Super Finding App

Chapter 950: Do not!


Overwhelming the river, the waves were turbulent. Even the specially-built and powerful steamer was smashed into the waves by two giant beasts killing each other at the moment, and was washed like a dead leaf.

"My mother, it feels like watching a science fiction movie, it's a disaster movie ..."

Cheng Yiping stood on the deck, holding the boat tightly with both hands, to prevent his body from being thrown into the sea due to the collision of the eagle, raised his eyes and looked at the two giant sea beasts tearing at each other, and it seemed With the bite of the sea beast, blood flowed down and the river surface became red, attracting more sea beasts to come.

"Retreat ... retreat ... rewind ... rewind ..."

Cheng Yiping was frightened, and a flat map of daily object hunting emerged in his mind. What mysterious and mysterious feelings can clearly tell Cheng Yiping accompanied by the killing of two giant sea beasts, blood stained the devil zone, and more sea beasts. It's gathering.


Are you kidding me?

The waves created by the two **** sea creatures tangled together have already turned the person who had been transformed by the eagle ship, and if you really attract other sea creatures, it will definitely be dead.

"Yes, yes, I know Mr. Cheng ..."

The blonde, the helmsman Anthony nodded his forehead, listening to Cheng Yiping's instructions and galloping on the Eagle. He also had a wife and a seriously ill child at home. If he could not die, he would definitely not want to die.

"I can't, I can't die yet, my family and my favorite wife are waiting for me, so I can't die, I can't die!"

The call for survival and family support Anthony's instructions, listening to Cheng Yiping's instructions, and galloping on the eagle, as long as Mr. Cheng said that he would never go west, as long as Mr. Cheng said that he would never go north, Even if it was dangerous, he would rush out for one purpose.

Mr. Cheng can take her home.

"Crazy crazy, completely crazy, this devil's zone is really a devil's zone, I finally understand why you are called the devil's zone, the tomb of a ship, the restricted area of ​​an airplane, what a joke? There are so many sea beasts twitching together even if No matter how strong a ship comes in, it is absolutely dead! "

At the moment, Ellie, blonde and bronzed, was panicking in her eyes, and Robert and Rockmore were also gritting saliva, looking behind them and looking at the giant monsters in the sea. Two behemoths were fighting each other. The bright red blood sprinkled on the river in the Devil's Zone as it rained, and more sea beasts gathered slowly.

There is a saying that big fish eats small fish, and small fish eats shrimp. This principle applies in reality, as well as in the sea area of ​​the devil's zone.

The huge beasts, or the sea beasts hiding the sharp killers, stabbed small and other sea beasts.

"It's crazy, this kind of scene is really terrible. If we are entangled by these sea beasts, I am afraid that even the Iron Man will surely be buried in the belly of these countless sea beasts. It is too scary!"

The blonde Robert looked stunned and looked like the end of the world behind him. The calm sea of ​​the Devil's Strip turned up a gigantic wave. A sea beast followed the sea beast and twitched with each other, like a horror. living hell.

"Sheng Yiping ..."

Zhang Xiaona's face was pale. Although she thought that the Devil's Zone would be very dangerous, she really did not expect that the Devil's Zone would have such a huge sea creature as if it were an ancient creature.

This is simply another world!

"It's okay, Zhang Xiaona, calm down, nothing will happen. Anthony will continue to follow my instructions. We are close to Dongping Flight 7348. I know where they are!"

On the other side, the burly Fan Qiang's face was very dignified and deep at this moment. The danger of the Devil's Zone was far beyond his imagination. Such densely packed sea beasts were the killers of ships and ships. He suddenly remembered Chief Bingshan, who was followed by the follower Eagle, did not know how their results were?

"No, I must immediately notify the Chief of the Army, so that they must not enter the Devil's Zone. Even through the mist vortex into the Devil's Zone, these many sea beasts, even following the trajectory of the eagle ship You will definitely touch the Shanghai Beast, and the result ... "

Anxious Fan Qiang quickly avoided the cabin where everyone came, locked the door, and carefully pulled out the special pager to call desperately.

"Call ... Call ... Call ..."

After a while, there were noisy sounds in the special communicator, and the sound of panic and panic was very chaotic. Fan Qiang's yelling was useless, and he could only hear the miserable sound from the special communicator.

"Do not……………"

Fan Qiang was frightened and frightened, and an ominous feeling filled his mind. He could only hear the rustling voice in this special pager, without any information.

Impossible, impossible, this is absolutely impossible.

Could it be said that all three ships brought by Chief Bingshan have fallen?

Fan Qiang was pale and bloodless ...

At the moment behind the Eagle, not far away, the ship where Chief Bingshan lived through the misty vortex, surrounded by hundreds of vortices in the rear, looking creepy and frightening.

"Damn, **** it, this misty vortex is worthy of a ship grave. Just entering the misty vortex lost two ships. Only me is left, it is a heavy loss. No wonder even if you know that thing is in the devil's area No one among them would dare to enter it! "

Officer Bingshan's face was ugly and low, and he really did not expect that even if he followed the Eagle, the navigation chart with the Eagle would be badly lost.

"But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Now I have entered this devil's land, and then I just need to follow the Eagle from a distance ..."

"Cheng Yiping will lead me to find what I want ..."


Officer Bingshan's face was ugly and comforted constantly. Suddenly, the huge ship was hit hard with a bang, and turned east and west. When everyone on the ship was frightened and did not respond, the periphery of the ship banged There were countless black huge tentacles sticking out of the sea and entangled the whole ship.

Even the sturdy ship was slowly pulled into the deep sea by the tentacles of the tentacles, like a prey falling into a spider web.

Chief Bingshan screamed in horror. The only thing he could see was the huge octopus eyes seen when the ship was drawn into the deep sea.

"I can't die, I can't die, I can't die, how can I die like this, impossible?"

Do not………!

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