang Xiaona laughed lightly, took out a glass of mineral water and handed it to Cheng Yiping. After receiving the water, Cheng Yiping took a few sips of mineral water before suppressing this weird taste.

"Let's go, Xue Honglei has prepared for us personnel, ships and various items. It seems that this time he still attaches great importance to this Dongping 7348 flight ..."

Cheng Yiping checked his position and determined that Xue Honglei was ready, chuckling.

"This is of course. East 7348 aircraft is missing, but there are more than 1,200 passengers on it. This is a major event that has shocked the entire Mercury Star. If this East 7348 aircraft crashed, it would be fine. But now it is missing, no one will be born, no dead body will be seen, no matter who it is, the families of the victims will be very scared and scared. If this matter is not handled well, it will have a great reputation for Dongping International Airlines. That's why he finds you! "

Full of intellectual charm, Zhang Xiaona nodded her head slightly, and the worries in her eyes were clear. It was clear that she thought of her mother again.

"Relax, Zhang Xiaonan, your mother must be fine, I will find her ..."

Cheng Yiping looked at the mysterious and mysterious feeling in his brain and said absolutely.

According to this mysterious feeling in the mind, when passengers on Dongping Flight 7348 did not experience any crisis of life, it is strange that Cheng Yiping can perceive their position, but cannot see the specific terrain in the Devil's Zone.

Is this the horror of the Devil's Land?

Even the super finder app can block.


"It seems that this time, we can only know about the Devil's Zone ..."

In front of a ship in the port, the face of the Chinese character, the man with a low expression, looked at Xue Honglei sullenly.

"General Xue, I ca n’t admit it. Absolutely not. How can you put so many professionals in the search team in distrust like this, and go outside to find a so-called non-professional in the explorer club, and you have to go to the devil zone , This is to die, you are a grasshopper! "

"Enough, Zhao Le, if you could find out the East 7384 flight, what would happen now? Not at all! After all, it was because you didn't find it. I'm looking for someone outside, and you can rest assured that we have signed a confidentiality agreement with him. If the plane can be found, it will be the credit of your search team. "

Xue Honglei's face was iron-blue, and some hated iron and steel. If the search team could find East 7384, why would he go to explore Cheng Yiping, who owns the club?

Although this leveling does have two brushes.

"But, the devil's zone is really weird. We don't know what's going on inside. Can you really believe that this inexplicable person can really know how to leave the devil's zone? Will it be used in time? If you lose some money, it does n’t matter. I ’m most afraid that if there is a casualty, then it will be troublesome! ”

This is always the case in the Tang Dynasty. Like Flight 7348 in Dongping, it is too much trouble and there is no way to bury it. Generally speaking, as long as people are not dead, nothing will happen. But as soon as a dead person really appeared, the trouble exploded.

"I know, I know, but this time their mission was plainly expedition, not looking for our East 7348 flight, so if there really is a problem, it can only be said to be risky. , Rest assured, I have already insured them. There is still no shortage of money ... "

Xue Honglei took a deep breath. He considered everything very carefully. It is indeed very dangerous to enter the Devil's Zone, but it is still worthwhile to be able to resolve the East 7348 flight. The main thing is that he paid for it and the other party contributed It's just fair trade.

"So Zhao Le, do you understand? Eggs can never be put in one basket. We must make two-handed preparations, and even three-handed preparations. Dongping Flight 7348 must be found. We must meet people when we die, and we must meet when we die Corpses, otherwise, the effect would be too bad for us! "

Dongping International Airlines Xue Honglei exhaled a long breath. At this time, he was too busy to deal with all kinds of news media and even the families of the victims. Even if they can come here, they will be absurd. Did all kinds of camouflage.

"Yes, I understand. I will step up the search. But Xue Xue, are you really sure that these so-called Discovery Clubs Cheng Yiping and adventurers can find the missing Dongping 7348 flight? Really able to enter the devil zone?"

Zhao Le, with a low expression on his face, looked up at the endless crowd. The pungent sea breeze made him feel uncomfortable through his stomach, but he held back. At this moment, he didn't care about the smell at all.

"I don't know, but we have to try to be sure. What we lost is only money. If we succeed, then we can get out of the situation. The main thing is that not all adventurers dare to enter the Devil's Zone. ! "

Xue Honglei shook his head, wiggling his forehead gently, then turned around with Zhao Le, and walked directly to the port.

"So even if it is a small hope, we have to give it a try, and this time I have dispatched the Eagle, and in addition to Cheng Yiping of the Expedition Club, there are explorers and security guards and security personnel. Keep them as safe as possible! "

During the talk, Xue Honglei took Zhao Le to the port. A huge steamer docked in front of the steamer. Two groups of people had gathered together. One was wearing adventure costumes while the other felt it was training. soldier.

Xue Honglei looked around and found no trace of Cheng Yiping, frowning slightly, and some worried that Cheng Yiping would shrink back?

"Hasn't Cheng Yiping come yet? Did he flinch ..."

"No, no, this is not possible at all. The reason why I can ask Yiping to help me find East Flight 7348 is because there is a mother of Cheng Yiping's girlfriend on this missing flight. He will never shrink back."

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