Super Finding App

Chapter 934: quarrel

The eagle was slowly moving on the vast sea, everything seemed very good, but in the conference room of the eagle, a serious atmosphere was in the tension of the crowd.

"Welcome everyone to board the Eagle. I think Boss Xue has already told you that I am the captain of this ship. I am only responsible for sailing. My name is Benus!"

Blond, with a beard and a beard, looks like a very dismal uncle Benus first in the conference room.

"According to my agreement with Boss Xue, I will only obey Mr. Cheng ’s instructions during this time. Mr. Cheng will go wherever he says. it is good…"

During the conversation, the captain of the drunkard gave a cough, and a drunk of roar burst out of his mouth, and everyone frowned.

Sailing and drinking.

Is there anything wrong?

Everyone knows, let alone sailing. Even on land, there is a saying that you do n’t drive, drink or drink, not to mention the fact that on the boundless sea, they go to the devil zone called the ship grave. , And the helm turned out to be an alcoholic.

Is there anything wrong?

Cheng Yiping got a headache.

He didn't know that Xue Honglei could find the helmsman. Is it reliable or not? Although he gave the captain's command of the heart to himself, it was one thing for the captain to be obedient. Whether he could do it or not was another. God knows whether he will drive the boat into the ditch because of drinking.

"No, Captain Benas, what you said is not correct, what if you say that Yiping blindly leads the way? Let me say that you should listen to us too. The three of us have rich experience. , At least not to death! "

Concerning the commanding power of the Eagle, the wild Ellie stood up suddenly, like a leopard fighting for power, and Robert nodded beside her and said.

"Yes, although it is said that Mr. Xue came to us to find the missing Dongping Flight 7348 in the Devil's Zone, and said that Mr. Cheng does have the ability to find people and things, but this is only a rumor after all. I think how to really go , Then we still have to negotiate! "

During the conversation, Rockman on the other side turned his head to look at Fan Qiangdao, who had been sitting aside in the cold for a long time.

"Dear Mr. Fan, you are the bodyguard invited by Mr. Xue to take charge of our safety. Do you think what I said makes sense? Do you agree or disagree?"

Rockmore is very clear that there is a way that county magistrates are better off than they are now. They have long-term adventures outside the brain. They are very flexible. Everyone is employed by Xue Honglei on the land. Of course, they must obey the boss's words. Isolation, and Fan Qiang who masters this power, whoever he supports, can get the ship's control.

The first thing to get is Fan Qiang's support. As long as Fan Qiang's support is available, the captain of a steamship plus Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona will not be enough.

Rockmore's idea was very good, and he relied on the sturdy performance of the three of them, but what he never expected was that Fan Qiang opened his eyes and then closed his eyes.

"I am a bodyguard. The task I have accepted is to protect the safety of my employer. Before Mr. Xue came, he said that he would obey all orders of Mr. Cheng. I would only obey Mr. Chen's order to protect the safety of everyone. As for the rest, it has nothing to do with me!

After speaking, Fan Qiang stood up straight and turned away.

"Dear everyone, I want to familiarize myself and my colleagues with the environment on the Bear-Eagle. The key posts will be on duty to ensure everyone's safety!"

When Fan Qiang left, Rockmore was embarrassed. The original idea was to let other people get the right to Yiping directly. I did not expect that one way was to recognize what Mr. Xue said, and the other directly There was one who did not participate, but the three of them became villains.

"Since everyone is talking, let me say something ..."

Although it was said that a person was calm and took a step back, the sky was wide, but Cheng Yiping was absolutely not thrown away, but also stretched out his right face to give people a punch, half squinting and chuckling.

"Ali, Robert, Rockmore, I do n’t know how powerful the three of you are on Aqua Blue, but since the purpose of everyone on this Eagle is the same, it is to go to the Devil's Land to find the missing 7348. Flight! "

"And I also promised Mr. Xue Honglei to help him find it, so what I said during the search was an order. Of course, the three of you can also doubt or disagree. This does not matter, but please remember that, The bodyguards and captains on this ship are listening to me, if the three of you are not satisfied ... "

Cheng Yiping said, shrugging his shoulders.

"I remember the lifeboat on the ship, you can go back in the lifeboat, I believe no one will blame you ..."

"After all, the Devil's Zone is extremely dangerous. Even if you escape, no one will say that you are not ...


Cheng Yiping and the exit are the generals who are close to tearing his face. He has no intention of playing with the soft and hard bubbles of yin and yang with these three people. In Cheng Yiping's opinion, he has a super-finding app, and he can take everyone to find the missing Dongping 7348's missing plane does not require these three people to stir up inside and make a mess.


The wild Ellie immediately slaps the desktop like a leopard, and stands up angrily.

"Is Cheng Yiping wrong? Mr. Xue did give Cheng Yiping the authority of seeking Dongping Flight 7348 in the Devil Zone this time. I do n’t know who the three of you are, but you should know what the Lord is Second, if you do n’t want to go, it ’s all right, do n’t you think we ca n’t find it without the three of you? ”

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaona stood up and raised her eyes, whistling out of intellectual temperament. Although her tone of speech was flat, she was unconsciously surrendering.

"That's enough. In this case, then this devil zone will look for Dongping Flight 7348, and we will go our separate ways!"

Roque Mo stood up suddenly, his face was low and ugly, and the original handsome face became a little hesitant, and turned around.

"Ali, let's go ..."

Ellie, Robock, and Roquemore, all three walking on the road of the eagle ship. Ellie, with a bronze skin, was still indignant.

"I really don't understand why they don't believe us? Don't the three of us even be better than one?"

"Enough, Ellie, I know what you think, but don't forget, we are short of money right now. If we want money, we must find the Devil's Land, Dongping 7348's missing flight!"

"Or let Xue Honglei think we have been to the Devil's Zone, but we haven't found Dongping Flight 7348."

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