Super Finding App

Chapter 953: immortal

Zhao Weiguo sat in a tent-built house and looked up. More people lived together according to their relationship. The contents of a damaged plane became the stuff of everyone now.

"No, brother, how long do you say we have to wait here? This is the devil's zone, I don't know if there will be a rescue team"

A slender man exhaled a long breath. A fire reached with a wooden stand in front of him. The flame was burning in flames, and a pan was used as a stove on the flame, and it was tumbling inside, from time to time. The fragrance of fish flew.

"Calm down. Of course. There are more than a thousand people on this plane, not a hundred or two, and more than a thousand people, I'm afraid they've already been out loud, whether it's Because of the pressure of public opinion, we will definitely come to us. We just need to stick to it and we will be alive ... "

Zhao Weiguo was cheering on his companions, and there were not many poor people who could fly. He knew very well that if only one or two people were involved in an air crash, it might still be perfunctory. But now the entire plane has crashed, more than 1,200. How can people not cause turbulence in this devil zone?

He believes that even if this devil's zone is dangerous, there will be rescue.

"I wish I had, but I heard that we are here in the Devil's Zone. I heard that the Devil's Zone is the tomb of a ship, the forbidden area of ​​an airplane, and even the disappearance phenomenon is endless. Afraid that even if the rescue team wants to come to rescue us, we can't get in! "

The slender man continued with a bitter smile.

"It's entirely possible. I finally know why it's called the Devil's Zone. Think about the sea beasts we encountered during this time. Oh my gosh, I didn't expect this world to be like a science fiction movie. A huge sea beast, I am afraid that they used to be devoured by the sea monsters in the Devil's Strip before the plane or the ship! "

"Calm down, calm down, indeed, this devil's zone is beyond our imagination. If there is no rescue team, even if it is a boat for us, we have no confidence to leave this place. After all, there are too many sea beasts in the devil's zone. , But don't forget that we are lucky, we have gods! "

Zhao Weiguo sighed and lifted up the gods, his eyes glowed with light.

"If before, you told me that there are gods in this world, I would absolutely not believe it. What time is it now? This is an era of scientific prosperity, and I would rather believe that there are aliens in this world. I will never believe that there is a so-called fairy in this world, but today I really believe it. If it were not for encountering a fairy, I am afraid that thousands of people on our plane will all be buried at the bottom of this devil's land. Even if it does not die, it will become the food of sea beasts! "

Zhao Weiguo ’s three views have completely collapsed and refreshed, and no one will be more clear than him. What they have experienced in this period of time is exactly like a heavenly night.

"Yeah, Brother Zhao, I ca n’t believe it until now. In the Rice Kingdom, there was a superhero to save people from danger. But this is just a movie. How can there be in reality? The existence of Superman, but in this devil zone, I still remember that when the spacecraft crashed and fell into this devil zone, the immortal came. He not only saved us, but also there is a place for us to settle down. Food is delivered, but it is a huge sea beast. One sea beast is enough for more than a thousand of us only for half a day ... "

The slender man nodded sharply, his eyes glistening.

"Brother, what do you say, if I ask to learn from the gods, would the gods be willing to teach me? If they can be gods, even if they let me give up all the money in the world, I will!"

"Come on, come on, do you think it's just you who hit you? You don't see those blond westerners seeing the gods say that their attitude is much more respectful than us, and they even want to ask the gods to accept them As an apprentice, the goddess turned out to ignore it at all, but then again, if it were n’t for the goddess, we would have been among more than a thousand people. I am afraid that the riots and disturbances that have occurred long ago would be dead and wounded ... "

Zhao Weiguo sighed quietly, but he was very clear, don't look at people in peace and peace one by one, but if you really go to the wilderness, when the law is no longer binding, the rest is blood forest Law of the jungle.

Coupled with the panic and suspicion of each other's hearts, more than a thousand people can definitely have riots, with heavy casualties, but all this was completely contained after the immortal came.

No one dares to oppose the gods.

That's enough to turn the river and turn the sea, cover your hands with rain, turn your hands into clouds, and even control the existence of sea beasts ...

This horrible power, or a power beyond their understanding, made all of them afraid and afraid of any violation.

"Yeah, all of this is because of the Lord Fairy. If there is no Lord Fairy, we can't really live in this devil zone."

The thin man nodded his head. The experience of this period of time completely refreshed his three views. He was determined that if he could return to reality, even if he had lost all his money, he would have to practice spiritually.

He wants to be a fairy.

"A boat came, a boat came, we saw a boat, a boat came ..."

"A boat came, a boat came, we saw a boat, a boat came ..."

"A boat came, a boat came, we saw a boat, a boat came ..."


In the original quiet residence, there was a shout of excitement, and everyone in the camp began to stir up in excitement and shout.

Zhao Weiguo and his companions couldn't see what was right, and quickly stood up, followed the crowd to the shore of the land, and looked far away. A small black spot slowly approached, suddenly it was a steamship.

"Ship, it's really a ship, it's a rescue team, it must be the rescue team to save us ..."

"Did it really come to the rescue team?"

"We can be rescued, we can be rescued ...

All the people on Dongping Flight 7348 uttered excitement, shouting, emotional, tears flowing, although they were rescued by the gods here and survived on this isolated island, but there was no TV on TV here, If you do n’t want to eat, you can say that the life is very hard.

Everyone hopes to leave this devil zone and return to reality.

And now the rescue team has finally arrived ...

"Rescue team, really rescue team, we can go home, we can finally go home ..."

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