Super Finding App

Chapter 951: Killer

After a lot of hardships, the eagle ship finally broke through all the difficulties and rounded up the sea monsters in the endless devil zone.

"It's finally safe, hell, it's finally safe. Mr. Cheng is really a god-man. If we don't have Mr. Cheng this time, I'm afraid we won't be able to survive in this devil zone for long!"

The cape radiates, the whole body is smelling of wine, and the messy eagle captain Benus is sweating his forehead. After the thrilling scene just now, countless sea beasts slaughter each other, scuffle, and set off a monstrous wave. Silk's drunkenness was completely dissipated, sobered up, and her face was pale and disturbed.

"After all, the ocean belongs to the field of sea beasts. Although our human beings own ships, in the final analysis, they only rely on ships. But in the face of sea beasts, they are completely vulnerable. No wonder all the ships that have entered the devil's zone Will sink, even if it can solve the vortex of mist surrounding the devil's zone but encounter so many sea beasts, I am afraid that they will be buried on the bottom of the sea and become food for sea beasts! "

"It's true. It's terrible. I thought there would be tornadoes, lightning flashes, and harsh environments in this devil's zone, but I didn't expect that the devil's peace is as powerful as the most dangerous danger hidden under water. Ordinary sea beasts, the devil, the devil, I am afraid that the sea beasts that were scared before will only be regarded as the devil descended from heaven, so they will be called the devil zone! "

Even Zhang Xiaona, who has been through hundreds of battles, now has a worried look on her face full of intellectuals. This is definitely not the scope that can be solved by using ingenuity. The attack of sea beasts is completely terror.

It's not at all human.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaona's eyes fell on Cheng Yiping, who seemed to enter the devil's area, and Cheng Yiping became extremely calm. Although Cheng Yiping's face can also see the sweat dripping from his forehead, but Cheng Yiping's spirit and wisdom showed Zhang Xiaona's uneasy heart gradually calming down.

"It's okay, I still have a peace ..."

At this moment, Cheng Yiping had an ugly face, and the sweat on his forehead was flowing. In his mysterious feeling, it was clear that thousands of people on the flight 7348 of Dongping gathered in a place in this devil's zone, seemingly safe. Things, but it was the place where they gathered, that made Cheng Yiping frightened.

On the super-dazzling daily plane map, you can clearly see that the islands gathered on Dongping Flight 7348 are flashing red light.

in other words.

Everyone on Dongping Flight 7348 turned on the back of a huge sea beast!


tremble with fear.

Want to know with your **** how big is an island that can accommodate a plane or even thousands of people?

If this sea beast is awakened, the result will be absolutely disastrous.

"Calm, calm, I must calm down, according to my current feelings, I can clearly know that this sea beast is very huge, then since it is huge, it is impossible to wake up, in other words, I can completely board Dongping Flight 7348 Move to the eagle, and take them away from the devil's land by then. "

"Yes, yes, the tasks I have to do are not too complicated from the beginning, just find the people on Dongping Flight 7348 and take them to your devil zone!"

Cheng Yiping keeps cheering in his heart. In his heart, the sense of vigilance is getting more and more serious. Although he has a super pp search and a finder map, he can avoid the attacks of sea beasts, but it also depends on great Fortunately, in this devil zone, the Super Hidden Object app can only have navigation function at the most. In the face of the violent sea beast, the huge sea beast attacked. Once entangled, he will surely die.

"Calm down, calm down. Calm down. Dongping Flight 7348 has disappeared, and it has been a while now, and they have remained on the back of this sea beast without any problems. This shows that this huge sea beast should be in Sleep, just be careful, there should be nothing ... "

Cheng Yiping kept cheering himself up. After all, everything in the devil's zone was too absurd and scary. It was beyond his imagination. The function of the super object-finding app was as strong as it could be, but it was not a mystery Terman.

What Cheng Yiping didn't notice is that when the eagle ship sailed out of a sea where chaotic beasts attacked each other, Ellie and Rockmore came sneakily to the dark corner of the ship.

"I never thought that Cheng Yiping had two brushes. It was very powerful. I didn't expect that there were so many sea beasts in this devil zone. It was really terrible ..."

"It is true. It seems that we must cling to the thigh of Yiping. Otherwise, even if we find the missing people on Dongping Flight 7348, we will not be able to take them out of the devil's area. By then, we will still fail. At Yiping, we really have to stubbornly, even if it is not pleasing to our eyes, we have to wait until he takes us out of this devil's zone before turning our faces, and the money is practical. "

Rockmore nodded, a bright smile on his handsome blond face, turned suddenly, and slammed Ellie, who was full of bronze skin, over the wall.

And at this moment, Ellie, who was originally full of aggression, showed coquettishness.

"Eli, speaking, we haven't been alone for a long time since boarding the Eagle ..."

"No, no, don't do this, it wouldn't be good if Robert knew it."

"Even if you let him know, what can I do? I know he likes you and he is willing to team with us just because he likes you, but you just use him as a spare tire, if not because he has some at home With money, how could we be willing to team up with him, not to mention that when we were in the casino, if it was not because Robert didn't listen to us, we would have made a lot of money now ... "

The blond Rockman sneered and said something cold.

"Even Ellie, you're just lying with him, or you really like her ..."

"Or I'll tell him now, in fact, the two of us are a pair, and we can be together brightly ..."

After that, the bright smile of Roquemore, and the embarrassed Ellie with her handsome face close, the two kissed.

"Rockmore, I love you, I'm willing to do anything for you ..."

Ellie, who was stunned by love, was still as aggressive as a leopard, like a little girl.

"Especially if you asked me to seduce Robert, I would!"

"Know, I know you're the best, Ellie ..."

It is a pity that neither of them noticed that a man clenched his fists at the corner not far from them.

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