Super Finding App

Chapter 952: flight

The eagle ship sailed calmly above the sea in the Devil's Zone. It seems that due to the recent assassination of the sea beasts, a large number of sea beasts in this area have attracted them to join the **** storm.

The eagle ship leaving this devil zone seems to be stable all the way up. Although countless sea beasts in the deep sea can still be felt in Chengping's mind, these sea beasts are small in size and have a distance from the eagle. The position of the steamship is also very far, so if you are careful, you can avoid it.

"Front is where Dongping Flight 7348 is located ..."

Cheng Yiping breathed a long sigh of relief, and the sweat dripping from his forehead gradually slowed down at the moment. He looked up, and a black spot appeared not far away.

"See the land, see the land, there is land in front, it seems that Dongping Flight 7348 is here"

"I found it, and it was so true. I have seen the fuselage of the plane."

"Oh my god, Mr. Cheng is really a god. He really took us to find Dongping Flight 7348."

Messy Captain Benas, with disheveled hair, was stunned. At this moment, he was completely without any drunkenness, and his eyes were staring at the outside of the ship with a black zone ahead. As the Eagle approached, it became clear that it was a land mass.

"I found it, found it, finally found it? Cheng Yiping, thank you ..."

Zhang Xiaona, full of consciousness, had some complexions, uneasy and uneasy. She did not expect that the Devil's Zone would be so horrible, but Cheng Yiping really brought them to the Devil's Zone unharmed, and would also find Dongping Flight 7348.

"Wait, Anthony stops not far from this land, remember, don't come near!"

Compared with the joy of other people, Cheng Yiping's face changed slightly. He knew better than everyone that the huge land in front of him was actually a sleeping sea beast, but Cheng Yiping knew that he could not change This fact tells everyone, otherwise it will definitely cause panic and panic.

Sometimes good intentions can do bad things.

The best result is to take all the people of Dongping Flight 7348 on board the Eagle, and leave quickly, otherwise, in case someone has made an overly aggressive move and attracted huge sea beasts Awake, I am afraid that everyone will be buried at the bottom of the sea.

This is a real monster.

"I see, Mr. Cheng ..."

The blonde sailor Anthony nodded his head, carefully controlled the Eagle to stop when it was not far from the road, looked up, and could clearly see the wreckage of the aircraft on land and many People living on land seem to have set up tents and already have their own order.

"Humans are indeed a very tenacious creature. No matter what kind of difficult situation they are, they can survive as long as they can survive. I thought that the people of Dongping Flight 7348 must have been killed and wounded in the Devil's Land. However, I didn't expect them. With such good luck, I was able to find a flat land and thrive here. At least I spent more than a week safely! "

The blond Roquemore came from behind, looking up at the land not far away, already seeing the bustling crowd and cooking smoke rising on the land.

"This is of course. The will to survive, no matter in which country people are, who will be willing to die as long as they can live, not to mention if I don't remember, Dongping Flight 7348 is extremely large. Most of the 80% belong to the Tiantang people, and the Tiantang people are famous for their industriousness and simplicity in the entire Aqua Blue Star, and they can survive anywhere! "

Captain Benas, the drunkard of the Eagle, nodded his head, said deeply, the surprise in his eyes revealed that he could successfully find the passengers on the flight 7348 of Dongping, which shows that they may follow Cheng Yiping really can Complete the task safely out of this devil's zone and return to reality, and pat the horse fart calmly, he knows that Cheng Yiping is also a Tangtang Chinese.

"Mr. Cheng, what shall we do next? You say, we will do as long as you say!"

The helmsman Anthony and many sailors showed surprises on their faces. They were different from Captain Benas, the alcoholic captain, who had suffered from terminal illness, and had no months to live, but they were different. Due to lack of money for various reasons, the next task must die, but if they can go back alive, they are willing to do anything.

It can be said that at this moment, whoever dares to make peace with one another, is against all the people on the entire Eagle.

"That being the case, then Anthony is ready to rescue immediately. I think we will first board the rescue boat to the top of the land, and contact the person who flew Dongping Flight 7348 first. Then the Eagle will stop here. Because we do n’t know what is going on on Dongping Flight 7348 and whether it is kind! "

Cheng Yiping casually fabricated a reason to say that, in fact, his real reason was that he did not want the ship of the Eagle to contact this land. This so-called land is a huge sea beast.

"Okay, Mr. Cheng, I'll arrange it now!"

Blond Anthony nodded with a few sailors, glanced at Captain Benus, and hurried to life.

"Finally found, after a long journey, after the vortex of mist and the attacks of countless sea beasts, finally found flight 7348 of Dongping, now the last step ..."

Cheng Yiping sighed quietly, and once again deeply understood why the Super Hidden App should have the Hidden Object Assistance. Even the capable Super Hidden App is only looking for people and finding things. The danger is unimaginable, and who can think of the real devil in the devil's zone as the huge sea beast.

Turning around to look at Zhang Xiaona, whose face was disturbed, she reached out and gently held her flexible hand, earnestly.

"Zhang Xiaona, don't worry, your mother is on the land ahead. She's fine, we will definitely get her back!"

Zhang Xiaona smiled brightly, nodded heavily, raised her eyes, but her complex eyes revealed a complex look. No one knew her complex emotions better than her.

The mother who gave birth to her but abandoned her ...

Soon, Anthony and others immediately put the lifeboats down. Three sailors, including the captain, boarded the lifeboats together in Benas.

"Wait, I'll go too ..."

Robert, who had green eyes in his speech, hurried over, sweating, and scorching all over his body.

"Robert, Ellie? Why didn't she come with you?"

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