Super Finding App

Chapter 949: Horror

The blue sky and white clouds, the mirror-like devil's zone, the eagle's ship was slowly moving.

If this harmonious picture appears on television or in a TV series, it must be a rich person who is playing a steamer in a boat, which is pleasing to the eye.

However, everyone on the Eagle at this moment, whether it was the captain, the sailor or Ellie, Robert Rockmore and the two-hearted Fan Qiang, were frightened every moment, they were standing on the deck Or hold on to the railing and watch this calm demonic zone startle.

Because they didn't know, what was going on under the sea they were walking at this moment? Are there countless fishes swimming, or are there terrifying sea beasts?

"Go ahead, keep going, be careful, be careful, drive slowly ..."

Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona stayed in the driving car at this moment. The sweat on the forehead of Chen Chengping kept flowing down, and he controlled Anthony's steamship of the Eagle, which can be clear in his perception. I felt that underneath the eagle, a huge sea beast was slowly swimming.

The Eagle shuttled through huge sea beasts, and some of them were falling asleep suddenly. I do n’t know if they were full and sleeping or waiting for the prey to come, but Cheng Yiping knew that if the Eagle ship touched it Either one, it is absolutely catastrophic.

"Damn, why do I have a very strange feeling in this devil's zone, it's too strange. How many sea beasts does this devil's zone have?"

Cheng Yiping murmured to himself, and the sweat on the forehead of Anthony, who controlled the Eagle, was flowing violently, wiping his forehead unconsciously. He could clearly perceive the Eagle when driving the Eagle. There seems to be something terrifying around, which is the sixth sense as a helmsman.

"Hell, why did you hand over the map of the Devil's Zone to this one level, but we bought this map of the Devil's Zone for a large price, although it looks very rough like a child's graffiti, but after all Map of the Devil's Strip! "

A bronze-colored skin, all around exuding a leopard-like aggressive Ellie, yelled at Robert and Rockmore in anger.

"You won't really believe that Cheng Yiping, I admit that Cheng Yiping can take us through the misty vortex is really great, but we will not give him all the maps in the Devil's Zone, so in case, If he has any bad intentions, we can't help it! "

"Calm down, Calm down, Ellie, you said something. We originally planned it. If we have the devil map, we three can find it by ourselves, but the environment of this devil zone is completely beyond ours. Unexpectedly, even if the three of us have a map of the devil zone, if the three of us in this devil zone encounter any sea beast, I am afraid we will be killed directly! "

Blond Robert sighed sighing, looking at her favorite Ellie.

"It's true, Ellie, you also put away your temper. The only thing we can trust now is Cheng Yiping, not to mention that on this eagle ship, and the bodyguards on call are all made. Yiping was brainwashed. Do you think that the three of us can do anything? I think what the three of us have to do now is to follow Cheng Yiping. If this Cheng Yiping can really find the missing Dongping 7348 flight, naturally Can take us out of this devil's land, and then we will be paid as well! "

The blond Rockmer said word by word, he thought very carefully.

"It's true, but if that's the case, we have to figure out whether the remuneration we receive is enough to pay our gambling debts ..."

Ellie said quietly.

"It should be almost ..."

Robert and Rocomo were shocked, and secretly thought in their hearts that if they were given this task, the reward should be able to pay their debts.

"Okay, okay, I don't care anymore, anyway, now the map of the Devil's Zone has been given a level, and it's useless to say anything, I'll go back to rest ..."

Feeling like an idiot on the way, Ellie took a long breath and turned around and decided not to pay attention anyway. Anyway, everyone on this eagle ship was a grasshopper on a rope. She couldn't control the work at all, so it might as well go straight back to the cabin.

Lest you see Cheng Yiping upset here.



The entire eagle's ship shook violently again, everyone was frightened, and a loud scream came from his ears.

"Don't be afraid, Anthony rushes straight and turns left?"

The sweat on Cheng Yiping's forehead rushed down, gritted his teeth, and the mysterious feeling in his mind was still full. He could clearly know that the Eagle had hit a huge sea beast in the deep sea, Because of the impact, the sea beast awakened from sleep slowly moved upstream, swimming above the sea in the devil's zone ...

Cheng Yiping is clear that the only thing he can do now is to let Anthony control the Eagle to retreat quickly, so that the injured and angry sea beast will not be involved in it.


The impacted sea beast roared from the sky, and the huge body slammed out from the calm surface of the devil's zone like a mirror. The waves brought by it turned into a wave and the eagle ship swept forward, as if the wind A lonely boat in a heavy rain.

"Terrible, it's terrible. What kind of sea beast is this? This is really the devil's land ..."

Cheng Yiping rubbed his sweat on his forehead and looked around. A huge sea beast behind the Eagle was roaring with his teeth and chasing after the Eagle.

"Turn right ..."

Cheng Yiping's eyes flickered. He knew that the sea beast was moving very fast. If there was no obstruction, the Eagle might be entangled by it. He immediately ordered Anthony to turn to the right, on the road on the right. Above, there is also a sea beast asleep under the deep sea. If you follow this route, the ship of the Eagle can slide over the sea, but the sea beast that follows it will surely hit another sleeping one. Sea beast.

by that time.

It must be a battle between the two tigers.

Cheng Yiping is enough for the fisherman to profit.


Sure enough, along with the eagle following the eagle, the sea beast crashed into the beast that was sleeping in the devil's area, and the two beasts roared and snarled together, setting off a monstrous wave and pushing the eagle Constantly floating in the storm.

Like the end of the world.

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