Super Finding App

Chapter 935: haze

"I know, I know, it's just that I'm a little reconciled. The three of us can totally do without the need to find the Dongping 7348 flight in the devil zone. We can also give all the rewards to the three of us. This is enough. It is comparable to our large treasure hunt, but now it makes us hear it. If it is found, isn't he the big head, and we can only eat some leftovers? "

It seems that Ellie, who is full of wildness, is still a fan of money and very obsessed with money.

At the beginning, it was because of her desire for money that she became an adventurer. It was impossible to go to work. Being an adventurer can not only enjoy the beauty of the mountains everywhere, experience a variety of exciting things, but also in the country If you find a lot of treasure under the law, you only need to pay a part of the tax, and the rest belong to you.

It is precisely this system that will make a lot of adventurers in the Mi Kingdom, and unlike the Tang Dynasty, all the unowned things will be returned to the country. It will be a pennant and 500 yuan. This kind of revenue and expenditure is not equal at all. Will not take risks.

"Okay, Ellie, don't be angry. There is no way. Who can make us lack money now. If it were not for the high price given by Xue Honglei, we would not be willing to help him find Flight 7348 in the Devil's Zone. Since So, let ’s follow Cheng Yiping first to see if Cheng Yiping has any skills. When the time comes to the edge of the devil zone, the three of us will act alone, as long as we find Dongping 7348 in front of Cheng Yiping, then All our rewards are ours! "

"Don't forget, we still have foreign debt!"

Filled with wild, bronze-colored Ellie's pupils are murderous and aggressive, but at this moment can't help shivering, seems to think of something terrible, and nodded fiercely.

"You are absolutely correct about Rockmore. No matter what, the main thing we have now is to get paid. Without this money, I'm afraid we will all be dead!"

Rockmore and Robert glanced at each other, swallowed a few saliva, and there was a hint of panic on the handsome face, thinking of something terrible.

"Almost, if not, if we are too careless, we were there during the gambling day, be careful, we should become a millionaire, like it is now forced into this devil's zone!"

Robert gritted his teeth and seemed to be thinking of something, very depressed.

"The Devil's Zone is notoriously a place of death. Although the three of us have the title of adventurer in Aqua Blue Star, in fact, each of the three of us has safety measures for each adventure, not like this time. , There are no rules at all in the Devil's Zone, absolutely a lifetime! "

"I know, I know we can understand all of this, so we have to find a way to get the dominance of the Eagle, and then as long as we all turn around at the edge of the Devil's Strip so easily, He said that if he didn't find it, Xue Honglei would have no choice but to pay us! "

"Yes, yes, we already thought very well, but we never thought of it. In the end, there will be a Cheng Yiping, Xue Honglei even let us act as Cheng Yiping's assistant, and this Cheng Yiping is really Is it necessary to go to the Devil's Zone to find the missing plane? He didn't want to think about it. The Devil's Zone is weird and changeable. It is a life of nine deaths. Be careful that he really has money to make and spends his life! "

Rockmore's face was low, his teeth gritted. If Cheng Yiping heard their conversation, he would be tempted to hold out his thumbs, and for a long time, would the idea of ​​these three adventurers be deceit?

Fan Qiang, who is burly on the other side, carefully inspected the whole Eagle inside and out with the bodyguards, and then returned to his room.

On the table is a map of the Eagle, and the main position is arranged for duty on the basis of the map of the Eagle. Although he does not believe what will happen on the Eagle, it is about to happen. To reach that terrible devil zone, one more defense is also necessary.

After arranging things, Fan Qiangchang exhaled a breath, looked around vigilantly, and then came to the door, locked the door, tiptoed to the cabin bed, and found a communicator.

"I've dived into success, I've dived into success"

"Sasha ... good, salsa ... remember communication ... sasha ... always on, be sure to open ... sasha so we can locate ... sasha ... to your place!"

There was a crackling noise in the communication group, and then a few words appeared intermittently.


After Fan Qiang finished talking, he hid the charger carefully, raised his head, neck, and a gloomy gaze appeared on his face ...

At the moment behind the Eagle, a slow ship is slowly moving.

This is also a completely modified and forged ship. Although it looks like an ordinary ship, familiar people can see that this is a completely modified toughness that is all military grade.

This is not a ship at all, but a ship!

The man in the top of the ship, dressed in special costumes, was busy performing his duties.

The man who finished the call in the ship's communication room took off the headset to sort out the collected information, and then quickly ran into the captain's room and knocked respectfully.

"Master Bingshan, I have received the latest news from the Falcon ..."

In the captain's room, Bing Shan Duan was sitting on a luxury sofa with his feet on the coffee table. The two tables were filled with various kinds of wine, and the air seemed to be filled with wine.

"Haha, did you finally receive the news? Xue Honglei of Dongping Aviation International is really so deceived. Does he really think that Tianyu Security's top bodyguards are so easy to hire? If not because of our Order, how could Fan Qiang call the top bodyguard to protect the so-called Cheng Yiping to the devil's land! "

Bingshan laughed lightly, his eyes flashed. Although he was a drunkard and drunk, he was undeniably able to sit in this position.

Bingshan is very smart!

Bingshan knew that if they entered the Devil's Zone by themselves, it would be a heavy loss. Now, the so-called Dongping International Aviation Group's Xue Honglei must find someone to enter the Devil's Zone. This kind of good thing someone can charge in front , How could Bingshan miss?

"The most important thing is Cheng Yiping. This guy who has a great relationship with us, it is no accident that Cheng Yiping will definitely appear in it!"

"At that time, I can let Cheng Yiping lead the way for us, and I will sit back and enjoy the benefits of the fisherman"

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